Apple Mach-O Librarian Error - ios

I download the cocos2d-x project from our SVN, but an problem happened when I opened it with Xcode, error information is as follows:
/Applications/Xcode .app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: -dynamic not specified the following flags are invalid: -ObjC
/Applications/Xcode .app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lwebp
/Applications/Xcode .app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lwebp is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
Command /Applications/Xcode .app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/libtool failed with exit code 1
can anyone give me some advice, thank you very much.

#trojanfoe, you're right.
sry didn't read the last part. I check my cocos2s-x project and give you a right anwer.
[edit 2]
OK, I tested my project and the empty from github. Where have you downloaded the SVN from?
And what is your Xcode Version?
have you used this repository: get cocos2d-x?
If not, go ahead and clone it, open the build>cocos2d_samples.xcodeproj and select Test cpp iOS > iPhone > iOS 7.0 for example and run the build. This should work at least.


IPA Processing Failed: Could not resolve #executable_path

I am stuck with this error when exporting IPA.
I did refer similar questions and none of them worked for me.
I am migrating my project from carthage to SPM, most of the frameworks which I use support SPM and only two had XCFrameworks.
Have added XCFrameworks with Embed & Sign, and earlier I used to have the simulator architectures removal script, with XCFrameworks I have removed that from my build phase step now.
When looked in the standard log I could not spot any error when searched with "fail"
Is there anything in the standard log which would indicate an error which I should be looking for ?
EDIT: Before you close as Duplicate of How to fix "IPA processing failed" error in xcode 11?
Please check this is for Xcode 12 with SPM & XCFrameworks !
The only errors I can spot in the logs are below:
2021-02-10 09:37:47 +0000 Scanning IPA...
2021-02-10 09:37:50 +0000 warning: Failed to resolve rpath for **SDK: Could not resolve #executable_path for #executable_path/Frameworks from **SDK
2021-02-10 09:37:50 +0000 warning: Failed to resolve rpath for ***: Could not resolve #executable_path for #executable_path/Frameworks from ***
But when I compared with the logs from another project with similar set up, I can see the same set of "warnings" and I am able to generate IPA on the another project.

GCM linker command failed with exit code 1: Apple-Mach-O Linker Error

What I have done after 2 days of reading stack overflow:
Keywords to problem:
"Apple-Mach-O Linker Error",
...)", "_OBJC_CLASS_$_GSDK_PBExtensionRegistry"
,"_OBJC_CLASS_$_GSDK_PBGeneratedEnumDescriptor" ....
I Don't use pod. Manually Download files from Github
So I am stuck. How do I solve the problem(s) displayed in the image below:
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Did you download all the dependent pods? To make GCM work, you need Google, GoogleCloudMessaging, GGLInstanceID, GoogleInterchangeUtilities, GoogleIPhoneUtilities, GoogleNetworkingUtilities, GoogleSymbolUtilities, and GoogleUtilities.
There could be various errors in your code as per your description. Some of the possibilities are:
1. Please read this
2. Importing QuartzCore in the project might fix the issue too.
3. Cleaning the project and restarting might help you too.
4. Changing the architecture of the project from armv6 to armv7 or arm64 could help too.
5. Moving the linked library of GCM to another folder also causes this issue. Please check it out too.

Library not found for -llib. (clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation))

I am working on a project that was previously done and uploaded on app store.When I run this app in Xcode 5.0 it is working fine but when I run this on Xcode Version 5.1.1 (5B1008) I am getting Linker error on both device and simulator.
Error Message- Library not found for -llib. (clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)).
I have searched a lot but I didn't get any thread about Library not found for -llib error. Is there anything I have to change in build settings to resolve this?
Look at the linker command line in detail for the -L options being used:
Then use Terminal or Finder to see if your libXXX.a file exists in those directories. If the library exists elsewhere then you need to configure your Library Search Paths:
However there several details which you have not provided in your question when using a library within an app:
Is the library built as part of the Xcode project/workspace (as in the first image)?
Is the library supplied by a third-party with binary (.a) and header files (as in the second image)?
TL;DR: I ran make in the wrong directory so the paths were messed up.
linking ../build/release/yubikey-personalization-gui
/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -llib
I ran into this when compiling the Yubikey Personalisation Tool. I tracked down the -llib call in my Makefile which looked like this:
LINK = #echo linking $# && g++
LIBS = $(SUBLIBS) -L/usr/lib64 -L../lib/release -llib -lyubikey -lykpers-1 -lQtGui -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lQtCore -lpthread
So it was setting a variable called LINK which would print "linking" and then call g++, which is the compiler.
Then it set the var LIBS which would hold the ominous -llib.
Then it composes and runs the command $(LINK) ... $(LIBS).
Which runs g++ with the parameter -llib.
And what does that do? Turns out -l<something> is telling the compiler to use the something-library. So it asks for the library called lib here. Which is strangely generic. I figured out that the sources came with a directory called lib/, which was at ../lib.
So starting make from a directory higher up fixed it.
You should remove libstdc++ from other linker flags in your xcode project

Command /Applications/ failed with exit

I am facing the following error in my application.
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/madhavadudipalli/Desktop/ ios projects/Little Flower Public School /Little Flower Public School Ipad/Little Flower Public S chool HD-Prefix*.pch'
clang: error: no input files
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Please tell me what does this mean and what should I do to resolve this one. Been sometime since I have stuck on this one. Kindly Guide me where am I going wrong here.
Thanks in advance.
Following steps fixed this problem:
Issue: Compiler unable to locate Little Flower Public S chool HD-Prefix.pch file. This is because Location of Prefix Header file Little Flower Public S chool HD-Prefix-Prefix.pch in Project Target is incorrect.
The location is defined in Project Target/Build setting. You will need to go to:
Project Target -> Build Settings Tab -> Scroll down and Look for "Apple LLVM Compiler 5.1 - Language" Underneath this node -> You will find the key/value setting for Prefix Header file.
Normally Prefix header file is located under "Supporting File" Folder in your project

c lang error in xcode 5.0 after adding "fno-objc-arc" for some classes

I am working on Xcode 5.0,i copied JSON library files in to my project which are built with non arc, so i added complier flag "fno-objc-arc"for those JSON library compiler sources.
After doing this i am getting apple LLVM 5.o error.
clang: error: no such file or directory: 'fno-objc-arc'
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Pleas help me to resolve this error.
If that's a command line option, and it is, you need to prefix it with a hyphen, such as with:
clang -fno-objc-arc ...
If you just use fno-objc-arc, it's going to think it's a file name you want compiled, and complain bitterly that no such file exists, as indeed it seems to be doing with the no such file or directory: 'fno-objc-arc' error.
Please note that there is no new line character after -fno-objc-arc. You can be assured by entering -fno-objc-arc and click somewhere around instead of hitting enter/return key.
This got my problem fixed!
