Rails reserved words and convention - ruby-on-rails

After having spent a lot of time researching Rails reserved words and implementing, I still have a few questions regarding use.
In my example here, I'll consider the reserved word 'time'.
Let's say I want to create a class 'Timepiece'. Is it not recommended to use 'timepiece' because the name begins with 'time'? Would it be recommended to use 'time_piece' or to avoid inserting the reserved word at all? My question here is also about use of the exact reserved word within the class like that.
Thank you.

How is time a reserved word?
How does time_piece not use a reserved word like timepiece does?
In any case, name your classes what they should be named: there's no reason, technical, cultural, semantic, or otherwise, not to use a reserved word inside a class or variable name, even if Time was the same as time (it isn't) and time was reserved (AFAIK it isn't).
Let's instead say you meant Time, which isn't a reserved word, but is an existing class. If you name something Time you're re-opening the class. If you name something with Time in it it's entirely unrelated to Time itself, and whether or not you should use it as part of the name has more to do with semantics than anything else: again, no reason not to.


__some_wrapper__ syntax (when to use and not use)

I have seen this syntax in ruby for a number of items and I wanted to learn more about when it's used.
def __some_wrapper__
#__some_wrapper__ ||= SomeClass.new(self)
When and where are two lower dashes __ before and after a name used? What's the rule for it? I have seen it used for method names, and such.
I have seen this syntax in ruby for a number of items and I wanted to learn more about when it's used.
This is just a method definition like any other method definition. An underscore is a legal part of an identifier. It doesn't have any special meaning whatsoever.
When and where are two lower dashes __ before and after a name used? What's the rule for it? I have seen it used for method names, and such.
As with any other name, a developer uses such a name when she thinks that it is the right name to use for this thing. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever between the names ✅ or foo or add or __some_wrapper__. You choose the name which best conveys the intent of the method.

Delphi - create Title/Proper/Mixed Case for Strings

I have a list of approx 100,000 names I need to process. Some are business names, some are people names. Unfortunately, some are lower, some are upper, and some are mixed. I am looking for a routine to convert them to proper case. (Sometimes called Mixed or Title case). I realize I can just loop through the string and capitalize every character that starts a new word. That would be an incredibly simplistic approach. For businesses, short words should be lowercase (of, with, for, ...). For last names, if it starts with Mc, the 3rd letter should be capitalized (McDermot, McDonald, etc). Roman numerals should always be capitalized (John Smith II ), etc.
I have not been able to find any Delphi built in, or otherwise, routines. Surely this is out there. Where can I find this?
As it was already said by others, making a fully automated routine for this is nearly impossible due to so many special variations. So leaving out the human interaction completely is almost impossible.
Now what you can do instead is to make this much easier for human to solve. How? Make a dictionary of all the name variations in Lowercase and present it to him.
Before presenting the names you can make sure that the first letter in any of the names is already capitalized.
Once all name correction has been made in dictionary you go and automatically replace all the names in original database.

regex for a full name

I've recently been receiving a lot of first name only entries in a form. While maybe I should have had 2 separate first and last name fields this always seemed to me a bit much. But I would like to try and get a full name which basically can only be determined by having at least one space.
I came up with this, but I'm wondering if someone has a better and possibly simpler solution?
/([a-zA-ZàáâäãåèéêëìíîïòóôöõøùúûüÿýñçčšžÀÁÂÄÃÅÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÖÕØÙÚÛÜŸÝÑßÇŒÆČŠŽ∂ð,.'-]{2,}) ([a-zA-ZàáâäãåèéêëìíîïòóôöõøùúûüÿýñçčšžÀÁÂÄÃÅÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÖÕØÙÚÛÜŸÝÑßÇŒÆČŠŽ∂ð,.'-]{2,})/
This is basically this /([a-zA-Z,.'-]) ([a-zA-Z,.'-])/ plus unicode support.
I'd first make sure that you really do need people to give you a last name. Is that a genuine requirement? If not, I'd skip it because it adds unnecessary complication and barriers to entry. If it really IS a requirement, it probably makes sense to have separate first and last name fields in your UI so that it's explicit.
The fact that you didn't do that to begin with suggests that you might not really need the last name as much as you think you do.
To answer your original question, this expression might give you what you're looking for without the guesswork:
It checks that the string contains at least 2 words separated by whitespace. Like Tim Pietzcker pointed out, validating the words themselves is prone to error.
In Ruby 1.9, you have access to Unicode properties (\p{L} is a Unicode letter). But trying to validate a name in any way (regex or not) is prone to failure because names are not what you think they are.
Your theory that "if there's a space, there must be a last name there" is incorrect, too - think of first and middle names...

