How to control binding of local variables in Scilab? - binding

I have a hard time to describe my problem. Look at the end for an example.
I have a function G that uses another function F. In order use to the function F I need to define a new (local/nested) function g. The function g depends on local (to G) variables with common names as A, b, x etc. The trouble is that these variable names are also used in F. Since Scilabs function calls seems to be some form of macro expansion that binds local variables at the point of calling/expansion instead of the point where the function is defined the values of the local variables in F are used instead of the ones in G. Can I define the function gin another way to bind the variables at the site of definition?
function y = F(f,x)
k = -10
y = f(x)
function [a, b] = G(u)
k = u
deff('y = g(x)','y = x + k')
k = 10
a = g(1)
b = F(g,1)
[a b] = G(0)
This program displays the values 11. and -9.. I would like it to display 1. and 1.. The problem is that the binding of the local variable k in f is decided, not at the point of the definition of f, but at the point of calling/expanding f. How do I define a local function g that binds its local variables at the point of definition?
The example is only a small working example. In reality my function g lokks something like this
function y = g(x), y = t*h0(x) + A'*diag(d.^2)*A, endfunction
where t is a scalar, h0 is a function A a matrix and d a vector are local to G. The input parameter x is a vector. The matrices and vectors can have dimensions up to 1000x1000 and 1000 and be dense.

You could use sprintf to insert the value as string so it is 'defined' instantly, or use the string() operator.
Working example
function y = F(f,x)
k = -10
y = f(x)
function [a, b] = G(u)
k = u
// Using the sprintf operator
deff('y = g(x)',sprintf('y = x + %d',k) )
// Using the string operator
deff('y = g(x)','y = x +' + string(k) )
k = 10
a = g(1)
b = F(g,1)
[a b] = G(0)


How to get every clauses of a CNF formula in Z3

like in the code below, Is there any function in Z3 to get all the clauses of a formula(as a CNF)?
x = Boolean('x')
y = Boolean('y')
f = And(x, Or(x,y),And(x,Not(x,y))
# can I get all the clauses of formula f stored in a list
You can do something like the following:
from z3 import *
x = Bool('x') # Note: Bool() rather than Boolean()
y = Bool('y')
z = Bool('z')
f = And(x, Or(x,y), And(x, z == Not(y)))
# from
g = Goal()
# use describe_tactics() to get to know the tactics available
t = Tactic('tseitin-cnf')
clauses = t(g)
for clause in clauses[0]:
Output is a list of disjunctive clauses:
Or(x, y)
Or(y, z)
Or(Not(y), Not(z))
Your original expression is not satisfiable.
What is Not(x, y) supposed to do?
As simpler way to convert (nested) Boolean expressions to CNF is provided by bc2cnf.

