How can I change the owner of a DataModule after creation? - delphi

I am trying to pass a DataModule to a form in the form's constructor. I also want the form to be the "Owner" of the DataModule so that the form will destroy the DataModule when it is closed. That creates the problem of both objects needing each other in their constructors.
I tried to set the owner of the DataModule after creation but that is a read only property.
My second form looks like this:
TSecondPopup = class(TForm)
FMyData: TMyData;
constructor Create(MyData: TMyData); reintroduce;
SecondPopup: TSecondPopup;
{$R *.dfm}
constructor TSecondPopup.Create(MyData: TMyData);
FMyData := MyData;
inherited Create(nil);
There is no special code in my data module.
In my main form I want to do something like this when showing the second form:
procedure TMainApp.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
MyData: TMyData;
SecondPopup: TSecondPopup;
MyData := TMyData.Create(nil);
SecondPopup := TSecondPopup.Create(MyData);
// Can't change owner now. It is a read only property.
// MyData.Owner := SecondPopup;
I know I can change the DataModule to be a property on the form. Then I could create the form first, then create the data module setting the owner, and finally set the property on the form. I am trying to use constructor dependency injection on this project. It had been working great when I had a shared data module that the main form passed to multiple forms. In that case the main form holds on to the data module until it exists. In this case there is only one form that needs this data module so I wanted to force it to manage the life of the data module by setting the owner.
Another option would be to explicitly free the DataModule when I close the second form. However that form has no way of knowing if the caller also passed the datamodule to a different form.
Is there a way to use the constructor to inject my object but still get the form to manage the lifetime?
Currently using Delphi XE3.

Changing ownership of a component is possible with NewOwner.InsertComponent(TheComponent). And since a component can only be owned by one component at a time, the RTL takes care of removing ownership from the previous owner automatically.
Another option would be to explicitly free the DataModule when I close the second form. However that form has no way of knowing if the caller also passed the datamodule to a different form.
If you want the possibility to pass a single DataModule to multiple Forms, then changing ownership of the DataModule is not the solution: the one Form that owns the DataModule will not be able to deside whether it may free the DataModule. Thus the conclusion is that the DataModule cannot be owned by any form, except by the MainForm. (Then I would prefer to let it own by the Application object, but that's a matter of taste.)
Subsequently, you will then need a reference counting mechanism within the DataModule for the Forms which it is attached to.

You don't have to change the DataModule's Owner. You can simply destroy the DataModule whenever you want, even if it has an Owner assigned. When the DataModule is freed, it will simply remove itself from its Owner so it is not freed a second time. If you go this approach, you should also add a call to FreeNotification() so that you are notified if the DataModule gets freed (by its Owner or anyone else) while your form is still referencing it:
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
constructor TSecondPopup.Create(MyData: TMyData);
inherited Create(nil);
FMyData := MyData;
if FMyData <> nil then
destructor TSecondPopup.Destroy;
if FMyData <> nil then
inherited Destroy;
procedure TSecondPopup.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FMyData) then
FMyData := nil;
If you absolutely want to change the DataModule's Owner, that is also doable, via the TComponent.RemoveComponent() and TComponent.InsertComponent() methods:
constructor TSecondPopup.Create(MyData: TMyData);
inherited Create(nil);
FMyData := MyData;
if FMyData <> nil then
// InsertComponent() will call RemoveComponent() internally for you...

You want to let the form own the data module. Since ownership is most naturally specified at construction time, then the conclusion is that the form should be created first.
So, instead of passing the data module to the form's constructor, pass something that allows the form to invoke the instantiation of the data module. For instance, you could pass a function to the form's constructor that accepts the form as a parameter and returns the newly minted data module. For instance.
TCreateDataModule = function(Owner: TMyForm): TMyDataModule of object;
You could perfectly well create the data module outside the form but with no owner. That pass the object to the form constructor. The form can then destroy the data module in its destructor. That sounds the cleanest solution to me. I find it hard to see past this option.
I think you considered this option already but rejected it with this reasoning:
However that form has no way of knowing if the caller also passed the data module to a different form.
If that is so, then nothing can save you. You cannot have two objects both in charge of the lifetime, unless they use reference counting or similar.

Why create a Data Module that is meant to be used by a form, prior to creating the form?
1) Why not just add the Data Module unit to the interface uses list of the form, declare a private variable of the Data Module type in the form, and create the form's Data Module variable in the OnCreate event of the form...and then you can FreeAndNil the Data Module in the OnDestroy event.
Additionally, you can further declare a public property of the form's Data Module variable, with which you can access the Data Module from the calling unit (i.e. TestForm.DataModule)
2) If you are thinking you must create the Data Module outside of the form, perhaps to do a great number of Data Module-involved initializations, processes, etc. first, and then passing the Data Module off to the form and forgetting about it ... and assuming this form you are creating, that will be utilizing the Data Module, will be a NON-modal form (that bit of information would be of great help), you could always do 1) {above} first, then access the 'TestForm.DataModule' to apply all of your initializations, processes, etc. to before calling the form's Show method.


