Default Monolog messages with Silex - silex

I'm using Silex 1.1 and Monolog 1.0.0. My code and my problem:
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\MonologServiceProvider(), array(
'' => 'myname',
'monolog.logfile' => ROOT . '/logs/log.txt',
'monolog.level' => Monolog\Logger::INFO
. . .
Everything works fine, but I get default messages like these:
[2013-12-13 00:20:56] myname.INFO: Matched route "GET_api_v1_predictions" (parameters: "_controller": "predictions.controller:index", "_route": "GET_api_v1_predictions") [] []
[2013-12-13 00:20:56] myname.INFO: > GET /api/v1/predictions [] []
How I can disable them?
(If I change the logging level to WARNING and use addWarning then just my messages are displayed, but I want to use the INFO level).

You can still create a logger for your application which is not used by other processes:
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
// initialize the logger
$app['mylog'] = $app->share(function($app) {
return new Logger('mylog');
$app['mylog']->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('/logfile/mylog.log', Logger::INFO));
$app['mylog']->addInfo('Private Log initialized');

Currently there's no way to disable them, the log commands are registered unconditionally.
The short-term solution is to copy MonologServiceProvider into your own app, change the log commands as you need.
The long-term solution is to fork the silex repository, change the MonologServiceProvider to provide a way to disable those commands, then create a pull request so everyone can enjoy your work.


UI5-Application: Call to functionimport works ONLY in WebIDE but fails everywhere else

We are developing a custom UI5 application.
It is developed in the WebIDE, and therefore deployed as a BSP.
When we use the underlying model for calls ( currently 3, no CRUD ), we chose the path of using ONLY functionimports to communicate with the backend.
All of them work with the POST method.
And all of them work ONLY inside the WebIDE.
Once, I access the BSP URL otherwise, we get HTTP 500 error with "error while requesting the ressource.
We already created links, to enable special portfowarding, no result.
Let's stick to my URL from the BSP first.
I paste it into my 3 browsers: 500.
We also created a special non dialogue-user with proper roles and permissions, and in the SICF tree we assigned it .
Again, when calling from inside the WebIDE, the functionimport-calls work, otherwise not.
Error-Logs are empty.
Dumps do not happen.
ST05 trace shows where 500 is passed, deeply inside the HTTP framework, yet no chance to spot the code location, neither a breaktpoint.
In SICF logon-settings we have:
Types all, also flagged "all", SAML: inherited from parent node, sec-sessions Not limited, fix user and pw, sec: Standard, auth:Standard Sap user.
The gui-options contain ONLY one flag: ~CHECK_CSRF_TOKEN 0.
In my client I use :
Where the model is initialized as :
function initModelV2() {
var sUrl = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_this_is_a_company_secret_service/";
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel(sUrl);
What else can I do to get "at least closer" to the reason, WHY ?
I could solve it, and believe it or not, sometimes simple logic helps.
I debugged the backend of CL_HTTP_RESPONSE, and once I saw, GET_STATUS, I thought to look for SET_STATUS.
There it was:
this.rModel.setHeaders( {"X-Requested-With" : "X" } );
Was missing.
Though I set it in the manifest of my model, it was not passed.
Once set in the code, it worked.
I wonder, why it is not accepted in manifest.
I have an assumption.
1st: I have this in my manifest ( yellow arrow shows, where i HAD it set up before):
But I also have an instantiation in my code, in servicebindings.js with this code
Can it be, that, in the end, I have accidently created 2 models ?

How to enable SQL logging in Aqueduct 3?

It would be very useful for me to see in the terminal what requests are executed and how long they take.
Logging of HTTP requests works fine, but I did not find a similar function for SQL.
Is there a way to enable logging globally using config.yaml or in prepare() of ApplicationChannel?
Looks like i found dirty hack solution:
Future prepare() async {
logger.onRecord.listen((rec) => print("$rec ${rec.error ?? ""} ${rec.stackTrace ?? ""}"));
logger.parent.level = Level.FINE;
We need to set log level higher then default INFO. All SQL queries log their requests on FINE level.
I expected that this setting should be able to load from a config.yaml, but I did not find anything similar.
More about log levels can be find here

