I've noticed with docker that I need to understand what's happening inside a container or what files exist in there. One example is downloading images from the docker index - you don't have a clue what the image contains so it's impossible to start the application.
What would be ideal is to be able to ssh into them or equivalent. Is there a tool to do this, or is my conceptualisation of docker wrong in thinking I should be able to do this.
Here are a couple different methods...
A) Use docker exec (easiest)
Docker version 1.3 or newer supports the command exec that behave similar to nsenter. This command can run new process in already running container (container must have PID 1 process running already). You can run /bin/bash to explore container state:
docker exec -t -i mycontainer /bin/bash
see Docker command line documentation
B) Use Snapshotting
You can evaluate container filesystem this way:
# find ID of your running container:
docker ps
# create image (snapshot) from container filesystem
docker commit 12345678904b5 mysnapshot
# explore this filesystem using bash (for example)
docker run -t -i mysnapshot /bin/bash
This way, you can evaluate filesystem of the running container in the precise time moment. Container is still running, no future changes are included.
You can later delete snapshot using (filesystem of the running container is not affected!):
docker rmi mysnapshot
C) Use ssh
If you need continuous access, you can install sshd to your container and run the sshd daemon:
docker run -d -p 22 mysnapshot /usr/sbin/sshd -D
# you need to find out which port to connect:
docker ps
This way, you can run your app using ssh (connect and execute what you want).
D) Use nsenter
Use nsenter, see Why you don't need to run SSHd in your Docker containers
The short version is: with nsenter, you can get a shell into an
existing container, even if that container doesn’t run SSH or any kind
of special-purpose daemon
This command should let you explore a running docker container:
docker exec -it name-of-container bash
The equivalent for this in docker-compose would be:
docker-compose exec web bash
(web is the name-of-service in this case and it has tty by default.)
Once you are inside do:
ls -lsa
or any other bash command like:
cd ..
This command should let you explore a docker image:
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash name-of-image
once inside do:
ls -lsa
or any other bash command like:
cd ..
The -it stands for interactive... and tty.
This command should let you inspect a running docker container or image:
docker inspect name-of-container-or-image
You might want to do this and find out if there is any bash or sh in there. Look for entrypoint or cmd in the json return.
NOTE: This answer relies on commen tool being present, but if there is no bash shell or common tools like ls present you could first add one in a layer if you have access to the Dockerfile:
example for alpine:
RUN apk add --no-cache bash
Otherwise if you don't have access to the Dockerfile then just copy the files out of a newly created container and look trough them by doing:
docker create <image> # returns container ID the container is never started.
docker cp <container ID>:<source_path> <destination_path>
docker rm <container ID>
cd <destination_path> && ls -lsah
see docker exec documentation
see docker-compose exec documentation
see docker inspect documentation
see docker create documentation
In case your container is stopped or doesn't have a shell (e.g. hello-world mentioned in the installation guide, or non-alpine traefik), this is probably the only possible method of exploring the filesystem.
You may archive your container's filesystem into tar file:
docker export adoring_kowalevski > contents.tar
Or list the files:
docker export adoring_kowalevski | tar t
Do note, that depending on the image, it might take some time and disk space.
Before Container Creation :
If you to explore the structure of the image that is mounted inside the container you can do
sudo docker image save image_name > image.tar
tar -xvf image.tar
This would give you the visibility of all the layers of an image and its configuration which is present in json files.
After container creation :
For this there are already lot of answers above. my preferred way to do
this would be -
docker exec -t -i container /bin/bash
The most upvoted answer is working for me when the container is actually started, but when it isn't possible to run and you for example want to copy files from the container this has saved me before:
docker cp <container-name>:<path/inside/container> <path/on/host/>
Thanks to docker cp (link) you can copy directly from the container as it was any other part of your filesystem.
For example, recovering all files inside a container:
mkdir /tmp/container_temp
docker cp example_container:/ /tmp/container_temp/
Note that you don't need to specify that you want to copy recursively.
The file system of the container is in the data folder of docker, normally in /var/lib/docker. In order to start and inspect a running containers file system do the following:
hash=$(docker run busybox)
cd /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/$hash
And now the current working directory is the root of the container.
you can use dive to view the image content interactively with TUI
Try using
docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash
There might be possibility that bash is not implemented. for that you can use
docker exec -it <container-name> sh
On Ubuntu 14.04 running Docker 1.3.1, I found the container root filesystem on the host machine in the following directory:
/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/<container id>/rootfs/
Full Docker version information:
Client version: 1.3.1
Client API version: 1.15
Go version (client): go1.3.3
Git commit (client): 4e9bbfa
OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64
Server version: 1.3.1
Server API version: 1.15
Go version (server): go1.3.3
Git commit (server): 4e9bbfa
In my case no shell was supported in container except sh. So, this worked like a charm
docker exec -it <container-name> sh
I use another dirty trick that is aufs/devicemapper agnostic.