Delphi TForm constructor

I have already found something on stackoverflow but it doesn't really solve my doubt. I know that the correct way to create an object is, after the creation, surround the code in a try-finally block. But what about:
procedure TForm3.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
a := TClassX.Create;
And then call:
procedure TForm3.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
Where a: TClassX; is a public declaration inside TForm3 class. Should I create the constructor and the destructor for the form, or I can use the code above? Is it safe?
The try/finally is there, or at least something equivalent. It just exists outside your code, higher up the call stack. Something like:
Form1 := TForm1.Create(nil);
// do stuff
Your OnCreate and OnDestroy handlers are called from the constructor and destructor, respectively, and so are protected.
So long as everybody plays by the rules nothing leaks. And the rules here are that objects created in the constructor and to be destroyed in the destructor. Whoever actually creates the object is responsible to ensure that it is destroyed no matter what. But that's the task of the consumer of your class rather than you.
I had some issues with this events some time ago so I would not recommend to use OnCreate/OnDestroy events in your application. Here are just some cases I remember:
VCL by default handles exception from OnCreate/OnDestroy events. Actually if a:=TClassX.Create; will generate an exception, it will be shown by application exception handler but the form will be created successfully keeping "a" variable equals to nil. This may lead to Access Violations if you try to access this variable later.
Depending on OldCreateOrder these events may be called either from constructor/destructor or from AfterConstruction/BeforeDestruction methods. It may also lead to Access Violations if you occasionally change OldCreateOrder in form descendants
And even more, it looks strange for me when you are using events instead of virtual functions. In most cases events are used to delegate the functionality to another objects (for example you assign a form's method to a button's OnClick event).

Dynamically create form by name?

Is there a way to create forms dynamically by only their names;
The concept goes like this. I have a main form, and by some user selection, a number of predefined forms must be created and docked on tabitems on a pagecontols on the main form.
I do know the names of the forms and i do know when to create each one of those, but i would like to know if a better way of creating these forms by a single procedure call, and not having all of these information in my code.
Its Delphi XE3 firemonkey, on win 7.
Thanks in advance for any help
Apparently on Firemonkey Delphi doesn't automatically register form classes to be available by name, so you'll first need to add something like this to the end of the unit that holds your form class:
unit Form10;
[ ... ]
// Right before the final "end."
This will automatically register TForm10 so it'll be available by name. Next you can use this kind of code to create a form at Runtime by it's class name:
procedure TForm10.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var ObjClass: TFmxObjectClass;
NewForm: TCustomForm;
ObjClass := TFmxObjectClass(GetClass(ClassName));
if ObjClass <> nil then
NewForm := ObjClass.Create(Self) as TCustomForm;
if Assigned(NewForm) then
You can only create objects when you have a class reference for it. To get a class reference for something given its string name, call FindClass. Call the constructor on the result. You may have to type-cast the result to a different metaclass before the compiler will allow you to access the constructor you want. In the VCL, you might use TFormClass, but plain old TComponentClass will work, too, since all FireMonkey objects are descendants of TComponent; the important part is that you have access to the right constructor, and that's where the one you need is introduced.
It only works for classes that have been registered. Your form classes should be registered by Delphi automatically, but if they're not, you can call RegisterClasses manually, or RegisterFmxClasses if you need to put your classes in groups. has a VCL demonstration.

Safe way in Delphi for a Form to distribute interface objects tied to its lifetime?

