Jasper Reports in Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I have assigned to use jasperserver reports in a rails application.
There is a plugin for jasperserver to use in Ruby application.
I want to know whether this plugin can use in my rails 3 version of application.
I've checked in railsplugin.org .But it shows "no result found".
I'l be please if u people gave me any help link.

According to the wiki, the author recommends you install it as a gem & not as a plugin. They go on to give an example of how to use the gem in a rails project on this wiki page.
I haven't used this, but your compatibility issues probably won't be with rails. Maybe the ruby version or soap4r version - but there don't seem to be any rails dependencies here.

You maybe use this simple ruby script for this => http://www.redrails.com.br/2013/03/07/ruby-client-para-rest-api-do-jasper-report-server/


Can React on Rails be integrated into an existing Rails 3.x app?

The prerequisites from the README say "React on Rails supports older versions of Rails back to 3.x" so I was led to believe it could. But then during the install process I see I have to install webpacker. And there's the note "Rails/webpacker requires version 4.2+."
So I'm currently stalled out and wondering if this really does support Rails 3.x or if I misunderstood the documentation.
Is there a way to integrate React on Rails into an existing Rails 3.x app?
Thank you!
According to justin808 on the corresponding GitHub issue for this question:
"React on Rails should not require rails/webpacker.
Just use the asset pipeline."
I guess I misunderstood that rails/webpacker was a hard dependency. Trying again now to get react_on_rails working without it. I'll mark this as the accepted answer, at least for now.

Setting up SublimeCodeIntel plugin to work with Rails/Ruby on Windows

I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to find examples on how to configure SublimeCodeIntel plugin on Sublime Text 2 to work with Rails / Ruby on windows. And even if it is stated in the documentation that it does support Rails, there is no example of the configuration.
From what I've read so far, getting Rubygems to work with this plugin is not possible, but rails should work. Has anybody successfully set up this plugin and if so, can you please help or share your configuration with me?
I would say most people either use VS Code these days for Go To Definition in Ruby Navigate to Ruby function definition in VS Code
Or RubyMine https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/navigating-through-the-source-code.html#lens_mode_code

Rails 2.3.8 tiny mce issue - undefined method `uses_tiny_mce'

I am facing an issue in my application with tiny mce.
All the gem version & ruby version is OK on my system, but it is giving me error
= undefined method `uses_tiny_mce'
Here i installed the tiny_mce gem. COnfigured it correctely, but still there is an issue.
Please help.
Did you include
config.gem 'tiny_mce'
in config/environment.rb?
I have used this gem in the past too, but have stopped using it. I figured it complicated the setup and deployment of my Rails apps. Since then I have just used the TinyMCE editor by itself. Since it is 100% javascript, it does not touch any Ruby code which keeps things better organized.
I was not using this as a plugin.
I have followed the steps given in the,
Steps :
script/plugin install git://github.com/kete/tiny_mce.git
rake tiny_mce:install
my issue got resolved.

Ruby & Rails: code guard

Is there some sort of "Zend code guard" for rails applications ?
Looks like this has been covered before, so question may end getting closed as a dupe.
Can you Distribute a Ruby on Rails Application without Source?
If you use JRuby, you can then use the warbler gem to package your rails application into a war.
Please note that a war-file is easily inspected, so it offers no real protection; but is a start.

Are there any stable solutions for using Rails 3.0 and Facebook together?

I've seen reports that Facebooker doesn't work with Rails 3. I've noticed that there's a Facebooker2 project, but it doesn't seem to have any documentation and there's no information I can find about its Rails 3 compatibility. Are there any good choices for getting Facebook Connect working with a website built on Rails 3.0.0 (beta4)?
You can see there are some fork about rails 3 in Facebooker. But nothing official.
Rails 3.0.0.beta and Facebooker: anyone else seeing the following?