I look at the command that the container is running e.g. docker ps
and if it's an apache or java i just do the following:
sudo -s
cd /proc/$(pgrep java)/root/
and voilá you're inside the container.
Basically you can as root cd into /proc/<PID>/root/ folder as long as that process is run by the container. Beware symlinks will not make sense wile using that mode.
The most voted answer is good except if your container isn't an actual Linux system.
Many containers (especially the go based ones) don't have any standard binary (no /bin/bash or /bin/sh). In that case, you will need to access the actual containers file directly:
Works like a charm:
dockerId=$(docker inspect -f {{.Id}} $name)
mountId=$(cat /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/mounts/$dockerId/mount-id)
cd /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/$mountId
Note: You need to run it as root.
Only for LINUX
The most simple way that I use was using proc dir, the container must be running in order to inspect the docker container files.
Find out the process id (PID) of the container and store it into some variable
PID=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' your-container-name-here)
Make sure the container process is running, and use the variable name to get into the container folder
cd /proc/$PID/root
If you want to get through the dir without finding out the PID number, just use this long command
cd /proc/$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' your-container-name-here)/root
After you get inside the container, everything you do will affect the actual process of the container, such as stopping the service or changing the port number.
Hope it helps
This method only works if the container is still running, otherwise, the directory wouldn't exist anymore if the container has stopped or removed
None of the existing answers address the case of a container that exited (and can't be restarted) and/or doesn't have any shell installed (e.g. distroless ones). This one works as long has you have root access to the Docker host.
For a real manual inspection, find out the layer IDs first:
docker inspect my-container | jq '.[0].GraphDriver.Data'
In the output, you should see something like
"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/03e8df748fab9526594cfdd0b6cf9f4b5160197e98fe580df0d36f19830308d9/merged"
Navigate into this folder (as root) to find the current visible state of the container filesystem.
This will launch a bash session for the image:
docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash
On newer versions of Docker you can run docker exec [container_name] which runs a shell inside your container
So to get a list of all the files in a container just run docker exec [container_name] ls
I wanted to do this, but I was unable to exec into my container as it had stopped and wasn't starting up again due to some error in my code.
What worked for me was to simply copy the contents of the entire container into a new folder like this:
docker cp container_name:/app/ new_dummy_folder
I was then able to explore the contents of this folder as one would do with a normal folder.
For me, this one works well (thanks to the last comments for pointing out the directory /var/lib/docker/):
chroot /var/lib/docker/containers/2465790aa2c4*/root/
Here, 2465790aa2c4 is the short ID of the running container (as displayed by docker ps), followed by a star.
For docker aufs driver:
The script will find the container root dir(Test on docker 1.7.1 and 1.10.3 )
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
echo 'docker-find-root $container_id_or_name '
exit 1
CID=$(docker inspect --format {{.Id}} $1)
if [ -n "$CID" ] ; then
if [ -f /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/mounts/$CID/mount-id ] ; then
F1=$(cat /var/lib/docker/image/aufs/layerdb/mounts/$CID/mount-id)
if [ ! -d "$d1" ] ; then
echo $d1
This answer will help those (like myself) who want to explore the docker volume filesystem even if the container isn't running.
List running docker containers:
docker ps
=> CONTAINER ID "4c721f1985bd"
Look at the docker volume mount points on your local physical machine (https://docs.docker.com/engine/tutorials/dockervolumes/):
docker inspect -f {{.Mounts}} 4c721f1985bd
=> [{ /tmp/container-garren /tmp true rprivate}]
This tells me that the local physical machine directory /tmp/container-garren is mapped to the /tmp docker volume destination.
Knowing the local physical machine directory (/tmp/container-garren) means I can explore the filesystem whether or not the docker container is running. This was critical to helping me figure out that there was some residual data that shouldn't have persisted even after the container was not running.
If you are using Docker v19.03, you follow the below steps.