Function return tuple and the result is assigned to new variables

I've just started learning F# very recently. I have a function which counts the coefficients of the linear equation: y = ax + b, based on coordinates of two points P1(x1, y1), P2(x1, y2). The function looks like this:
module LinearFit
let generate(x1 : double, y1 : double, x2 : double, y2 : double) =
let w = x1 * 1.0 - x2 * 1.0
let wa = y1 * 1.0 - y2 * 1.0
let wb = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
printfn "w: %g" w
printfn "wa: %g" wa
printfn "wb: %g" wb
let a = wa/w
let b = wb/w
printfn "a: %g" a
printfn "b: %g" b
printfn "%g %g" a b
(a, b)
I'm trying to somehow return founded coefficients as a tuple result and then assign the result to the new variables so later I can use the result to do some other operations. The trivial thing, for now, would be just displayed a result like:
The generated function is y = 2.5x - 6.5
So far I was trying to do sth like this
open System
let main() =
printf "Linear fit"
(a: double, b: double) <- LinearFit.generate(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 11.0)
printfn "The generated functi..."
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
This is only a concept as I'm not even able to compile the project as im getting errors:
"Unexpected symbol ',' in expression"
"Unexpected symbol ')' in binding."
I tried to find some similar approach to C#...
For now what I want to achieve is just to assing the result of generate function to some variables. In C# it would look just like
public (double a, double b) Generate(some params here)
// some logic here
return (a, b);
(var a, var b) = Generate(...);
Any ideas?
You're making several syntactic mistakes.
First, the arrow-left operator <- is destructive update. It takes a mutable variable on the right and an expression on the left, and pushes the value of the expression into the variable. For example:
let mutable x = 5
x <- 42
In your example, neither a nor b are mutable variables that exist by the time you're trying to use the <- operator. Plus, the operator expects a single mutable variable, not a pattern.
Second, the way to declare new variables in F# is with let. It is roughly equivalent to var in C#, except you can declare multiple variables at once by putting them in a pattern. For example:
let x = 42
let pair = (1, 5)
let a, b = pair
Here, on the last line, I'm declaring two variables a and b by destructuring the pair.
In your example, you're trying to introduce the two new variables a and b without a let keyword. This is not allowed.
So, putting all of the above together, this is the right way to do what you're trying to do:
let main() =
printf "Linear fit"
let a, b = LinearFit.generate(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 11.0)
printfn "The generated functi..."
P.S. Your question betrays a misunderstanding of some pretty basic principles of F# syntax. Because of this, I would recommend that you read through tutorials, examples, and other articles on F# to familiarize yourself with the syntax before attempting to venture farther.

Understanding quantifier traversing in Z3

I'm trying to understand traversing quantified formula in z3 (i'm using z3py). Have no idea how to pickup the quantified variables. For example in code shown below i'm trying to print the same formula and getting error.
from z3 import *
def traverse(e):
if is_quantifier(e):
var_list = []
if e.is_forall():
for i in range(e.num_vars()):
return ForAll (var_list, traverse(e.body()))
x, y = Bools('x y')
fml = ForAll(x, ForAll (y, And(x,y)))
same_formula = traverse( fml )
print same_formula
With little search i got to know that z3 uses De Bruijn index and i have to get something like Var(1, BoolSort()). I can think of using var_sort() but how to get the formula to return the variable correctly. Stuck here for some time.
var_list is a list of strings, but ForAll expects a list of constants. Also, traverse should return e when it's not a quantifier. Here's a modified example:
from z3 import *
def traverse(e):
if is_quantifier(e):
var_list = []
if e.is_forall():
for i in range(e.num_vars()):
c = Const(e.var_name(i) + "-traversed", e.var_sort(i))
return ForAll (var_list, traverse(e.body()))
return e
x, y = Bools('x y')
fml = ForAll(x, ForAll (y, And(x,y)))
same_formula = traverse( fml )

