iOS: Voice to text for a search box - ios

What is the best way to accomplish voice to text for a search box? I don't know if there is a good api to help accomplish this. Or is it better to use the built in voice to text that Apple gave us? I am hoping to get this working for older Iphone devices.

Trying to get something done in spite of Apple's OS restrictions is never a good way to approach things in a maintainable way. There is probably a library out there to do voice-to-text, but the built-in one is device restricted because voice-to-text requires some heavy lifting.


How to Implement signature pad in blackberry 7?

I have started developing a Blackberry App in which it requires to implement sign pad. I googled about this and got a link related to this. From this I am not able to view code through Abode Flash Player nor able to get other resource to implement sign pad.
I don't think you'll find a reliable library for this. If you can't find any, your best bet would be to create your own by listening and drawing on a canvas.
Check out this solution. It's likely not 100% complete, but its a start.

Use both GPS and Scan function in same channel with Junaio AR

As the title says, im simply wondering if it is possible to use the GPS tracking and POI part of junaio, and att the same time use the scan functionality to scan and recognize images. Im working with a group at a project which demands that we use both functionalities, and we are at the moment stuck on trying to send 2 XML documents, causing the server to return nothing at all. I simply want to know if it is possible to use both functionalities in the same channel, and I would greatly appriciate if someone would point me in a direction which could help me solve our problems, since I've been able to find absolutley nothing on my own. Thanks beforehand!
Scan + GPS/compass is not possible at the moment.
However, it's possible to use GPS/compass tracking and continuous visual search at the same time. This might be the closest thing to your requirements.
You might find more information on

Access iOS Voice recognition in app

Currently i am using open ears to detect a phrase and it works pretty well, although i would like to recognize all words in the english language and add that to a text field. So I had two thoughts on how to approach this.
1) Somehow load the entire english dictionary into OpenEars.
(i don't think it is a good idea because they say from 2-300 words or something like that
2)Activate the native iOS voice recognition without deploying the keyboard.
I'm leaning towoards the second way if possible because i love the live recognition in iOS 8, it works flawlessly for me.
How do i recognize all words using one of the two methods (or a better way if you know)?
Thank you
The answer is that you can't do 1) or 2), at least not the way you want to. OpenEars won't handle the whole English dictionary, and you can't get iOS voice recognition without the keyboard widget. You might want to look into Dragon Dictation, which is the speech engine that Siri uses, or SILVIA. You'll have to pay for a license though.

secure ios app from hack - objective-c

Is it possible to make app not launchable if it has been cracked and installed from installous? I don't want to see my app in installous
It's not that easy and it not answerable within some words or code snippets.
But you might check this:
The read also here:
There are ways to detect whether your app is running on a jailbreaked device or whether your app has been modified (aka cracked). Take a look here and here for example.
From my point of view all you are getting by using these methods is a waste of time. Maybe you can make it harder for potential crackers and keep away the script kiddies. But you won't get that far that no talented cracker on earth would be unable to crack your app. Even one single cracker on earth who's able and motivated to crack your app is enough to upload it to hundred's of sites.
If really big companies fail at protecting their apps I really doubt that you will achieve it... so: wasted time which should be better spend on improving your app.
Probably not, because the part of cracking your application is to remove all restrictions (registration, detection of jailbreak, ...).

Using iOS SDK in Flash CS5

I want to write an iOS app in Flash. Can I use iOS SDK features? I mean, for example, I want to have some list of elements in my app (like the one in the music app). Will I have to write all the classes by myself, or maybe I could use the SDK?
Not sure if I'm making it clear. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you are making it clear. But this is not possible. If you want to use ObjectiveC/iOS library components then create a pure iPhone app using xCode on the mac.
Anyway, you may find similar flex/flash controls that may replicate the look and feel of the iOS control. Google is the limit.. ;) Good luck!