# find ID of your running container:
docker ps
# create image (snapshot) from container filesystem
docker commit 12345678904b5 mysnapshot
# explore this filesystem
docker run -t -i mysnapshot /bin/sh
For an already running container, you can do:
dockerId=$(docker inspect -f {{.Id}} [docker_id_or_name])
cd /var/lib/docker/btrfs/subvolumes/$dockerId
You need to be root in order to cd into that dir. If you are not root, try 'sudo su' before running the command.
Edit: Following v1.3, see Jiri's answer - it is better.
another trick is to use the atomic tool to do something like:
mkdir -p /path/to/mnt && atomic mount IMAGE /path/to/mnt
The Docker image will be mounted to /path/to/mnt for you to inspect it.
My preferred way to understand what is going on inside container is:
expose -p 8000
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 image
Start server inside it
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
If you are using the AUFS storage driver, you can use my docker-layer script to find any container's filesystem root (mnt) and readwrite layer :
# docker-layer musing_wiles
rw layer : /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/c83338693ff190945b2374dea210974b7213bc0916163cc30e16f6ccf1e4b03f
mnt : /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/c83338693ff190945b2374dea210974b7213bc0916163cc30e16f6ccf1e4b03f
Edit 2018-03-28 :
docker-layer has been replaced by docker-backup
The docker exec command to run a command in a running container can help in multiple cases.
Usage: docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]
Run a command in a running container
-d, --detach Detached mode: run command in the background
--detach-keys string Override the key sequence for detaching a
-e, --env list Set environment variables
-i, --interactive Keep STDIN open even if not attached
--privileged Give extended privileges to the command
-t, --tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY
-u, --user string Username or UID (format:
-w, --workdir string Working directory inside the container
For example :
1) Accessing in bash to the running container filesystem :
docker exec -it containerId bash
2) Accessing in bash to the running container filesystem as root to be able to have required rights :
docker exec -it -u root containerId bash
This is particularly useful to be able to do some processing as root in a container.
3) Accessing in bash to the running container filesystem with a specific working directory :
docker exec -it -w /var/lib containerId bash
Often times I only need to explore the docker filesystem because my build won't run, so docker run -it <container_name> bash is impractical. I also do not want to waste time and memory copying filesystems, so docker cp <container_name>:<path> <target_path> is impractical too.
While possibly unorthodox, I recommend re-building with ls as the final command in the Dockerfile:
CMD [ "ls", "-R" ]
I've found the easiest, all-in-one solution to View, Edit, Copy files with a GUI app inside almost any running container.
mc editing files in docker
inside the container install mc and ssh: docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash, then with prompt install mc and ssh packages
in same exec-bash console, run mc
press ESC then 9 then ENTER to open menu and select "Shell link..."
using "Shell link..." open SCP-based filesystem access to any host with ssh server running (including the one running docker) by it's IP address
do your job in graphical UI
this method overcomes all issues with permissions, snap isolation etc., allows to copy directly to any machine and is the most pleasant to use for me
I had an unknown container, that was doing some production workload and did not want to run any command.
So, I used docker diff.
This will list all files that the container had changed and therefore good suited to explore the container file system.
To get only a folder you can just use grep:
docker diff <container> | grep /var/log
It will not show files from the docker image. Depending on your use case this can help or not.
Late to the party, but in 2022 we have VS Code
i've been using a docker container to build the chromium browser (building for Android on Debian 10). I've already created a Dockerfile that contains most of the packages I need.
Now, after building and running the container, I followed the instructions, which asked me to execute an install script (./build/install-build-deps-android.sh). In this script multiple apt install commands are executed.
My question now is, is there a way to install these packages without rebuilding the container? Downloading and building it took rather long, plus rebuilding a container each time a new package is required seems kind of suboptimal. The error I get when executing the install script is:
./build/install-build-deps-android.sh: line 21: lsb_release: command not found
(I guess there will be multiple missing packages). And using apt will give:
root#677e294147dd:/android-build/chromium/src# apt install nginx
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package nginx
(nginx just as an example install).
I'm thankfull for any hints, as I could only find guides that use the Dockerfile to install packages.
You can use docker commit:
Start your container sudo docker run IMAGE_NAME
Access your container using bash: sudo docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
Install whatever you need inside the container
Exit container's bash
Commit your changes: sudo docker commit CONTAINER_ID NEW_IMAGE_NAME
If you run now docker images, you will see NEW_IMAGE_NAME listed under your local images.
Next time, when starting the docker container, use the new docker image you just created:
sudo docker run **NEW_IMAGE_NAME** - this one will include your additional installations.