Idiomatic approach to filtering

I am looking for an idiomatic approach to programming filters in F#. For clarity, I refer to a filter as a function that uses a series of measurements over time and produces evolving estimates. This implies that the function be able to maintain state. For example, in Python one could use coroutines to maintain state in a very clean way.
What I'm looking for is an idiomatic approach to programming filters in F#. Given that my mind is thoroughly polluted with OOP and procedural principles, naturally I came up with classes to express them. Is there a more idiomatic approach to filtering in F#, one that could perhaps open up other benefits of the functional paradigm?
open System
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra
open MathNet.Numerics.Random
open MathNet.Numerics.Distributions
open MathNet.Numerics.Statistics
open FSharp.Charting
type ScalarKalman (A : float, H : float, Q : float, R : float) = class
let mutable A = A
let mutable H = H
let mutable Q = Q
let mutable R = R
let mutable p = 0.
let mutable x = 0.
let mutable k = 0.
let mutable result = 0.
member this.X
with get() = x
and set(value) = x <- value
member this.P
with get() = p
and set(value) = p <- value
member this.K
with get() = k
and set(value) = k <- value
member this.update(newVal : float) =
let xp = A * this.X
let Pp = A * this.P * A + Q
this.K <- Pp * H / (H * Pp * H + R)
this.X <- xp + this.K * (newVal - H * xp)
this.P <- Pp - this.K * H * Pp
let n = 100
let obsv = [|for i in 0 .. n do yield 0.|]
let smv = [|for i in 0 .. n do yield 0.|]
let kal = new ScalarKalman(1., 1., 0., 5.)
kal.P <- 4.
kal.X <- 6.
for i in 0 .. n do
obsv.[i] <- Normal.Sample(10., 5.)
smv.[i] <- kal.X
Chart.Combine([obsv |> Chart.FastLine
smv |> Chart.FastLine]) |> Chart.Show
In your case, the terms "functional" and "F# idiomatic" would consist of two things: immutable data and separation of data from code.
Immutable data: you would have one data structure representing the filter parameters (i.e. A, H, Q, and R), and another structure representing the filter's current state (i.e. X, K, and P). Both immutable. Instead of mutating the state, you would produce a new one.
Separation of data from code: the filter itself would consist of a single function that takes parameters, current state, next observation value, and produces next state. This next state will then be fed back into the function along with the next observation value, thus producing next+1 state, and so on. The parameters always stay constant, so they can be passed in just once, using partial application (see below).
Once you have such function, you can "apply" it to the list of observations as a "rolling projection", - as described above, - taking each observation and feeding it into the function along with the last state, producing the next state. This "rolling projection" operation is a very common thing in functional programming, and is usually called scan. F# does provide implementations of scan for all standard collections - list, seq, etc.
As a result of scan, you will have a list of filter's successive states. Now all that's left to do is to fish the X value out of each state.
Here is the complete solution:
module ScalarKalman =
type Parameters = { A : float; H : float; Q : float; R : float }
type State = { K: float; X: float; P: float }
let initState (s: State) = s
let getX s = s.X
let update parms state newVal =
let xp = parms.A * state.X
let Pp = parms.A * state.P * parms.A + parms.Q
let newK = Pp * parms.H / (parms.H * Pp * parms.H + parms.R)
{ K = newK
X = xp + newK * (newVal - parms.H * xp)
P = Pp - newK * parms.H * Pp }
let n = 100
let obsv = [for i in 0 .. n -> Normal.Sample(10., 5.)]
let kal = ScalarKalman.update { A = 1.; H = 1.; Q = 0.; R = 5. }
let initialState = ScalarKalman.initState { X = 6.; P = 4.; K = 0. }
let smv =
|> List.scan kal initialState
|> ScalarKalman.getX
A note on design
Note the initState function declared in the module. This function may seem silly on the surface, but it has important meaning: it lets me specify state fields by name without opening the module, thus avoiding namespace pollution. Plus, the consuming code now looks more readable: it says what it does, no comments required.
Another common approach to this is to declare a "base" state in the module, which consuming code could then amend via the with syntax:
module ScalarKalman =
let zeroState = { K = 0.; X = 0.; P = 0. }
let initialState = { ScalarKalman.zeroState with X = 6.; P = 4. }
A note on collections
F# lists are fine on small amounts of data and small processing pipelines, but become expensive as these two dimensions grow. If you're working with a lot of streaming data, and/or if you're applying multiple filters in succession, you might be better off using lazy sequences - seq. To do so, simply replace List.scan and with Seq.scan and respectively. If you do, you will get a lazy sequence as the ultimate result, which you will then need to somehow consume - either convert it to a list, print it out, send it to the next component, or whatever your larger context implies.

Z3 array: why Select() does not return value saved by Store()?

I have simple Z3 python code like below. I expect the "print" line will return me "y" which was stored in the line above it. Instead, I got back "A[x]" as result.
I = IntSort()
A = Array('A', I, I)
x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
Store(A, x, y)
print Select(A,x)
Why does not Select() return the value stored by Store()?
There are two things to note:
When you write
Store(A, x, y)
You create a term with three arguments , A, x, and y.
There is no side-effect to A.
You can create a name for this term by writing
B = Store(A,x,y)
Z3 does not simplify terms unless you want it to.
The python API exposes a simplification function called simplify.
You can obtain the reduced term by calling the simplifier.
The example is:
I = IntSort()
A = Array('A', I, I)
x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
B = Store(A, x, y)
print Select(B,x)
print simplify (Select(B,x))
