Using iOS SDK in Flash CS5 - ios

I want to write an iOS app in Flash. Can I use iOS SDK features? I mean, for example, I want to have some list of elements in my app (like the one in the music app). Will I have to write all the classes by myself, or maybe I could use the SDK?
Not sure if I'm making it clear. Thanks in advance.

Yes, you are making it clear. But this is not possible. If you want to use ObjectiveC/iOS library components then create a pure iPhone app using xCode on the mac.
Anyway, you may find similar flex/flash controls that may replicate the look and feel of the iOS control. Google is the limit.. ;) Good luck!


How to fetch a photo from Photos Library into Unity Game on an iOS device?

I have a Unity application for iOS and I need to fetch an image from the iPhones photos library and then use it within unity as a texture/2D sprite. I can not find any information on how it could be done.
Any help is much appreciated. :)
For something like this, I think that you are going to need a native plugin. You can either write it yourself (maybe the harder way) or try to find one from the asset store. I don't remember if this is the case anymore, but you may need to have paid for Unity to use / create plugins however.
If you want to try the native plugin route, which is actually a lot of fun in my experience, here is the start of the documentation for it.
I would suspect that you would need to make APIs that are accessible to the Unity side of code that let you call into Objective-C which in turn would call the relevant bits of code at the platform level.
Check this out:
And scroll all the way down
I believe it answers your question of accessing an image from the photo library. Good luck!

Is there an equivalent of Androids ShowcaseView for iOS?

There is a project for Android on Github:
According to the readme:
The ShowcaseView library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with a distinctive and attractive overlay. This library is great for pointing out points of interest for users, gestures, or obscure but useful items.
I would like to know if a functionally equivalent one exists for iOS. It would be useful to give users a quick tour of an app. Typically app intros are handled with a few swipe screens. Think Uber and Duolingo.
Google and Stackoverflow searching returns nothing meaningful. If I had time I'd work on this as a side project.
Edit: I've ended up using which works for both Swift and Objective-C.
You can also try this is a similar implementation of ShowcaseView for Android on iOS.
You can also check out my implementation at
It's developed using Swift 2.0 and can also draw animated highlights such as this one:
It's now updated for Swift 3.0
You can check a small library (MaterialShowcase on Github) that I created when developing my company app.
There's a framework we've been working on that might be useful, BubbleShowCase. Check it out and don't hesitate to leave any feedback.
Try WSCoachMarksView. It is very easy to use, e.g.:
DDCoachMarks is a simple and flexible iOS alternative:

iOS: Voice to text for a search box

What is the best way to accomplish voice to text for a search box? I don't know if there is a good api to help accomplish this. Or is it better to use the built in voice to text that Apple gave us? I am hoping to get this working for older Iphone devices.
Trying to get something done in spite of Apple's OS restrictions is never a good way to approach things in a maintainable way. There is probably a library out there to do voice-to-text, but the built-in one is device restricted because voice-to-text requires some heavy lifting.

converting existing ios app to universal application

I need help on following topic.
I have an existing iPhone app (which I believe was created with "specific device" in mind). Now I want to convert it to "universal" app? Is it possible?
Finally, at some places there were also suggestions that one could create separate iPhone and iPad apps (in case of complex applications). I am not sure if this is what I want, since: I want my iPad and iPhone apps to share some code and at the same time to achieve "universal" functionality. What is the best way to do this? ps. so to sum up I would prefer to have it all in single project if this is possible.
Thanks in advance.
Gregory, as much I think you're talking about universal app. I suggest you, before go ahead you need to google, there are so many materials you'll find.
In short, for your case, you need to prepare two XIBs each for iPhone and iPad respectively and you've to exchange them that depends on your device. So, your code part will be same, but what will alter is the representation part ie IBs.
In any concern, just get back to me. :)

iOS (iPad) application on Flex/Flash Builder 4.5 - SplitView component?

(Disclaimer: I'm a beginner in mobile application development and I'm quite weak with programming but I'm willing to learn new things and take on new challenges. I apologise in advance if my question turns you off, or if it seems as though I haven't done any research. I did all the research I could but it didn't help me much.)
I'm new to developing iOS applications and my school gave me approximately 5 months to develop an iPad application. I have no knowledge or practice on Objective C so since Flash Builder 4.5 allows the development of mobile applications (and I have experiences with Flash Builder), I decided to develop my application on Flash Builder instead.
Everything is going fine until I was told to include a SplitView in my application. I implemented a List on the left side of the application. Clicking on any of the list items will navigate the user to a to another view but i also included and retained the list on the left side of the new view in order to simulate a "SplitView".
Initially it felt as though it will do the job of a SplitView like how it does when I attempted it on XCODE but it doesn't look or feel natural.
I found this video which shows that it is possible to create a SplitView on FB but I've cracked my brains and I really can't figure out how it is done. Is there anyone who can provide me with a rough guide on how to implement this? Thank you very much in advance.
At the moment I implemented
xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://">
<s:ViewNavigator id="MainView" left="292" width="732" height="748" firstView="views.MainView"/>
this way, i can manage to navigate through the views without effecting the Root View Controller. this might not be the best way but it'll suffice at the moment. Are there are any better way to do this?
Take a look at the eskimo library
It has a lot of nice mobile features like "native" look and feel for both android and iOS.
Furthermore, it features some mobile components.
I believe the one you are looking for is called SplitViewApplication.
You will have to download the zip file though to unveil it since it is currently not on the feature list on their website.
Apparently, Flex SDK 4.6 also supports this feature.
It has been released 2 days ago. You might want to check that out as well.
Looks like HDividedBox is a right component for you.
