Splash icon slighlty varies after app launch - ios

I have an application that needs to work on iOS6 and 7. I also have the required images for the splash. I have been facing a issue which I could not figure out how it occurs and the issue is when the splash screen loads,the initial image slightly changes after few seconds. Changes in the sense stretches a bit. This happens in landscape. Could someone point me out what can be the issue? Thanks in advance
Also note that I am setting the image according to orientation initially and on orientation change too. But before even the method for setting splash image is hit, there is an image already present on the screen. Where did this image come from? I even removed Launch image option from app's general settings but it still seems to assign an image by default !
Splash Landscape = 1024x768 and its #2x = 2048x1536
Splash Portrait = 768x1024 and its #2x = 1536x2048

I think you are missing the key point that landing image are 20px short from landing mode
Splash Landscape = 1024x768 Not correct
Splash Landscape = 1004x768 Correct

I found what was going wrong. I had images named as Default.png and Default#2x.png which were portrait images in my resource folder. I deleted and removed their references but the issue persisted. So I removed them from the project and renamed the required images, reset the simulator and run. Got it fixed. I guess the Xcode 5 automatically takes the images by default from resources and loads in the Launch Images in general tab. I even removed Launch Image set in general tab.


image view only shows background color in launch screen

I'm having some problems with my app's launch screen storyboard.
When I run the app on an iPhone 5S, the image is displayed. However, when I run the app on an iPhone 8, the background color of the UIImageView is shown.
In the project settings, at App Icons and Launch Images, I am not using an image source (although trying do so doesn't seem to work either) and the Launch Screen File is set to LaunchScreen.
The View Controller has Is Initial View Controller checked and the file has Use as Launch Screen checked. The image set was brought in using Import... and is universal.
I've read through several of the solutions for black screen here, but switching the background color revealed that was where my black screen was coming from.
In the assets file, the image set has 1x # 640x1136, 2x # 1242x2208 & 3x # 1125x2436. I experimented with other combinations, but this is the first set that let me see the actual image on the 5S. I'm pretty sure the issue is not having the right configuration of dimensions in the image set file, but can't be certain.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Had the same thing. Working on the simulator but didn't work on the device (or any other possible option). It's just a bug.
Try these until it works:
Turn simulator/device off and then on again.
Hard clean simulator. Turn it off.
Clean/Hard Clean/Delete Derived data
Reboot Xcode
Hope one of these helps.
If not, please include the screenshots of working / non-working app screens.

The app is not showing on full screen on iPhone but is running fine on the simulator

The app is completely visible on the full screen in the simulator but does not show up completely when I run it on the device. Here with attaching the screen shots for consideration.
Add a splash screen. It will solve your issue. The top & bottom black color is because you didn't added a splash screen. Add it & it will return to a full screen view. This happened because you have migrated the project which developed in an older version of xcode
A solution for your case
You need to add splash screen #1x (Image for non retina display, don't put #1x), #2x, #3x of all devices, and check this 100% your issue will be fixed.
splashscreen.jpg (#1x, Don't need #1x for non retina display)
Please check splash screen size in this link
If still your issue not fixed please let me know or check above link.
Update :
Please check Launch screen interface file base name in info.plist
Please check In General Tab and check
What have you done to make the app FullScreen?
Maybe this will help:
Add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES
Info.plist is one of the file below the Main.storyboard or viewController.swift
You need try following solutions.
-> Add Launch Images and select in setting.
-> Add Launch screen storyboard and select it as Launch screen file in Setting.
This happened only because of the splash screen for (Size 640 x 1136 ).
When you will add this size of splash screen this issue will solve.
If you already added then, i would suggest you to recheck the Size of your splash screen.
You have to check your image size only no need to do something else.
Please do one thing uncheck your iOS 6 or Prior from Assets.xcassets.
You can check it in this image.

Black bar appears on top when running on iPhone 6 & iPad Pro Simulator

When I run my game on the simulator, specifically on iPhone 6 and iPad Pro, it shows black bar on top of the screen. I have looked the answer up online and have literally tried every single thing and have went through all the answers, but none have worked. My deployment is set to 7.0 and have tried running with setting just set to LaunchImage from asset folder and LaunchImage & LaunchScreen.xib combined. I also do have the right size pictures required in asset including iPhone Retina 4, as well, and that doesn't fix the problem either. Is this just a glitch on the simulator or there is a way around this?
I got it working. For some reason my 2x images were short for the screen size, and had to extend them more. Even though height wise, my images had more length than the screen size.
Hope this helps people. I came across several people who had done everthing right, but still couldn't get it working. I believe it is because image isn't large enough to cover the whole screen
Stretched mode?
Are you providing Default screens in all sizes as suggested in:
Dealing with iPhone 6/6+ startup images
How to Update Your Apps for the 4-Inch iPhone 5 Display
Restoring integrity in Startup screens
Images clipped?
If not running in stretched mode, pick a View Mode best suited for your images, such as Aspect Fill and Scale to Fill, both of which will cover your UIImageView in LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Add Default-568h#2x.png Image with resolution 640x1136.
Make sure 'App Icons and Launch Images' look like below image:
it worked in simulator with iOS 9.

How do you Implement Landscape Launch Screen for iPhones?

How do you implement landscape launch screens for iPhones? I've seen the "plist duplicate" posts and added the arrays they suggested to my plist, and added my launch images to my xcassets file which is set as my launch image so it shows as just a black screen. when removing assets catalogue, theres a bar of black on both the left and right side of the screen the whole time the app is running. Also, if its not done through cassettes, what do you name the images and where do they go? Thanks!
Are you asking about launch images or launch screens?
There's no such thing as a landscape launch image for iPhone. You provide a normal launch image in portrait, and if the app launches in landscape, that launch image is automatically turned on its side.
But in this day and age it would be best to forget about launch images and use a launch screen, a xib file or storyboard. It knows nothing of orientation and doesn't need to know anything: you just configure its appearance using autolayout to match whatever the circumstances turn out to be.

xcode 5 removing ipad launch images when adding additional sizes

So I have an app and since version 5.0 of Xcode came out I have been trying to get the launch screen images updated. Unfortunately when I try to add either the :
Portrait Retina, Landscape Non Retina, or Landscape Retina it removes whichever one is next to it.
So I will go to add The landscape Retina and the image will appear. However when I go to add the landscape non-retina the Landscape retina image will not longer be referenced.
After adding Non-retina:
Is there a way to double check or add the images without dealing with the interface? Am I doing something wrong? Is it because I haven't added the 1536x2048 yet?
