Two functionality for left slide ios - ios

I am building an iphone application which is a aster details app. By default, the left slide for the table cell gives the delete option. But i want to add one more option to that (Edit). Just like the latest whatsapp does. Can anyone give pointers how to proceed with this and oblige.

You can use this library to setup a custom swipe with custom buttons:
Custom Table cell view


ios best practices for Arranging multiple actions for UiTableview

I have a table view with section header . Each Item and section header has Check box for multi selection. I have the following controls(actions that I need to use)
Push into vegetable list ( this is a UitableView, a new ViewController)
Push into hardware list
Push to save list
Now for all these I have icons, Actually I am making replica of Android app, and android app is showing these actions at very bottom of screen.
My case:
I am using Tab bar in iOS, so as I said above in android app I am showing these action at bottom, so How can I show these action? and what is the best practice for it. I know it can be managed in a way as iOS mail app is handling by giving more button when we swipe the item, but my problem is user can select multiple headers/sections and perform any action on it. this is the main problem of app right now.
Since you’re already using the iOS Mail app as a guide, you can take a look at how it handles actions on multiple items.
You press “Edit” to enable edit mode in the table view, and then the actions are listed on the bar at the bottom once you’ve selected the ones you want.
See attached screenshots.
If you can’t fit all your actions at the bottom, perhaps you could have the most common actions there, and a “more” button that opens an action sheet presenting the rest of them.

How to make a menu (multiple button?) iOs

I am new in the development of iOS with swift, for the moment everything goes well but there is one thing that I blocked.
How this kind of menu?
How do you call this ? Because I do not even know what to look for because I do not know his name: /
Sorry for my bad english and thank you for your help :)
This can be made by using click on button open a view or open a tableview inside the table view put the label on each row and after that use didselectrowatindexpath method of tableview for click on each row open the new page or viewcontroller.
You can use table view to show dropdown menu. Show tableview on click and hide when select row. this is the basic concept. and if you not want to code your self then there many third party libraries available on github like DropDownMenu or dropdownment etc.
Note : standard way in ios for this kind of stuff(drop down or selection from multiple option) is UIPickerview, so you can use this also it very easy. so if not required to use hardcoded dropdown then pickerview is best option.
hope this will help :)

iOS Slide menu with dynamic user image

I want to make a slide menu in iOS like this type (Facebook / Pinterst or Gmail app) . I need the user information in Slide menu. I saw a couple of examples,but I can't find any one with user info image. Please give me any suggestion (I have tried it with AMSlideMenu).
I personally use and recommend PKRevealController.
This is easy and simple to use.
For image in your slide menu, you have to use UITableView and UITableViewCell with image, by default none of slide menu will provide you this feature.
Do the following:
Step 1: Setup PKRevealController to your project
Step 2: Make UITableView as your LeftViewController
Step 3: Set Image to your UITableView's cell.
Download Sample Project
We use We use a custom UITableView for this, so you can put any image you like on top of the UITableView or use a header...
This is a very easy to integrate and smooth slide menu

Is there any way to make a custom table view cell look like a button in Xcode 6+?

I'm trying to create a Table View Cell array and have the name displayed in each table. The tables will look like what you see on the home screen of the Evernote app (shortcut, tags, places, notebooks etc.) and each one will access the next screen when tapped. How do I go about doing this? Novice app developer.
This is an image of the result I'm trying to get.
That is a basic cell with transparent background and other views (and images, layers, etc.) added as subviews.
For the other things I suggest to study how UITableView works and how to push a UIViewController using a UINavigationController.
In general you should study iOS and Objective-C from zero.

What class should i use to swipe between views?

in my app when user click to "Photos" button, i want to load set of 4 views. In every view there is should be image that cover whole view, just photo of something, that downloaded through link saved to NSString.
What class should i use to swipe between views? What i want is similar to default Photos app. When user click on photo he can swipe left-right to see previous or next view with image.
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
You can use UIScrollView class to create photos viewer view.
Check out this tutorial
Use UICollectionView . This is easier if you are supporting iOS 6 and later.
You can use one section and 4 items for your views.
UICollectionView class Apple introduced in iOS 6. It's used to display a grid of cells, and what better to display in those cells than some beautiful photos from 500px.Tutorial Here