I have a Delphi Form that provides the functionality behind an interface object that other parts of the code get references too via a property belonging to the Form. I can't delegate the interface functionality to a child object because too much of that functionality is serviced by controls/components on the form. I can't use TAggregatedObject or TContainedObject to link the lifetime of the interfaced objects being passed around to the Form because the TForm class does not inherit from TinterfacedObject and Delphi does not support multiple inheritance so I can't mix in TInterfacedObject into the inheritance chain. This situation can lead to access violations if a Form gets destroyed while some other code holds one of the interface references passed out by the Form. Can anyone think of a good solution to this problem?
You can delegate the interface to a child object, just have that object contain an internal pointer to the Form so it can access the Form's controls when needed, no different then you are already doing right now.
You can use TAggregateObject or TContainedObject for your needs. They do not require the Form to derive from TInterfacedObject. All they do require is an IInterface interface pointer, and TComponent derives from IInterface (and overrides the _AddRef() and _Release() to disable reference counting), so you can pass the Form itself (being a TComponent descendant) as the required IInterface pointer.
That leaves the only issue remaining - the Form closing while active interface references are being held by other code. The simpliest solution is to either 1) rewrite that code to not hold on to those references while the Form is closing, or 2) don't allow the Form to close until those references have been released.
Note: This will only work, if your consumer is also derived from TComponent.
To avoid the dead references you can query the IInterfaceComponentReference (available on every TComponent) from your form, call GetComponent on that interface and attach yourself to the FreeNotification of the returned Component/Form.
What happens now is: When the Form gets destroyed it will notify all "listners" that its going to destroy itself by calling the Notification method on the consumer with itself (form) as AComponent and opRemove as operation. Thus allowing you to nil your interface reference.
But be aware that the object references and interface references must not be equal.
Also make sure to call RemoveFreeNotification when you don't need the Notification any more to avoid unnecessary calls.
TSomeConsumer = class(TComponent)
FInterfaceToAService: ISomeInterface;
procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
procedure SetService(const Value: ISomeInterface);
procedure TSomeConsumer.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = TObject(FInterfaceToAService)) then
SetService(nil); // Takes care of niling the interface as well.
procedure TSomeConsumer.SetService(const Value: ISomeInterface);
comRef: IInterfaceComponentReference;
if Supports(FInterfaceToAService, IInterfaceComponentReference, comRef) then
FInterfaceToAService := Value;
if Supports(FInterfaceToAService, IInterfaceComponentReference, comRef) then

Cancel / abort creating a new form in Delphi / C++Builder?

Is there any way to cancel or abort form creation from within the form's OnCreate event handler or C++Builder constructor?
Basically, I'd like to be able to call Close() from OnCreate or from the constructor and have it skip showing the form altogether. I have several forms that as part of their initialization may determine that they shouldn't be shown at all. (I realize that I could split apart this portion of the initialization or add extra checks from the calling form or similar, but if there's a way to cleanly do all of this from within OnCreate or the constructor, that seems simplest.)
Edit: In response to a few comments, some of the don't-show-at-all logic is UI logic and not business logic; the form might display a confirmation before showing, or it might use a common dialog box to get input for the form then abort if the user cancels that dialog. (Some of it is business logic and needs to be refactored, but it's often hard to find the time to refactor everything that needs it.)
You can always call Release in the OnCreate handler, but that will lead to the form quickly appearing and then being closed. Not a very professional thing.
So here's another idea. Let the forms have a public function or property to return whether they are in fact to be shown. Then where you would usually have
TheForm := TSomeForm.Create(Self);
you would have
TheForm := TSomeForm.Create(Self);
if TheForm.ShouldAppear then
Having said that - any other way of coding this (so you don't create a form that will be immediately destroyed) is surely better. Especially if you want to maintain a clear separation between UI and business layer it would be much better to have the code that decides whether the form is to be shown outside of the form. Create the form only after you have made the decision.
I would think it is much better to not even have to create the form in the first place. IF you're performing some logic which determines that the form is not even necessary, and that logic contains state which is important to the form, then re-factor the logic into a separate object (or even a data module) and pass the object to the form as a property. Here is a simple example (using the object approach):
TOFormTests = class
fStateData : string;
function IsForm1Needed( someparam : string) : boolean;
property StateData : string read fStateData write fStateData;
TForm1 = class(tForm)
procedure SetFormTests(value : tOFormTests);
property FormTests : TOFormTests read fFormTests write SetFormTests;
procedure SetFormTest(Value:TOFOrmTests);
fFormTests := Value;
// perform gui setup logic here.
then someplace in your code, where you are wanting to determine if you should show your gui or not use something like the following:
Tests : TOFormTests;
tests := tOFormTests.create;
if Tests.IsForm1Needed('state data goes here') then
Form1 := tForm1.create(nil);
Form1.FormTests := Tests;
if Form1.ShowModal = mrOk then
// handle any save state logic here.
This also assumes that the form is NOT in the auto-create list and needs to be shown modal.
Use Abort in the constructor. It raises a silent exception. If an object has an exception in the constructor, then the destructor is called and the memory released. The advantage of Abort is then you don't need to worry about an exception dialog being displayed if you don't add exception handling code.
Add a class function that returns an instance when needed. Then the method that determines if the form should be shown is still in that class, but it can determine if it is necessary before the form is actually constructed. Call it like "CreateIfNeeded" and it will work just like a constructor, but won't actually construct the form if it isn't needed. Minimal code changes, and maximum flexibility.
Just raise an exception in OnCreate.
You'll need also redefine behavior of HandleCreateException method (as default is to display an error message, and not to cancel creation).
I would override ShowModal
function TfHtmlEditor.ShowModal: Integer;
if TabControl1.Tabs.Count=0 then
Result := mrAbort
Result := inherited;

Delphi - Creating controls before form Create is run?