Answer based on the following tutorial: How to commit changes to docker image
Thanks for #adnanmuttaleb and #David Maze (unfortunately, they only replied, so I cannot accept their answers).
What I did was to edit the Dockerfile for any later updates (which already happened), and use the exec command to install the needed dependencies from outside the container. Also remember to
apt update
otherwise you cannot find anything...
A slight variation of the steps suggested by Arye that worked better for me:
Create container from image and access in interactive mode: docker run -it IMAGE_NAME bin/bash
Modify container as desired
Leave container: exit
List launched containers: docker ps -a and copy the ID of the container just modified
Save to a new image: docker commit CONTAINER_ID NEW_IMAGE_NAME
If you haven't followed the Post-installation steps for Linux
, you might have to prefix Docker commands with sudo.
It's CentOS 7, already installed vi and vim in my CentOS and I can use them. I run docker in CentOS, when I excute this line below:
docker exec -it mysolr /bin/bash
I cannot use vi/vim in the solr container:
bash: vim: command not found
Why is that and how do I fix it so I can use vi/vim to edit file in docker container?
A typical Docker image contains a minimal set of libraries and utilities to run one specific program. Additionally, Docker container filesystems are not long-lived: it is extremely routine to delete and recreate a container, for instance to use a newer version of a base image.
The upshot of this is that you never want to directly edit files in a Docker container, and most images aren't set up with "rich" editing tools. (BusyBox contains a minimal vi and so most Alpine-based images will too.) If you make some change, it will be lost as soon as you delete the container. (Similarly, you usually can install vim or emacs or whatever, but it will get lost as soon as the container is deleted: installing software in a running container isn't usually a best practice.)
There are two good ways to deal with this, depending on what kind of file it is.
If the file is part of the application, like a source file, edit, debug, and test it outside of Docker space. Once you're convinced it's right (by running unit tests and by running the program locally), docker build a new image with it, and docker run a new container with the new image.
ed config.py
docker build -t imagename .
docker run -d -p ... --name containername imagename
ed config.py
docker build -t imagename .
docker stop containername
docker run -d -p ... --name containername imagename
If the file is configuration that needs to be injected when the application starts, the docker run -v option is a good way to push it in. You can directly edit the config file on your host, but you'll probably need to restart (or delete and recreate) the container for it to notice.
ed config.txt
docker run \
-v $PWD/config.txt:/etc/whatever/config.txt \
--name containername -p ... \
ed config.txt
docker stop containername
docker rm containername
docker run ... imagename
Am trying to install and configure openstack (devstack) inside docker container. While installing am getting the following error
"Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager."
Later, I checked and found that its because of systemd problem. When I tried executing the command systemd
Am getting the following output.
Trying to run as user instance, but the system has not been booted with systemd.
Following are the things which am used.
Host machine OS : Ubuntu 14.04,
Docker Version : Docker version 1.12.4, build 1564f02,
Docker Container OS : Ubuntu 14.04
Can anyone help in this. Thanks in advance.
First of all, systemd expects /sys/fs/cgroup to be mounted. Additionally, you must make the container privileged, or else this happens:
docker run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro --privileged -it --rm ubuntu
Then you can go ahead and run /bin/systemd --system --unit=basic.target from bash, and it should run normally (with some errors of course, because Docker does not virtualize an entire system, nor is the library:ubuntu image more than the minimum size required to run properly):
After you have systemd running (semi-)properly, you can simply use a docker stop to stop the container.
This post is based on my own research, a few weeks of it too, for a project I like to call initbuntu (originally I tried to get init running, but running systemd directly was my only solution after all my failed tries). The container will be available on Docker Hub as logandark/initbuntu, Soon™. For now, a broken copy (or not broken, I dunno) is available there at the time of posting.
Sources (kinda):
/sys/fs/cgroup: Here
systemd --system: A StackOverflow post I lost the link to.
Existing DevStack on Docker Project
First of all, you can get a preconfigured Dockerfile with DevStack Ocata/Pike on Docker here. The repository also contains further information on DevStack and containers.
Build Your Own Image
Running systemd in Docker is certainly possible and has been done before. I found Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is a good foundation for the Docker host as well as the base image.