Latin inflection:

I have a database of words (including nouns and verbs). Now I would like to generate all the different (inflected) forms of those nouns and verbs. What would be the best strategy to do this?
As Latin is a highly inflected language, there is:
a) the declension of nouns
b) the conjugation of verbs
See this translated page for an example of a verb's conjugation ("mandare"): conjugation
I don't want to type in all those forms for all the words manually.
How can I generate them automatically? What is the best approach?
a list of complex rules how to inflect all the words
Bayesian methods
There's a program called "William Whitaker's Words". It creates inflections for Latin words as well, so it's exactly doing what I want to do.
Wikipedia says that the program works like this:
Words uses a set of rules based on natural pre-, in-, and suffixation, declension, and conjugation to determine the possibility of an entry. As a consequence of this approach of analysing the structure of words, there is no guarantee that these words were ever used in Latin literature or speech, even if the program finds a possible meaning to a given word.
The program's source is also available here. But I don't really understand how this is to work. Can you help me? Maybe this would be the solution to my question ...
You could do something similar to hunspell dictionary format (see http://www.manpagez.com/man/4/hunspell/)
You define 2 tables. One contains roots of the words (the part that never change), and the other contains modifications for a given class. For a given class, for each declension (or conjugation), it tells what characters to add at the end (or the beginning) of the root. It even can specify to replace a given number of characters. Now, to get a word at a specific declension, you take the root, apply the transformation from the class it belongs, and voilà!
For example, for mandare, the root would be mand, and the class would contains suffixes like o, as, ate, amous, atis... for active indicative present.
I'll use as example the nouns, but it applies also to verbs.
First, I would create two classes: Regular and Irregular. For the Regular nouns, I would make three classes for the three declensions, and make them all implement a Declensable (or however the word is in English :) interface (FirstDeclension extends Regular implements Declensable). The interface would define two static enums (NOMINATIVE, VOCATIVE, etc, and SINGULAR, PLURAL).
All would have a string for the root and a static hashmap of suffixes. The method FirstDeclension#get (case, number) would then append the right suffix based on the hashmap.
The Irregular class should have to define a local hashmap for each word and then implement the same Declensable interface.
Does it make any sense?
Addendum: To clarify, the constructor of class Regular would be
public Regular (String stem) {
this.stem = stem
Perhaps, you could follow the line of AOT in your implementation. (It's under LGPL.)
There's no Latin morphology in AOT, rather only Russian, German, English, where Russian is of course an example of an inflectional morphology as complex as Latin, so AOT should be ready as a framework for implementing it.
Still, I believe one has to have an elaborate precise formal system for the morphology already clearly defined before one goes on to programming. As for Russian, I guess, most of the working morphological computer systems are based on the serious analysis of Russian morphology done by Andrey Zalizniak and in the Grammatical Dictionary of Russian and related works.

what does underscore mean in Delphi4

I come across the following in code.
In general, what does _name1 underscore mean in Delphi 4?
I think it's just a common practice to begin variable names with underscores.
Rules for variable (and component) names in Delphi:
Name can be any length but Delphi uses only first 255 characters.
First character must be letter or underscore not a number.
You cannot use any special characters such as a question mark (?), but you can
use an underscore (_).
No spaces area allowed in the name of a variable.
Reserved words (such as begin, end, if, program) cannot be used as variables.
Delphi is case insensitive – it does not matter whether capital letters are
used or not. Just make sure the way variables or components are used is
consistent throughout the program.
It's a convention to help determine scope of a variable by its name, like private class members. The original author probably uses C++ as well.
In Delphi, I prefer to prefix fields with "F", method parameters with "a" (argument) and local variables with "l".
Another place you might see underscores is after certain identifiers in code generated with WSDLImp or TLBImp to avoid confusion with existing Delphi identifiers. For example, unless you specify otherwise, "Name" is renamed (no pun intended) to "Name_".
To add to the answer of phoenix:
* You can use reserved words as identifiers, but you must add a & sign: &then,
I only use this if another name ís not apropriate.
I associate leading underscores with C/C++ not with Delphi. The C syntax is more character oriented (like {, }, || and &&) so the underscores fit perfectly. While the Delphi/Pascal syntax is more text oriented (begin, end, or, and) so the underscores look a bit strange as you don't expect them there.
It's regularly used for scope.
I declare all my private variables with a _ at the beginning, which is more common in C#/C++.
It's for readability and doesn't necessarily mean anything.
I cannot say what the author of the code you have in mind was thinking, but an underscore prefix has a fairly well recognised convention in relation to COM.
Members in a COM interface that have an underscore prefix are (or were) hidden by default by interface browsers/inspectors, such as VB's library browser etc. This is used when members are published by necessity but are not intended to be used directly.
The _AddRef and _Release members of the IUnknown interface are perhaps the most obvious example of this.
I've adopted this convention myself, so that for example if I declare a unit implementation variable that is exposed through the unit interface via an accessor function I will name the variable with an underscore prefix. It's not strictly necessary in that sort of example but it acts as documentation for myself (and anyone else reading my code that is aware of the convention, which is fairly self-evident from the context).
Another example is when I have a function pointer that may refer to different functions according to runtime conditions so the actual functions that the pointer may refer to are not intended to be called directly but are instead intended to be invoked via the function pointer.
So speaking for myself, I use it as a warning/reminder.... Proceed with caution you are not expected to reference this symbol directly.
