error starting xxxx: Module xxxx attempts to access a secure API - blackberry

I have checked other questions around but no one seems to have exactly the same error. I'm using phonegap+jqm to create an application, initially tested on my android phone, now i'm trying to build-deploy to a blackberry. To build the app i used the phonegap starting guide, with:
ant blackberry load-device
I DID sign the application with the RIM provided keys. Still getting the error. Some help?

The problem was with the Signing Tool + JAVA SDK 1.7: it is a known issue that these two dont get along well.

Download and install the BlackBerry Signature Tool and run your compiled .cod file through it to check whether it is really signed or not.


Two BlackBerry Webworks packagers in the same folder location

So we develop apps for Blackberry OS7 & earlier as well as of recently, apps for BB10. The problem is that BB OS7 uses a different WebWorks SDK as opposed to BB10 & yet I am to install them both in the same directory as per the documentation.
The problem comes in when attempting to sign since the executable files for both SDK's have the same name.
Hence when I attempt to sign my BB 7 app using "bbwp" it throws an error. The error output is "Cannot Sign Application - failed to find signing key file: author.p12". This is obviously the BB10 "bbwp" executable file that's running.This is because both "bbwp" executable files are in the same location and both are named "bbwp".
How does one get around this?
Solved it! And quite a simple solution too!
All I did was to give a different folder name to one of the SDK's. When I ran the command to sign, I simply navigated to the new folder name, called the bbwp.exe and ran it against my project!

Publish Android Application does not work

Just created an .apk with the Publish Android Application option, created a keystore with key and uploaded to the Google Play app store. Everything worked, but when I tried to download the app from the app store i got an error message resembling "The application has an incorrect signature". I thought the "Publish Android Application" part of Xamarin.Studio was supposed to fix everything?
I ran the following command on the .apk afterwards: jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs app.apk At the bottom it said the following: This jar contains entries whose certificate chain is not validated.
Please help, would love to have the app out today :)
My problem was simple. XamarinStudio was setup to use Java1.7, setting it to use Java1.6 fixed it :)

Blackberry error starting application: verification error

I'm trying to use libraries in a project. The one i'm using is blackberry's Advanced UI sample library, which i added by creating a jar of it and preverifying it.
The code works fine, no issues.
However, I need to include facebook and twitter integration.
I'm trying to use facebook sdk 0.8.25 (requires log4b.jar) and twitter ME API 1.8.
I include them in the build path and tick for them to be copied at build.
When i run the application i get
Error starting --- Module --- has verification error 2644 at offset 08e5
I've tried each jar separately, log4b give the same issue stating error 190.
any idea what i'm doing wrong?
Managed to fix my own fault with the help of this link
Basically the device is os6, and the build library was 7.1 which wasn't as issue before.
But it seems the imported libs were trying to use the 7.1 api.

MonoTouch application iOS signing with Xcode

I have a problem.
I developed an application iOS with MonoTouch, Fantastic!!!
But now my customer asks me that wants to sign him the app, with his certificate.
Is there a solution?
It’s possible create a xcode source from monotouch???
I have read a –xcode command but I found little doc
The --xcode option is deprecated. Once upon a time it was useful to debug some issues but better options exists today.
As for signing you can use the codesign command-line tool to (re)sign the application.
For an example just look at your build output (from MonoDevelop's Error List pad) to see the exact command line that MonoDevelop use to sign your application. Your client will opnly need minor adjustment (to the options) to re-sign it.

how to run application on real device in blackberry?

I have installed Blackberry on Windows7. I got all three .csi files from BB. I have done all the procedures and got a successful response from there. Then i right clicked my project and clicked on "sign with signature tool". After signing i loaded this project on Blackberry Bold Device.
Now My Device Shows the installed icon on screen but when i try to open this project it says that "attempts to access a secure api." how to resolve this problem.
For resolving this problem i have also Disabled my UAC. I am working on eclipse Helios.I installed Blackberry Plugin with this exe file. "BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull_1.5.0_helios" is there a problem with this setup.
I am not able to launch a simple helloworld application on Device. I have tried all the help from internet but still i have not succeeded. plz help to resolve this critical issue.
You need to sign your application. Contact RIM for signing keys. Install them and sign your app before installing on actual device.
Check this link to obtain signing keys:
