Struts2 configuration failed - import failed - struts2

While doing Struts with annotations i have this problem.
The import org.apache.struts2.config.Result cannot be resolved
I can't find which library it belongs to so that i can download it.

To use annotations for declarative architecture in your Struts2 web application, you should import struts2-convention-plugin-xxx.jar which contains all the annotations available.


'mat-select' is not a known element when making build in angular 5

I am using lazy loading in my Angular 5 project and I have a shared module in which all the material components are imported and I use this shared module in my other module for material modules.
All components are working fine in development mode but when I make build for production it shows error that 'mat-select' is not a known element without showing any line number.
I have imported shared module in my components that are using angular material and also in my app.component.ts file. I searched everywhere but no luck.
For newer versions of Angular (I'm on Angular 11):
import {MatSelectModule} from '#angular/material/select';
see MatSelectModule API for more information.
Add below in your respective module.
import { MatSelectModule } from '#angular/material';
and MatSelectModule in imports.

How to import package 'Storage' in to Swift project?

I'm currently studying the source code of Firefox-iOS app by creating my own Swift project and typing the code line by line.
In one of the source code files, it imported a packaged named Storage
But I don't think the package Storage is part of the apple API and I don't really know how I can import it.
Multiple podfiles are present in the project folder
In Swift you dont import other Swift files as they are readily available to use directly.
But you need to import another module. It looks like Storage here is a module inside the firefox-ios app workspace and hence you need to import it before using it.
I looked at the sourcecode at Github and it does contain a package named Storage.
You can read this to understand more about Modules and import statement.

Ionic 2 import ionic-plugin-keyboard not working

I'm creating an Ionic (iOS) app and having troubles importing the kayboard-plugin.
It comes from here:
Why not the native keyboard plugin, because I want to use the HideKeyboardAccessoryBar functionality.
So I ran "cordova plugin add ionic-plugin-keyboard"
It was added perfectly inside the plugins folder.
Then in my app.ts file I cannot use the plugin.
I already used the following import statements:
import {Keyboard} from 'ionic-plugin-keyboard';
import {Keyboard} from 'ionic-plugin-keyboard/ionic-plugin-keyboard';
import {Keyboard} from '../plugins/ionic-plugin-keyboard/ionic-plugin-keyboard';
Then in my code I set
But neither is working. always the same-like error
Error TS2307: Cannot find module 'ionic-plugin-keyboard'.
Does anybody have any experience with this one?
Adding it as a provider was added and it was ok
Check the ionic forum

unable to resolve class in grails

I am developing a module in which some file need to be uploaded on a ftp server for that I have added the "commons-net-3.3.jar" in my grails app & while using it
It is throwing the error unable
to resolve class
In ggts I am able to see all the classes of this package but it throw the error at runtime. What can be the possible solution for this?
In Grails you rarely add jar files to the project, you normally add dependencies. In your case you should add this line to the BuildConfig.groovy (section grails.project.dependency.resolution.plugins)
compile 'commons-net:commons-net:3.3'

Jena package does not exist

Hi all I have a java program inside it I have imported these classes.
import com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.mem.ModelMem;
import com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model.*;
import com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.common.PropertyImpl;
when I'm trying to compile the program it shows 3 errors which are:
package com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.mem does not exist import
package com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model does not exist import
package com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.common does not exist import
I have tried to search for the jar files but I couldn't, is anyone has the link to download the jar file of those packages.
The Jena packages are under com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf…. I don't know where you got this com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena… package name from, but it's definitely wrong. Maybe you're using an obsolete example from an ancient Jena version?
There shouldn't be any reason to import ModelMem or PropertyImpl directly. If you need a ModelMem, use ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(). If you need a property instance, use model.createProperty().
You can download the Jena jars from the Jena download site.
