Postgres error when trying to display all items through a relationship - ruby-on-rails

This works on SQLite3, but not on PostgreSQL.
The error I'm getting is PG::InvalidColumnReference: ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list
I'm trying to display all exercises that are in a group with the code:
Here is the relationship
A group has_many workouts, and a workout has_many exercises
In my Group model I have has_many :exercises, through: :workouts
Any ideas?
Here is the SQL rails is generating:
SELECT DISTINCT "exercises".*
FROM "exercises"
INNER JOIN "workout_exercises" ON "exercises"."id" = "workout_exercises"."exercise_id"
INNER JOIN "workouts" ON "workout_exercises"."workout_id" = "workouts"."id"
INNER JOIN "groups_workouts" ON "workouts"."id" = "groups_workouts"."workout_id"
WHERE "groups_workouts"."group_id" = 2
ORDER BY exercise_order, workout_order
And here is the error:
PG::InvalidColumnReference: ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list
LINE 1: ..." WHERE "groups_workouts"."group_id" = 2 ORDER BY exercise_o...
: SELECT DISTINCT "exercises".* FROM "exercises" INNER JOIN "workout_exercises" ON "exercises"."id" = "workout_exercises"."exercise_id" INNER JOIN "workouts" ON "workout_exercises"."workout_id" = "workouts"."id" INNER JOIN "groups_workouts" ON "workouts"."id" = "groups_workouts"."workout_id" WHERE "groups_workouts"."group_id" = 2 ORDER BY exercise_order, workout_order

So this is a uniq constraint exception. On the model I had has_many :exercises, through: :workouts, uniq: true which Postgres didn't like.
To fix the error, I moved the uniq constraint from the model to the actual query. So in this situation, I just did
This only sort of solves my problem. There are situations where I would want to have a uniq constraint at the model level, but I haven't been able to find a way to do that yet.

Each SQL variant has slightly different rules as to what expressions it accepts. For example, see Simulating MySQL's ORDER BY FIELD() in Postgresql and related links for information on this issue. If you give the specifics of the SQL you're generating, you can probably get more specific advice.


StatementInvalid Rails Query

I've got the following query that works:
jobs = complete)
However, when I add a where clause to query the first name of the customer table, I get an error.
jobs = complete).where("customers.fist_name = ?", "Bob")
Here is the error:
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "customers"
LINE 1:"."complete" = $2 AND "jobs"."status" = $3 AND (customers....
: SELECT "jobs".* FROM "jobs" INNER JOIN "jobs_users" ON "jobs"."id" = "jobs_users"."job_id" WHERE "jobs_users"."user_id" = $1 AND "jobs"."complete" = $2 AND "jobs"."status" = $3 AND (customers.last_name = 'Bob') ORDER BY "jobs"."start" DESC LIMIT $4 OFFSET $5
The current_location method:
def current_location
return current_user.locations.find_by(id: cookies[:current_location])
Location Model
has_many :jobs
has_and_belongs_to_many :customers
Job Model
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :customer
Customer Model
has_many :jobs
has_and_belongs_to_many :locations
How can I fix this issue?
includes will only join the table if you set a reference to the association.
When using includes you ensure a reference to the association in 2 fashions:
You can use the references method this will join the table whether or not there are any query conditions (If you MUST use raw SQL as shown in your question then this is the method you would need to use) e.g.
Or you can use the hash finder version of where: (Please note that when using an associative reference in the where clause you must reference the table name, in this case customers and not the association name customer)
.where(customers: {first_name: "Bob" })
Both of these will eager load the customer for the jobs referenced.
The first option (references) will OUTER JOIN the customers table so that all the jobs are loaded even if they have no customers as long as no query conditions reference the customers table.
The second option (using where) will OUTER JOIN the customers table but given the query parameter against the customers table it will act very much like an INNER JOIN.
If you only need to search the jobs based on customer information then joins is a better choice as this will create an INNER JOIN with the customers table but will not try to load any of the customer data in the query e.g. {first_name: "Bob" })
joins will always include the associated table regardless of a reference in the query.
Sidenote: the all in both your queries is completely unnecessary
includes(:customer) does not necessarily join the customers table into the SQL query. You need to use joins(:customer) to force Rails to join the customers table into the SQL query and make it available to query conditions.
jobs =
.where(complete: complete)
.where(customers: { first_name: 'Bob' })