Well, my problem is as follows:
I have a Delphi 5 application that I'm essentially porting to Delphi 2010 (replacing old components with their latest versions, fixing the inevitable Ansi/Unicode string issues, etc.) and I've run into kind of a hitch.
Upon creation of one of our forms, an access violation happens. After looking it over, I've come to the conclusion that the reason for this is because one of the setters called in Create attempts to change a property of an object on the form that hasn't been created yet.
I've trimmed it down a little, but the code basically looks like this:
In form declaration:
property EnGrpSndOption:boolean read fEnGrpSndOption write SetGrpSndOption;
In form's Create:
EnGrpSndOption := false;
In Implementation:
procedure Myform.SetGrpSndOption(const Value: boolean);
fEnGrpSndOption := Value;
btGrpSnd.Visible := Value;
By tossing in a ShowMessage(BooltoStr(Assigned(btGrpSend), true)) right before btGrpSnd.Visible := Value, I confirmed that the problem is that btGrpSnd hasn't been created yet.
btGrpSend is an LMDButton, but I'm pretty sure that isn't quite relevant as it hasn't even been created yet.
While I realize I probably should only assign a value after confirming that the control is assigned, this would just result in the value set in create not being set to the actual control.
So what I want to do is find a way to make certain that all the controls on the form are created BEFORE my Create is run.
Any assistance in doing this, or information regarding how Delphi creates forms would be appreciated.
It worked back in Delphi 5, so I imagine the cause of this should be mentioned somewhere among the lists of changes between versions. Delphi 2010 is quite a bit newer than Delphi 5 after all.
Like Tobias mentioned (but advocates against) you can change the creation order (right at the form at change the creation order).
But you can also in the setter method check if the form is creating (csCreating in form.componentstate). And if it is you have to store that property value yourself, and handle it in AfterConstruction.
From your comment that you're getting an AV when placing it at design time, that means there's a problem with the control itself and it hasn't been properly ported forward. To reproduce it at runtime under controlled circumstances, you need to write a little program like this:
Make a new VCL app with a single form. Place a TButton on the form. On the button's OnClick, do something like this:
newButton: TLMDButton;
newButton := TLMDButton.Create(self);
newButton.Parent := self;
//assign any other properties you'd like here
Put a breakpoint on the constructor and trace into it until you can find what's causing the access violation.
EDIT: OK, from looking at the comments, I think we found your problem!
A form's subcontrols are initialized by reading the DFM file. When you changed your control to a TCustomForm, did you provide a new DFM to define it? If not, you need to override the form's constructor and create the controls and define their properties manually. There's no "magic" that will initialize it for you.
Your Create is always called first, before the ancestor constructor. That's just how constructors work. You should be able to call the inherited constructor before you do the rest of your initialization:
constructor MyForm.Create(Owner: TComponent);
EnGrpSndOption := False;
However, there's a better way of indicating what it is you're trying to make happen. Your class is loading properties from a DFM resource. When it's finished, it will call a virtual method named Loaded. It's usually used to notify all the children that everything is ready, so if any of them hold references to other children on the form, they know it's safe to use those references at that point. You can override it in the form, too.
procedure MyForm.Loaded;
EnGrpSndOption := False;
That generally shouldn't make much difference in your case, though. Loaded is called from the constructor right after the form finishes loading itself from the DFM resource. That resource tells the form all the controls it should create for itself. If your button isn't being created, then it's probably not listed correctly in the DFM. It's possible for controls to be listed in the DFM that don't have corresponding fields in the class. On the other hand, if there's a published field that doesn't have a corresponding entry in the DFM, the IDE should warn you about it and offer to remove the declaration each time you bring it up in the Form Designer. View your DFM as text and confirm that there's really an entry for a control named btGrpSnd.
Is this good enough to get you going:
if Assigned(btGrpSnd) and btGrpSnd.HandleAllocated then
btGrpSnd.Visible := ...
I see 2 possibilities: check if btGrpSnd is nil before assigning Value to the Visible property. If it's nil, you could either:
not set the property
create btGrpSnd
I would not mess around with the creation order. It's more complicated and may break with further changes.
from your comment: you can check wether you are in design or in runtime mode. Check wether your are in designtime before setting the visibility.
if not (csDesigning in Componentstate) then
Answer to your comment:
go for this:
procedure Myform.SetGrpSndOption(const Value: boolean);
fEnGrpSndOption := Value;
if btGrpSnd<>nil then btGrpSnd.Visible := Value;
and one additional property setting btGrpSnd. If it is set to a value <> nil, set the visibility safed in fEnGrpSndOption as well.
If there's no need to set btGrpSnd outside Myform, create a init-procedure that creates everything. E.g.:
constructor Myform.Create(...)
procedure init
procedure Myform.SetGrpSndOption(const Value: boolean);
fEnGrpSndOption := Value;
if btGrpSnd<>nil then init;
btGrpSnd.Visible := Value;
This is still better then depending on some changed init-code-hack that may break in the future.
