How to add a package-info.class to a ShrinkWrap archive? - shrinkwrap

I have a file in one of my packages. It contains some package wide used annotations.
How can I add the corresponding package-info.class to a ShrinkWrap archive?

Ok, I found the following solution:
archive.addPackages(false, new Filter<ArchivePath>()
public boolean include(ArchivePath path)
return path.get().endsWith("package-info.class");
}, SDMEventBroadcaster.class.getPackage());
It does what I expect but it would be nice to have a solution without a filter.


Import groovy class in a pipeline Jenkinsfile

I need to be able to create classes and use them within a Jenkins pipeline.
Let's say I have a very simple groovy class, declared in a groovy script, looking as this:
class MyClass {
public String toString() {
return "toto";
return MyClass();
This class is located in the folder: Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external
Then in my Jenkinsfile I would do:
node('mynode') {
toto = load 'Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external\MyClass.groovy'
echo toto.toString()
And this actually works
However this do pose a certain numbers of issues with my IDE which does not understand what is happening. Also, this prevents me to have several constructor in my custom class.
What I have been trying to do, and for which I need help, is the following. In a file named ExternalClasses.groovy:
class Toto{
public String toString() {
return "toto";
class Tata{
public String toString() {
return "tata";
return this;
In the JenkinsFile:
node('mynode') {
external= load 'Project\Buildfiles\Jenkins\com\external\ExternalClasses.groovy'
toto = new Toto();
tata = new Tata();
And this fails
I have tried several approaches, used packages names, used the syntax, but none worked.
Any ideas ?
Edit about Shared Libraries:
I actually have a Shared library, it is used by several teams and contains very specific data which should be own by the teams and not by the library.
We need to be able to put out of the library things which does not belong to it. The purpose of this work is to alleviate the said library of non generic code.
You could use the Shared Library Feature. Upload your scripts into a VCS like Github/Bitbucket and use Jenkins-Jobs to execute them. They are available for all projects/jobs.

Error when using MvxAppCompatActivity

I am writing an application with Xamarin.Android with MvvmCross. I want my Activity to inherit from MvxAppCompatActivity so that I can use fragments. Here is my base class:
public class BaseActivity<TViewModel> : MvxAppCompatActivity<TViewModel> where TViewModel : MvxViewModel
public new TViewModel ViewModel
get { return base.ViewModel; }
set { base.ViewModel = value; }
I get this error on the OnCreate of my Activity:
Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v7/appcompat/R$drawable; Didn't
find class "$drawable" on path:
But if I change MvxAppCompatActivity to MvxActivity it works fine...why?
I downloaded your solution and tried to build the Android project. It fails with 18 occurrences of the same error:
error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'loginButtonBackgroundColor' in package ...
So after a little inspection of your solution, I did the following steps to solve your issue:
1) In login_screen.axml I saw you had this line:
Which is unnecessary. After removing it, and changing the lines [YOURNAMESPACE]:loginButtonBackgroundColor=... to local:loginButtonBackgroundColor=... the build succeeds.
2) I saw some layout files are located inside the /drawable folder (button_round_corner.xml, input_box.xml and login_button.xml). I moved them to the /layout folder and fixed the issues the change produced (only two).
3) Made Setup class inherit from MvxAppCompatSetup.
4) Added a RegisterAttribute over the LoginButton control. So the class definition looks like this:
using Android.Runtime;
namespace Xxx.Droid.Components
public class LoginButton : FrameLayout, IMvxNotifyPropertyChanged
And that's it! Probably (2) was not necessary, but leaving it here just in case.
It could be several things but it is probably the lack of some android support packages. Mainly the lack of Xamarin.Android.Support.Design gives that error. So check if you have that added and if not add it and it should solve your problem.
If it doesn't it's highly likely you lack some other android support packages

How to set extra fields for entries using plexus-archiver

I'm working with a maven plugin that is using plexus-archiver in order to create a zip file.
Basically, I'm getting the component inject by Sisu, then I'm traversing a specified fileSet and registering the ones required:
zipArchiver.addFile(from_file, to_file);
And the zip are being generated properly.
But I need to include an extra-field for the file mime-type in some of those files that are being added to the zip.
how can I do that with plexus-archiver ?
It seems that the current plexus-archiver (3.0) doesn't support extra-fields.
I have to hack a bit in order to keep using plexus-archive.
The solution was to extend ZipArchiver class and override the method initZipOutputStream that provides an object from ZipArchiveOutputStream class.
With it I could create the entry and its extra-field:
protected void initZipOutputStream(ZipArchiveOutputStream pZOut)
throws ArchiverException, IOException {
ZipArchiveEntry ae = new ZipArchiveEntry(pFile,
ZipExtraField zef = new ContentTypeExtraField(

Dart transformer for packages

I am trying to make a dart transformer that also runs on packages, but I cant figure out how I currently have the following
class MyTransformer extends Transformer implements LazyTransformer {
String get allowedExtensions => ".dart";
void declareOutputs(DeclaringTransform transform) {
// Just transforms a Dart file in place.
Future apply(Transform transform) {
//Only prints files that are in project how to include packages?
return //do work here
Thanks in advance I have know idea how to make it work
As far as I know this is not yet supported. See for more details (and

Grails Criteria Projection - No signature of method projections() is applicable for argument types

As per Grails documentation
Grails also lets you write your domain model in Java or reuse an existing one that already has Hibernate mapping files. Simply place the mapping files into grails-app/conf/hibernate and either put the Java files in src/java or the classes in the project's lib directory if the domain model is packaged as a JAR. You still need the hibernate.cfg.xml though!
So This is exactley what i did.
I have used java domain model and hibernate.cfg.xml file for mapping. I also use
{DomainName}Constraints.groovy for adding Grails constraints. I also used to add functions to {DomainName}Constraints. For example, below is the content of my EmployeeConstraints.groovy
Employee.metaClass.static.findByDepartment = {depCode ->
createCriteria().list {
inList ('code', depCode)
Now this works fine. But, when i add projection to it(code below), just to get the employee code.
Employee.metaClass.static.findByDepartment = {depCode ->
createCriteria().list {
projections { property('empCode', 'empCode') }
department { inList ('code', depCode) }
I get the below error..
" No signature of method: com.package.script142113.projections() is applicable for argument types.. "
Can someone point me to whats wrong with the code?
The property projection is used to return a subset of an object's properties. For example, to return just the foo and bar properties use:
projections {
You're getting an error because you've called the property method with 2 arguments instead of one.
By the way, I see another potential with your code. Grails will automatically create a dynamic finder findByDepartment that has the same name as the method your trying to add via the meta-class. I have no idea which one will take precendence, but I would suggest you avoid this potential problem and simplify your code, by adding this query using Grails' named query support, and call it something like getByDepartment so that the name doesn't class with a dynamic finder.
The answer by Dónal should be the correct one, but I found a strange behavior with grails 3.1. I got the same message using this call:
Announcement.createCriteria().list {
projections {
} .collect { [id: it['id'], title: it['title']] } // it['id'] not found
I fixed it by removing projections closure:
Announcement.createCriteria().list {
} .collect { [id: it['id'], title: it['title']] } // got the it['id']
Hope this help.