SQL not working for pg

I'm trying to use SQL to get information from a Postgres database using Rails.
This is what I've tried:
Select starts_at, ends_at, hours, employee.maxname, workorder.wonum from events where starts_at>'2018-03-14'
inner join employees on events.employee_id =
inner join workorders on events.workorder_id =;
I get the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "inner"
LINE 2: inner join employees on events.employee_id =
Sami's comment is correct, but since this question is tagged with ruby-on-rails you can try to use ActiveRecord's API to do the same:
Make sure that your models relations are defined
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :employee
belongs_to :workorder
And then you can do something like:
.where('starts_at > ?', '2018-03-14')
.joins(:employee, :workorder)
.joins(:employee, :workorder)
.where('starts_at > ?', '2018-03-14')
And you don't need to worry which one goes first.
In general, it's suboptimal to create the SQL queries in rails if you don't absolutely need to because they're harder to maintain.
You request should look at this :
select starts_at, ends_at, hours, employee.maxname, workorder.wonum
from events
inner join employees on events.employee_id =
inner join workorders on events.workorder_id =
where starts_at>'2018-03-14';

Using joins to query by attribute on associated recored

I currently have this horribly written query:
membership_ids = User.where(skip_membership_renewal: true).includes(:memberships).map(&:membership_ids).flatten
Memberships.where(id: membership_ids)
I have been trying to use joins so that I can just make one query.
Membership.includes(:user).where("user.skip_membership_renewal", true)
However, this doesn't work since I keep getting the error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR.
My relationship is:
User has_many :memberships
Membership belongs_to :user
What am I doing incorrectly?
You just have a pluralization error. In Rails, you define models as singular (User) and the database table is pluralized (users).
Membership.includes(:user).where("users.skip_membership_renewal" => true)
That said, you don't need to resort to using SQL literals for such a simple case. There are a bunch of other ways of assembling this query, like the scope option David Aldridge suggested, or either of these:
non_renewing_users = User.where(skip_membership_renewal: true)
Membership.where(user: non_renewing_users)
What's more is that these both only execute a single SQL query for most adapters because they use subqueries:
SELECT "memberships".*
FROM "memberships"
WHERE "memberships"."user_id" IN (
SELECT "users"."id" FROM "users"
WHERE "users"."skip_membership_renewal" = true
You can probably aim to use:
Membership.where(:user => User.skip_membership_renewal)
Add a scope onto User ...
def self.skip_membership_renewal
where(skip_membership_renewal: true)
You should find that it runs as a single query.

Rails 4: Joins in ActiveRecord relation lambdas not include when doing a join

I'm creating a Revision system for a project where a base table contains the current revision for a given id, and a revision table contains the data tagged with a given revision, eg:
- id
- revision
- foo_id
- revision
For relations between these I have used the lamda syntax to specify conditions on the relation like this:
class Article
belongs_to :product, ->{ joins(:base).where("products.revision = product_revisions.revision") }, :class_name=> "Product::Revision", :primary_key => :product_id
Where article is not revisioned, but product is (Product::Revision is the model that contains the actual data, and is a ActiveRecord::Base mapping to product_revisions, while Product maps to products).
The :base relation is from Product::Revision to Product
This works fine for the normal things like
a = Article.find(..)
which products the sql (a.product only)
SELECT `product_revisions`.* FROM `product_revisions`
INNER JOIN `products` ON `products`.`id` = `product_revisions`.`product_id`
WHERE `product_revisions`.`product_id` = 406
AND (products.revision = product_revisions.revision) ORDER BY `product_revisions`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
But when I do Article.joins(:product) it fails, since it doesn't join in the products table:
SELECT `articles`.* FROM `articles` INNER JOIN `product_revisions`
ON `product_revisions`.`product_id` = `articles`.`product_id`
AND (products.revision = product_revisions.revision)
with the error:
Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'products.revision' in 'on clause'
To me it seems like ActiveRecord simply ignores the joins in the lamba when it does the joins query, which seems stupid. Is this a bug, or is there a better/correct way to do this?
I've encountered a similar problem. Any joins specified in a lambda for a has_many are silently ignored.
I found this in the Rails issues that solves the problem for me:
The author mentions the problem occurring when there is an order clause but I think this muddies the water - it makes no difference whether there is an order clause or not.
I cannot say whether this is a bug or intended behaviour but I suspect the former.

