MonoTouch application iOS signing with Xcode - ios

I have a problem.
I developed an application iOS with MonoTouch, Fantastic!!!
But now my customer asks me that wants to sign him the app, with his certificate.
Is there a solution?
It’s possible create a xcode source from monotouch???
I have read a –xcode command but I found little doc

The --xcode option is deprecated. Once upon a time it was useful to debug some issues but better options exists today.
As for signing you can use the codesign command-line tool to (re)sign the application.
For an example just look at your build output (from MonoDevelop's Error List pad) to see the exact command line that MonoDevelop use to sign your application. Your client will opnly need minor adjustment (to the options) to re-sign it.


Build iOS app locally without a developer account

I'm just trying out iOS development and no way willing to pay $99 to try out something. I have a running project that works on android and I wanted to see how it looks on iPhone but it seems I'm stuck on all sides.
First of all, I've installed Sidekick and setup Nativescript on the mac and tns doctor reports no issues (I originally made the project on Windows with Android phone). Now I'm trying to do a local build but I get an error:
[18-10-19 22:49:00.401] Error detected during LiveSync on 9991865793b34ae30366571031b6c251590c222a for /Users/vipulk/Documents/YO. Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/vipulk/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/'
I think this is related to certificates and provisioning profiles. I thought you didn't needed those for local builds. Anyways, The sidekick's Auto Generate is of no use either as it doesn't work with 2FA accounts.
I tried to use this guide to create these files manually. I created the csr file but step 6 asks you to go to this page which asks you to use your development program. Again, don't have that.
The cloud build also needs certificates.
What do I do?
The NativeScript Book has two chapters at the end on iOS deployment, and they address your question, though they don't use sidekick. But, hey, nothing wrong with the good old {N} CLI.

How to force Flutter to use new developer certificate?

I am currently developing an application with Flutter. I used to be able to run the code directly using VS code or the command flutter run. Ever since I revoked my developer certificate and generated a new one, the above options when executed, the app crashes on my iPhone. If, however, I run it on the simulator, it works as expected.
I suspect that this is due to the change in certificates. Xcode says my app is signed with the certificate B39****** where as flutter run says it is signing with 578*******
I have even tried flutter config --clear-ios-signing-cert as well as flutter upgrade and it still signs with 578.
How can I force flutter to sign my app with the new certificate? Currently, this means I cannot use the hot reload feature on my physical devices.
Run flutter config to see your current settings and a certificate choice applied.
To clear the choice according to the documentation you can run:
flutter config --clear-ios-signing-cert.
--clear-ios-signing-cert Clear the saved development certificate choice used to sign apps for iOS device deployment.
Flutter 2.0.5.
I think check this file vim ~/.flutter_settings will be well.
"ios-signing-cert": "Apple Development: (XXXXXXXX)",
"enable-macos-desktop": true
I had a very similar issue a couple months ago. It took me several hours and basically I had to sign out of and then sign back into XCode:
Completely sign out of any accounts and then sign back in with the newest one.
flutter clean
in the terminal. When will clear the selected certificate and will present a choice to you next time you run you code
I just fixed it by going into Xcode and setting the correct team. I think perhaps Flutter does have a saved file somewhere with these old default c
I was trying to change the default one that gets used as I create a new project, here's what worked for me:
1-Removing old certificate from keychain access
2-Adding new one
3-Restarting terminal session and creating a new project
ps: other steps that might be needed as well:
Sign out of old account on Xcode and sign in with the new one
In code sign page of Xcode.
There is sub pages, with tab: All, Debug, Release and Profile.
It takes me several days to figure out I have selected the wrong develop team.
And then takes me few hours to find out that I have somehow clicked the Profile tab, instead of All.
I guess you have the same problem.😂

No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain

I can Archive and Publish an app in debug mode, but when switched to App Mode i get the following error:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from
the attached file shows i do have the relevant Certificates but Xamarin keeps complaining
The app has been successfully published before but using a different profile on the same mac. Both users key chains contain the same certificates
I resolved that changing plataform build configuration from iPhone to iPhoneSimulator.
got it work in the end by remving all the certificates and then putting them back in the Key chain
I get this error when I open Xamarin University Exercises with Visual Studio 2015. A bug was entered and they decided that it is expected behavior. Xamarin Bug
If you work in Xamarin Studio and set this property for whatever reason, then open it in VS, you may hit this issue with no way to edit / remove the Entitlement setting in the Project Properties.
I guess the Exercises are created with Xamarin Studio.
The accepted workaround is to open the iOS .csproj and manually edit the <CodesignEntitlements></CodesignEntitlements> for the Debug|iPhone PropertyGroup.
I struggled too for the last day to make Xamarin (now Visual Studio for Mac) successfully deploy on my device with the free developer signing (since I'm new in this area and I'm not ready yet to join the developer program yet), and what helped was to first deploy a dummy app with the same bundle identifier from XCode like others suggested on different sources, keep CodesignEntitlements as it is in the .csproj file, but replace CodesignKey's value iPhone Developer like in the answer here:
Hope this will help somebody in the future like it helped me!
Sometimes that happens when you newly start your computer and Visual Studio. Just don't hit green triangle debug Combobox-button and check what is selected in this combobox. If it is "Device" as in picture 1 select a simulator from the list as in picture 2 and start debugging. Else you get this error since VS will try to start debugging in a real device if "Device" selected in the combobox.
you can try either of this
remove any keys, if existing form Entitlements.plist .
Change the proj run mode to debug , select device .
I needed to create Signing Identity certificate from scratch and recreate Provisioning Profiles (on apple developer site). Then download using xcode.

Creating a new app version with iTMSTransporter

I am writing a script that uses the iTMSTransporter command-line application to create and upload iOS application metadata for the iOS App Store. However, it's failing in the most bizarre way with little of any helpful information.
Apple's web service operation was not successful
Unable to authenticate the package: Benders.itmsp
ERROR ITMS-4157: "Version '2.1.10' is not valid for update or doesn't exist" at Software/SoftwareMetadata (MZItmspSoftwareMetadataPackage)
Of course version 2.1.10 doesn't exist--that's what I'm trying to create! Is there some kind of special flag that is needed to create new versions of an app at the command line? I've scoured the -help documentation in the tool itself, but can see no such argument.
I feel like I've just run into a brick wall. Googling has turned up nothing.
As far as I'm concerned it is at the moment not possible to create new versions of your app with the command line tools (iTMSTransporter). You have to do this manually with iTunesconnect. Once the version exists on ITC, you can upload your data with iTMS.
That said the workflow is really bad here, because you cannot do all the important stuff with the command line tool and we are still depending on the moods of ITC.
Does the version info you've submitted to Apple match what you've supplied in your package?
Submitting the App
Replacing Your App with a New Version

error starting xxxx: Module xxxx attempts to access a secure API

I have checked other questions around but no one seems to have exactly the same error. I'm using phonegap+jqm to create an application, initially tested on my android phone, now i'm trying to build-deploy to a blackberry. To build the app i used the phonegap starting guide, with:
ant blackberry load-device
I DID sign the application with the RIM provided keys. Still getting the error. Some help?
The problem was with the Signing Tool + JAVA SDK 1.7: it is a known issue that these two dont get along well.
Download and install the BlackBerry Signature Tool and run your compiled .cod file through it to check whether it is really signed or not.