Application insights 2.2.1 in .net core 2.0 - turn off output to debug

This is the same question as this but for the recent version of application insights 2.2.1
Since updating to the 2.2 version the debug output is filled with AI data even if it is disabled the way it used to be done.
Previously AI was enabled in startup and I could do something like this:
services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry(options =>
options.EnableDebugLogger = false;
options.InstrumentationKey = new ConnectionStringGenerator().GetAITelemetryKey();
The new method of adding application insights, per the new VS templates, is to add it in Program.cs like this:
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
In this case there is no construction that takes any options and if I remove the 'UseApplicationInsights' and revert to the original method it makes no difference. Either way I get the output debug window filled wit AI logs.
In fact, even if there is no method to load AI (i.e. I remove both the 'UseApplicationInsights' and 'AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry' I get the logs.
Thanks for any help.
You can opt out of telemetry (for debug, for example) by setting a DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT environment variable to 1.
Visual Studio is lighting up Application Insights even if you have no code to enable it. You can create an environment variable, ASPNETCORE_PREVENTHOSTINGSTARTUP = True, to prevent Visual Studio from lighting up Application Insights.
How to do this?
Right click the project in VS, Select Properties.In Debug options add environment variable as shown in below screenshot.

Rails Custom Logger Writes To Log Sporadically

I've set up a custom logger in an initializer:
# /config/initializers/logging.rb
log_file ="#{Example::Application.config.root}/log/app.log", "a")
AppLogger =
AppLogger.level = Logger::DEBUG
AppLogger.auto_flushing = true
AppLogger.debug "App Logger Up"
Although it creates the log file when I start the application, it doesn't write to the log file. Either from AppLogger.debug "App Logger Up" in the initializer or similar code elsewhere in the running application.
However, intermittently I do find log statements in the file, though seemingly without any pattern. It would seem that it is buffering the log messages and dumping them when it feels like it. However I'm setting auto_flushing to true which should cause it to flush the buffer immediately.
What is going on and how can I get it working?
Note: Tailing the log with $ tail -f "log/app.log" also doesn't pick up changes.
I'm using POW, but I've also tried with WEBrick and get the same (lack of) results.
Found the answer in a comment to the accepted answer to on this question:
I added:
log_file.sync = true
And it now works.

How to disable Rack-Mini-Profiler temporarily?

I'm using rack mini profiler in rails just fine, but during some coding sessions especially where I'm working on a lot of different client side code, it gets in the way. (mainly in my client side debugging tools network graphs, etc.)
I'm trying to turn it off with a before filter, that also serves to see if the user is authorized to see the profile anyway, but "deauthorize" doesn't seem to do anything for me. Here's my code called as a before filter:
def miniprofiler
off = true
if off || !current_user
elsif current_user.role_symbols.include?(:view_page_profiles)
I also know there is a setting "Rack::MiniProfiler.config.authorization_mode" but I can't find docs on what the possible settings are, and not seeing it used in the code? Right now its telling me :allow_all, but :allow_none doesn't do anything either.
Even if I can just temporarily set a value in the dev environment file and restart the server, that would serve my purposes.
Get latest and type:
When you are done type
See ?pp=help for all the options:
Append the following to your query string:
pp=help : display this screen
pp=env : display the rack environment
pp=skip : skip mini profiler for this request
pp=no-backtrace : don't collect stack traces from all the SQL executed (sticky, use pp=normal-backtrace to enable)
pp=normal-backtrace (*) : collect stack traces from all the SQL executed and filter normally
pp=full-backtrace : enable full backtraces for SQL executed (use pp=normal-backtrace to disable)
pp=sample : sample stack traces and return a report isolating heavy usage (experimental works best with the stacktrace gem)
pp=disable : disable profiling for this session
pp=enable : enable profiling for this session (if previously disabled)
pp=profile-gc: perform gc profiling on this request, analyzes ObjectSpace generated by request (ruby 1.9.3 only)
pp=profile-gc-time: perform built-in gc profiling on this request (ruby 1.9.3 only)
You can also use Alt + p to toggle on Windows/Linux and Option + p on MacOS.
If you want the profiler to be disabled initially, and then activate on demand... add a pre-authorize callback in an initializer file like:
Rack::MiniProfiler.config.pre_authorize_cb = lambda {|env| ENV['RACK_MINI_PROFILER'] == 'on'}
then in your application controller, add a before_filter that looks for the pp param
before_filter :activate_profiler
def activate_profiler
ENV['RACK_MINI_PROFILER'] = 'on' if params['pp']
ENV['RACK_MINI_PROFILER'] = 'off' if params['pp'] == 'disabled'
your environment will not have RACK_MINI_PROFILER set initially, but if you want to turn it on, you can tack ?pp=enabled onto your url. Then you can disable again later (the pp=disabled will only turn it off for the current session, but setting the ENV variable to off will kill it entirely until you force it back on).
