Reply button in Email MVC 4 -

I am using MailerBase in MVC 4.0 to send the Email. This is working fine perfectly. My question is: When I send the Email, I want to add a button, so that when user click on this button, will send reply of the email without clicking the default button like Reply in yahoo/GMail mails.
Is it possible in .NET MVC4 ?

This question is not specifically related to ASP.NET MVC. The closest you could get is to include an anchor with the mailto: inside the body of the message:
If the user clicks on this link it will be opened with the default email client that he has associated on his computer.
This being said, doing such things is a bad idea. People normally know how to reply to emails in their favorite email client. Another reason why this is a bad idea is that most email clients will simply block links in email messages especially if they are not from trusted sources. So even if you include such link it will be useless.


URL in Gmail Alias

At our company, we are working with several aliases. The current situation is that one team of 10 has two aliases. In SalesForce, they would like to put the link to specific emails so that anybody out of the team can open an e-mail related to a claim for instance.
In the e-mail's link, there's the "/u/0" part that identifies the mail gmail account (firstname.lastname#...), but it seems that the aliases have a different number for everybody.
So to be clear when they open the same mail in the shared alias, the e-mail ID stays the same in the URL (logic) but the digit after the "/u/" changes for everybody.
Is there a way to generate a URL that will open the e-mail independently of the person that clicks on the URL ?
I'll try to be clearer. Our Customer Service Center employees all have two e-mail adresses: an individual one, and a delegated one. Customers will send e-mails to the delegated one (accessible by all employees). So what we would like to do is copy the link of the e-mail into SalesForce so that any employee (who has access to the delegated gmail) can check the e-mail. But, as explained above, as the individual gmail adress is always identified by a "0" after the "/u/" chain in the URL:
the delegated gmail adress is identified by a number that differs depending on the person. So employee A will have "/u/144/" as link to the delegated gmail, another employee will have "u/345/ as link to the delegated gmail. This makes it impossible to access the e-mail by clicking the link...
Hope this little case-study makes the issue clearer.
Thanks in advance
I'm trying to do this too.
I think the only way (outside of paying for the Google business email system) is to have a database of user IDs that link to each user's gmail delegate URL.
I have a system that allows about 6 or 7 users to login, however they all share the login details (it's a small website, with no important information stored). I will have to force them all to have separate login details, and then have a lookup for their gmail delegate URL.
If you have a lot of staff, then you'd have to get their buy-in. Maybe send a global email around that links to a simple web form, that takes them through how to enter their delegate URL. Then store this in a database, with their own personal email (the other gmail account). You should make the form validation strict, so no garbage gets entered. For users who get stuck (fail validation for entering a valid gmail delegate URL), ask them to email support. 95% of staff should be able to handle this. The other 5% would just be an exercise in patience, in getting the rest of the data.

Is there any way to send the email without opening the MFMailComposeViewController?

I need to send the email without opening the MFMailCompseViewController. I have searched about this and got some point like use the web service and another one is connect with gmail server through ask the emailID and password from the user.
My email format is fixed i just have to send the email to user whose id will be given by the user without showing any thing else.
Your existing research is accurate - you can connect to some web service to send the e-mail automatically, but you can't automatically create, configure and send using MFMailComposeViewController. The user always gets to see the presented controller and choose whether to do any editing and whether to send or not.
There is no way of sending an email directly from iDevice without showing the MFMailComposeViewController.
If it was possible it would be a great tool for mobile distributed spam bots.
Things to consider: MFMailCompseViewController is an interface for the user to compose an email.
If you want to use it, you have to hand over control to it. Apple does not expose the underlying functionality to you: it has to go through this view controller.
If you don't want the user to be aware that you are sending emails on their behalf (I assume it is on their behalf or you wouldn't need the composer view) you are probable doing things a little wrong; why would you want to send an unsolicited email?
If you want to report information from the device, implement a web service and send it to that. Email is meant for correspondence; don't hijack an account.
If you still need an email, have the web service create it

Rails: making an email pop-up box

I need the functionality to allow a user to send an email to another user. It would be ideal if they get a gmail pop-up with the user's email pre-filled. However, I'm unsure how I to approach this feature.
1) Is this possible?
2) If it is. How would I go about it?
Well, assuming they have (and are signed into) Gmail, and have setup their machine to open mailto links with Gmail, just a link would do. You could also specify a subject by appending ?subject=This+is+a+test to the end of the mailto link.
<a href=''>Email Some Guy</a>

Can't click on link inside an outlook email sent by Rails

I have a problem when i send email using Rails email text format, the email contains a link for password reset and all work fine, but when i open email in outlook the link is shown but can't click on. this problem is only when send an email to an hotmail/live/outlook account, is there a solution for that?
Check out this link. It may be a simple matter of changing your Outlook settings.

Form submission in iOS app?

Im really new to iOS development, but I have some experience in OSX. I am trying to make an app where the users fills out text fields with information and then presses a submit button. The contents of the fields that they filled out are then automatically sent to me via an email.
I built a similar OSX application that could do this, but I cannot figure out how to do it on iOS.
I do not want to use the MessageUI.framework because, as far as I can tell, the user must press the send button after it brings up the email form. I just want it to send in the background.
I have no problem hardcoding in the email address and password, or using the same email for send and receive. ex: to: from:
Any pointers would be sweet!
You have two options if you do not want to show the mail composer window to the user
Use an SMTP Client for iOS like this one and send the email from your app with the email id and password hard-coded in the app. But if you want to change the email id or change the password in the future, you'll need to update the app. So this is a less desirable solution
Create a web script on your server which accepts the form fields to be submitted by the user. Then from this web script, send the email to your email id (for instance, if you use a PHP script, use the mail function to send the email). Call this script in the app using NSURLConnection.
You are going to need to make a custom form and then send all of the fields in the form as POST parameters to a custom API that you make on some server. Then you can just redirect that as an email to yourself through something like SMTP
