Connect a fb Site to an iOs Fb App - ios

iam somehow new to all the Facebook app and sites stuff.
What I have:
- A Facebook Side bulid from my acoount with around 50 Likes and some posts
- A Facebook App for my iOS App with will rock the AppStore next week :-)
I now realised, that I can have an App Site. So All posts done from the App will link to this site.
So the big question is: How to connect my App with the Site?
The only way I can see is to genarate an new Site out off the App and start at Zero. So please Help me

I have to do a little interpretation here:
I guess with "Facebook Side" you mean a Facebook Page - correct me if I'm wrong.
You can create an App Detail Page for your existing Facebook iOS App. I guess that is what you mean by "App Site".
How to connect my App with the Site?
Your Facebook iOS App will be connected to the App Detail Page automatically, so I guess your question is how to connect your Facebook Page with your Facebook App, right? If this is the case, then you might want to also create a Facebook Page Tab for your existing Facebook App. Here is the Facebook tutorial on how it can be done:


Clicking a shared link from my site on facebook doesn't take me to my website, it opens my app

Having trouble solving this one.. hoping someone out there has run into it and can help.
I'm the owner/developer of an iOS app (
It integrates with Facebook for facebook login so i have a facebook app in place to service the API requests.
I also run a website to support the app ( and that site has a blog.
The Problem Statement:
When I share a blog article from my site to facebook it shares perfectly fine. It shows the right thumbnail image from the blog article, and the right text. All of that is good to go because i installed the official facebook plugin for wordpress. However, I have the iOS app installed on my iphone, and i click the shared article in my facebook feed my phone just opens my app when it should be opening safari and sending me to my website's blog article. It's almost like there's some deep linking going on here that isn't quite right. Or the meta data on my website isn't quite right.
I dont want all my people who see the blog article share to click it and get sent to the app (if it's installed on their phone) ... I want them to go to the website and be able to read and share the article.
has anyone ever seen this and solved it?
It was the al:web:url meta tag that I had on the site pointing at the itunes link for the app. I removed that and re-scraped my links in facebook's sharing debugger and now links to my website are opening correctly on my phone.

IOS Apps login via Linkedin authentication SDK

i'm created a IOS app in Xcode7 using swift , and now i am trying to integrate LinkedIn authentication to login into my iOS app.
So i created a account and application in LinkedIn developer site..
But my requirement is to use the same LinkedIn application account to login into my all iOS it possible?
i heard about deep linking concept.Any one know more about that?
Is it possible?
Yes it is. In your app preferences, go to Mobile > iOS preferences, then add the bundle ID of each app you want to be linked with LinkedIn.
Deep linking : Any one know more about that?
It allows you to bring users into a more specific part of your app that is not home page. For example, after opening a notification, you can bring user to a specific post into your app. That is an example of using deep links. Nevertheless, I don't think it is what you are searching for.

How to get a button on Facebook post that opens an app directly?

I´ve seen some Facebook posts that include a native button which opens the corresponding app to the Facebook page that created the post.
When the app is not installed, it links out to the App Store. When it is installed, it deeplinks into the app to the desired content.
How can I achieve this? I searched for some information about this, but couldn´t find any.
you have to try the App Links functionality that Facebook provide. In the developer page teach how to create and use this and you will see the flow when somebody press a post for example and how the redirection is produced:
You have to create an app in the Facebook Developer Console and enable de deep-linking function to works.

How to Redirect Facebook Request to iTunes?

There are a few things i need to know, so please let me first explain my senario. In our iOS game what we need to do is when the user presses the Facebook button the game should open the Facebook and ask for login and then the user will authenticate the app. Rite after that the user will be shown his Friends from which he will pick up anyone he wants and sends the request (This is the only thing the game needs to do, our game will not receive any requests from Facebook). Now, the friend who gets the request when logs into Facebook (not from game, general login from safari or fb App for iOS) and clicks it, he will sent to the iTunes page to download our game.
1) The App is not in the sandbox mode and there are only 2 admins and we are not getting each other requests. We are using Prime 31 social networking plugin which logins the and shows the friends correctly.
So, looking at this conversation
Linking Facebook app link to iTunes download page
do I need to create a page for my app so that I could send requests and redirect the user to our iTunes game download page?
2) Is there any tutorial or guide lines available to do this or even possible? :(
First you need to create facebook app and link dat app to your ios app as follows,
After that try out the sample projects given with facebook sdk.

How to avoid "App is allready authorized" with Facebook SDK 3.1

Every time i want to login through the Facebook idk, safari will be opened and tells me that my app is allready authorized. But i dont want to show this screen everytime a user logs in with Facebook. I followed the instructions over here to implement facebook login functionality. If the auth button is clicked i simple call the openSessionWithAllowLoginMethod which then handles the rest for me. But i dont how to apply the functionality, that it wont show the authorized screen everytime, to this code ? I would really appreciate some tips or hints.
Fill out every field related to your app in the Native iOS App section of the Basic Settings in the App Dashboard. If these fields are not configured, we can't drive traffic to your app or the iOS App Store. In addition, we use the iOS Bundle ID to streamline authentication for users who already authenticated your app. Pro-tip 3: Complete all iOS App Settings