Your systemd/DevStack Dockerfile needs this configuration, which also cleans up services you probably don't want inside a Docker container:
FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Systemd workaround from solita/ubuntu-systemd and moby/moby#28614 #
ENV container docker
# No need for graphical.target
RUN systemctl set-default multi-user.target
# Gracefully stop systemd
# Cleanup unneeded services
RUN find /etc/systemd/system \
/lib/systemd/system \
-path '*.wants/*' \
-not -name '*journald*' \
-not -name '*systemd-tmpfiles*' \
-not -name '*systemd-user-sessions*' \
-exec rm \{} \;
# Workaround for console output error moby/moby#27202, based on moby/moby#9212
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "exec /sbin/init --log-target=journal 3>&1"]
If you intend to run OpenStack/DevStack inside said container, it might save you lots of trouble to start it privileged instead of defining separate security capabilities and volumes:
docker run \
--name devstack \
--privileged \
--detach \
To get a bash inside your new systemd container try this:
docker exec \
--tty \
--interactive \
devstack \
Systemd should work inside properly configured container. You can run the container in privileged mood to run systemd.
"Systemd cannot run without SYS_ADMIN, less privileges than that won't work (see #2296 (comment)). Yes it's possible to make it "easier" (a tool that automatically sets these), but it'll still need certain privileges"
See this Github issue
After all docker is an application container and it runs the process which you specify at run time , after completing that process it will exit. May be you need an OS container or a virtual machine for your use case. See OS container vs Application Container here
In most cases the error messages comes up because an installer program has tried to run "systemctl start ". Unlike initscripts the systemctl command will not try execute the start script directly - instead it tries to contact the systemd daemon to execute the start sequence of the service. So all services have a common parent in the systemd daemon.
It can be quite overdone to run a systemd daemon inside a docker container just to start a service. You could use the systemctl-docker-replacement overwriting /usr/bin/systemctl in which case the target service is started without the help of a systemd daemon. It runs the ExecStart from the *.service file directly.
I'm trying to build a few docker containers and I found the iteration process of editing the Dockerfile, and scripts run within it, clunky. I'm looking for best practices and to find out how others go about.
My initial process was:
docker build -t mycontainer mycontainer
docker run mycontainer
docker exec -i -t < container id > "/bin/bash" # get into container to debug
docker rm -v < container id >
docker rmi mycontainer
This felt expensive for each iteration, especially if it was typo.
This alternate process required a little bit less iteration:
Install vim in dockerfile
docker run mycontainer
docker exec -i -t < container id > "/bin/bash" # get into container to edit scripts
docker cp to copy edited files out when done.
If I need to run any command, I carefully remember and update the Dockerfile outside the container.
Rebuild image without vim
This requires fewer iterations, but is not painless since everything's very manual and I have to remember which files changed and got updated.
I've been working with Docker in production since 0.7 and I've definitely felt your pain.
Dockerfile Development Workflow
Note: I always install vim in the container when I'm in active development. I just take it out of the Dockerfile when I release.
Setup tmux/gnu screen/iTerm/your favorite vertical split console utility.
On the right console I run:
$ vim Dockerfile
On the left console I run:
$ docker build -t username/imagename:latest . && docker run -it -name dev-1 username/imagename:latest
Now split the left console horizontally, so that the run STDOUT is above and a shell is below. Here you will run:
docker exec -it dev-1
and edits internally or do tests with:
docker exec -it dev-1 <my command>
Every time you are satisfied with your work with the Dockerfile save (:wq!) and then in the left console run the command above. Test the behavior. If you are not happy run:
docker rm dev-1
and then edit again and repeat step #3.
Periodically, when I've built up too many images or containers I do the following:
Remove all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -qa)
Remove all images: docker rmi $(docker images -q)
I assume the files you're editing in your Alternate process are files that make up part of the application you're deploying? Such as a Bash or Python script?
That being the case, you could mount them as a volume, during your debugging process, rather than mounting them inside the docker, so that when you edit them, they are immediately changed within the docker and the host.
So for example, if your code is at /home/dragonx/codefiles, do
docker run -v /home/dragonx/codefiles:/opt/codefiles mycontainer
Then when you edit those files, either from the host or within the container, they are available in the container but you don't need to copy them out before killing the docker.
Here is the simplest way to "build a few docker containers":
docker run -it --name=my_cont1 --hostname=my_host1 ubuntu:15.10
docker run -it --name=my_cont2 --hostname=my_host2 ubuntu:15.10
docker run -it --name=my_contn --hostname=my_hostn ubuntu:15.10
That would create 'n' number of containers.
After the very first "docker run ..." command, you will be put in a Bash shell. You can do your things there, exit and run the next "docker run ..." command.
Exiting from the Bash shell does not remove the containers. They are all still there in the "Exited" status. You can list them with the docker ps -a command. And you can always get back on to them by:
docker start -ia my_cont1