How to Redirect Facebook Request to iTunes? - ios

There are a few things i need to know, so please let me first explain my senario. In our iOS game what we need to do is when the user presses the Facebook button the game should open the Facebook and ask for login and then the user will authenticate the app. Rite after that the user will be shown his Friends from which he will pick up anyone he wants and sends the request (This is the only thing the game needs to do, our game will not receive any requests from Facebook). Now, the friend who gets the request when logs into Facebook (not from game, general login from safari or fb App for iOS) and clicks it, he will sent to the iTunes page to download our game.
1) The App is not in the sandbox mode and there are only 2 admins and we are not getting each other requests. We are using Prime 31 social networking plugin which logins the and shows the friends correctly.
So, looking at this conversation
Linking Facebook app link to iTunes download page
do I need to create a page for my app so that I could send requests and redirect the user to our iTunes game download page?
2) Is there any tutorial or guide lines available to do this or even possible? :(

First you need to create facebook app and link dat app to your ios app as follows,
After that try out the sample projects given with facebook sdk.


facebook SDK, invite friends

I am developing an app, and users will be able to log in with Facebook. They only can start using the app if a minimum of their Facebook friend are already using the app. If not, they have to wait until the minimum required number of friend use the app in order to use it. I want to allow them to invite their Facebook friends to join.
Also, I would like to know how I can make it happen?
Do I HAVE TO create a facebook canvas or is there any other ways I can make it works?
Thank you for your help.
Games on Canvas: App Request
Other Apps/Games: Send Dialog or Message Dialog
You can't access invitable_friends without enabling facebook canvas in your app's settings, but maybe app requests safisfy your needs? It will list friends (user needs to authorise reading friends list by app) and allow user to send them a notification in their mobile facebook app which will open an app or take user to app's page in App Store if they haven't installed your app yet.
Remember to enable deep linking, facebook SSO and provide App Store ID in platform settings for this work.

Is there a way to send app request to Facebook friends without the app request dialog?

I am creating an app that is connected to Facebook.
One functionality of this app is to send notifications to Facebook friends (they will able to see using any browser when they log in to Facebook, or in Facebook app) to try and download the app.
I was able to create a table list of Facebook friends who don't have the app. And in each UITableViewCell, I added a UIButton titled "Invite" that will call an function to invite that particular friend in the cell.
I want that when the user tapped the button, the Facebook SDK will send a notification to that Facebook friend.
I don't want to use the default app request dialog the Facebook SDK has. I want to customise my own.
Is it possible?
It is not possible what you are looking for.. See my below answer which would clarify you..
There is option of frictionless requests.
On Facebook developer site they mentioned in section of Invites and Requests
We touched on a scenario where users exchange requests back and forth. If this scenario is typical in your game, it can be a bad user experience to force them through the request dialog every time they want to send a request. The solution for this is frictionless requests.
Frictionless requests let users send requests to friends from an app without having to click on a pop-up confirmation dialog. When sending a request to a friend, a user can authorize the app to send subsequent requests to the same friend without another dialog. This streamlines the process of sharing with friends.
For more reference see Facebook Invites and Requests

How to avoid "App is allready authorized" with Facebook SDK 3.1

Every time i want to login through the Facebook idk, safari will be opened and tells me that my app is allready authorized. But i dont want to show this screen everytime a user logs in with Facebook. I followed the instructions over here to implement facebook login functionality. If the auth button is clicked i simple call the openSessionWithAllowLoginMethod which then handles the rest for me. But i dont how to apply the functionality, that it wont show the authorized screen everytime, to this code ? I would really appreciate some tips or hints.
Fill out every field related to your app in the Native iOS App section of the Basic Settings in the App Dashboard. If these fields are not configured, we can't drive traffic to your app or the iOS App Store. In addition, we use the iOS Bundle ID to streamline authentication for users who already authenticated your app. Pro-tip 3: Complete all iOS App Settings

Connect a fb Site to an iOs Fb App

iam somehow new to all the Facebook app and sites stuff.
What I have:
- A Facebook Side bulid from my acoount with around 50 Likes and some posts
- A Facebook App for my iOS App with will rock the AppStore next week :-)
I now realised, that I can have an App Site. So All posts done from the App will link to this site.
So the big question is: How to connect my App with the Site?
The only way I can see is to genarate an new Site out off the App and start at Zero. So please Help me
I have to do a little interpretation here:
I guess with "Facebook Side" you mean a Facebook Page - correct me if I'm wrong.
You can create an App Detail Page for your existing Facebook iOS App. I guess that is what you mean by "App Site".
How to connect my App with the Site?
Your Facebook iOS App will be connected to the App Detail Page automatically, so I guess your question is how to connect your Facebook Page with your Facebook App, right? If this is the case, then you might want to also create a Facebook Page Tab for your existing Facebook App. Here is the Facebook tutorial on how it can be done:

Inviting Facebook friends through iPhone App

I've been searching this question, and I haven't been able to find anything that works. I have an iPhone app that allows users to link their Facebook account. It would look something like this:
Once a user has successfully linked to FB, I want to present them with a list of their FB friends and an option to invite selected friends.
FB Friend 1........... Invite
FB Friend 2........... Invite
FB Friend 1000..... Invite
Basically, I want to send a message to FB friends that says something like "Check out this app". I'm pretty sure this has to go to either their notifications or wall and cannot go as a FB message, but I can't figure out how to do it.
Also, I don't need to select a group of friends to invite -- this can be done one at a time. So it would look like this:
FB Friend 1........... invited
FB Friend 2........... Invite
FB Friend 1000..... Invite
Thanks so much for any help you can provide.
Unfortunately there isn't anything in the iOS SDK that presents the apprequests dialog, and a user has to have installed/approved your application before you can send them application notifications via a POST request...
Requests are a great way to enable users to invite their friends,
accept a gift or help them complete a mission in your app. There are
now two types of requests that can be sent from an app:
User-generated requests: These requests are confirmed by a user’s
explicit action on a request dialog. These requests update the
bookmark count for the recipient. You send requests by using the
recently launched Request Dialog.
App-generated requests: These
requests can be initiated and sent only to users who have authorized
your app. Developers can send these requests using the Graph API. Use
these requests to update the bookmark count to encourage a user to
re-engage in the app (e.g., your friend finished her move in a game
and it’s now your turn).
The only way to get this is via Facebook's Requests 2.0 dialog (which is not currently available to the Facebook iOS SDK):
See more here in this related question...
Sending application requests that appear in the left column on Facebook home page?