Specifying conditions on eager loaded associations returns ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

The problem is that when a Restaurant does not have any MenuItems that match the condition, ActiveRecord says it can't find the Restaurant. Here's the relevant code:
class Restaurant < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :menu_items, dependent: :destroy
has_many :meals, through: :menu_items
def self.with_meals_of_the_week
includes({menu_items: :meal}).where(:'' =>
And the sql code generated:
Restaurant Load (0.0ms)←[0m ←[1mSELECT DISTINCT "restaurants".id FROM "restaurants"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "menu_items" ON "menu_items"."restaurant_id" = "restaurants"."id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "meals" ON "meals"."id" = "menu_items"."meal_id" WHERE
"restaurants"."id" = ? AND ("menu_items"."date" BETWEEN '2012-10-14 23:00:00.000000'
AND '2012-10-21 22:59:59.999999') LIMIT 1←[0m [["id", "1"]]
However, according to this part of the Rails Guides, this shouldn't be happening:
Post.includes(:comments).where("comments.visible", true)
If, in the case of this includes query, there were no comments for any posts, all the posts would still be loaded.
The SQL generated is a correct translation of your query. But look at it,
just at the SQL level (i shortened it a bit):
"menu_items" ON "menu_items"."restaurant_id" = "restaurants"."id"
"meals" ON "meals"."id" = "menu_items"."meal_id"
"restaurants"."id" = ?
("menu_items"."date" BETWEEN '2012-10-14' AND '2012-10-21')
the left outer joins do the work you expect them to do: restaurants
are combined with menu_items and meals; if there is no menu_item to
go with a restaurant, the restaurant is still kept in the result, with
all the missing pieces (,, ...) filled in with NULL
now look aht the second part of the where: the BETWEEN operator demands,
that is not null! and this
is where you filter out all the restaurants without meals.
so we need to change the query in a way that makes having null-dates ok.
going back to ruby, you can write:
def self.with_meals_of_the_week
includes({menu_items: :meal})
.where(' is NULL or between ? and ?',,
The resulting SQL is now
.... WHERE ( is NULL or between '2012-10-21' and '2012-10-28')
and the restaurants without meals stay in.
As it is said in Rails Guide, all Posts in your query will be returned only if you will not use "where" clause with "includes", cause using "where" clause generates OUTER JOIN request to DB with WHERE by right outer table so DB will return nothing.
Such implementation is very helpful when you need some objects (all, or some of them - using where by base model) and if there are related models just get all of them, but if not - ok just get list of base models.
On other hand if you trying to use conditions on including tables then in most cases you want to select objects only with this conditions it means you want to select Restaurants only which has meals_items.
So in your case, if you still want to use only 2 queries (and not N+1) I would probably do something like this:
class Restaurant < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :menu_items, dependent: :destroy
has_many :meals, through: :menu_items
cattr_accessor :meals_of_the_week
def self.with_meals_of_the_week
restaurants = Restaurant.all
meals_of_the_week = {}
MenuItems.includes(:meal).where(date:, restaurant_id => restaurants).each do |menu_item|
meals_of_the_week[menu_item.restaurant_id] = menu_item
restaurants.each { |r| r.meals_of_the_week = meals_of_the_week[] }
Update: Rails 4 will raise Deprecation warning when you simply try to do conditions on models
Sorry for possible typo.
I think there is some misunderstanding of this
If there was no where condition, this would generate the normal set of two queries.
If, in the case of this includes query, there were no comments for any
posts, all the posts would still be loaded. By using joins (an INNER
JOIN), the join conditions must match, otherwise no records will be
[from guides]
I think this statements doesn't refer to the example Post.includes(:comments).where("comments.visible", true)
but refer to one without where statement Post.includes(:comments)
So all work right! This is the way LEFT OUTER JOIN work.
So... you wrote: "If, in the case of this includes query, there were no comments for any posts, all the posts would still be loaded." Ok! But this is true ONLY when there is NO where clause! You missed the context of the phrase.
