Umbraco 7. Can't leave numeric field empty - umbraco

I am correctly upgrading a version 6.0.5 umbraco instance to version 7. The install seems to have been successful and all database changes seem to have completed as planned. However when trying to save a content node which contains a not required numeric field with no content supplied in the field, it fails to save with a validation error stating "The value is not a valid integer".
Has anyone else found this issue and a way to fix it as it's stopping me proceeding with the upgrade?
Thank you in advance

This has been added as a confirmed issue after other people could replicate it.
See my Umbraco forum post here.
Umbraco issue details available here
Thank you for the help


Fatal error log in customers in prestashop 1.6

Since a couple of days, we started to experience some issues when a new client wanted to log in. It appears a fatal error with an entirely white screen.
We detected that it happens when the customer signed up but they didn't introduce the address. It happens when they try to log in again.
I would really appreciate if someone had this problem and know how to fix it.
Many thanks in advance
In my case the problem was related to MailChimp Integration v1.0.0 module. My customer installed that module and did not complete the configuration.
After disabling MailChimp module, Prestashop log in has resumed working properly.

How to embed tweets in umbraco / articulate articles?

This video is showing how to embed tweets in umbraco 7. In the current version it does not seem to work anymore. When I try to do it I get the error message "not supported".
Is there anything additionally to do to get this working? Any additional packages?
I think that feature uses OEMBED, it's possible that Twitter have updated their API and the functionality is broken. I'd log an issue on the Umbraco Issue logger: so that the core dev are aware of the issue and can investigate further.
Could also try this package , have used it before and works perfect but haven't tried it on v7 yet but it says it work and i trust Matt (the guy that made it big umbraco dev and contributor) so should work.

How to display error occurred in script?

I think my question is already asked, but I didn't find any topic about that.
When I try somme script with kivy, I have sometimes errors (such as undeclared variable, bad indentation...), but Qpython don't display them.
I lunch kivy with:
and consequently, there is no console. A log is however present, but it's empty.
Is there a way to remedy this ?
Should I add a line to display error ?
PS: The "print" command is also useful, but not working (no console). I think it's the same problem.
The newest 1.2.0 version had fixed this blank log issue.

Umbraco 7: Random 404

We have never experienced this issue in Umbraco 4, but we've got this twice in Umbraco 7.
The Problem
So we've got a page:
It has been working for a month, then suddenly it shows 404:
The (non-ideal) Solution
We could change the template of this document, eg. from SalePage to TextPage, then back to SalePage.
That will temporarily fix it.
But after IIS restart, or after republishing the page, it will show the 404 error again.
For a permanent fix, we have to change the page name, eg. from Sale to Sale1.
The Question
Sometimes changing the page name is not an ideal solution at all.
Has anyone experienced this? Or know where to look? May be the database has a corrupted entry somewhere..?
We found the problem! We have this structure under Content:
About Us
The problem started when someone created a "home slide" under Home called "sale".
So, both Home/sale and Pages/Sale has the same path: /sale/
Deleting/renaming Home/sale fixed the problem.
This sounds like a corrupt cache.
To find out what went wrong:
Investigate the xml config (/config/umbraco.config)? I suspect this file will still contain the correct information.
If the umbraco.config file doesn't contain wrong elements, check the examine indexes. When you do a "rebuild indexes" from the developer node in the umbraco backend the problem might go away also.
If you know what is going wrong, you can start finding a solution for fixing the issue. E.g. finding out which action went wrong.

When i used SMS plugin in grails i am getting error

i have service to send sms to the mobile through Application. I am getting the follwing error.
2011-06-06 19:37:35,729 [http-8080-2] ERROR sipgate.SipgateService - Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:
This probably means you are using an invalid username or password
Have you set up the config as explained on the plugin page (at the top of the documentation)?
I also assume that this means your earlier problem was solved... Can you accept the answer if my answer helped, or explain what you did to fix it if it did not?
I agree with Tim. You can only log in, if your Sipgate-Registration was verified by Sipgate.
Points, which you can check to see if your account is not working:
Try to log in on the webpage
Use the Perl-Client given here:
The client can be downloaded at this location:
Hopefully you should not be able to do at least one of these things. Then you know you have to talk to the support # sipgate
The documentation on the plugin-page says, you have to have a 'conf/Config.groovy'-file. This means that you should have the basic Config.groovy file in the folder 'grails-app/conf/', which ships with every Grails installation. So my guess is that you might have created a different Config.groovy-file. So better check on the Config.groovy-file. The SMS-plugin should have generated some placeholders for you, where you need to enter your sipgate-account-data.
