iOS App Store - Individual account , Multiple Company Names [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have several apps in the App Store under a certain company name under an individual account.
When I do a search for my apps, I can see
-Name of App
-Company Name that I entered
As I'm doing some other apps under another company name with a partner, am I able to add the new apps to this same account, and have the apps display another company name?
-Name of New App
-2nd Company Name
Or do I have to get another individual account in order to display apps under a different company name? :/

As far as App Store account is about money & taxes, you have to create separate account per company name (can you create a bank account that can be accessed by two different companies? nope!).
Besides, new feature was introduced recently, App Transfer. So you can move your apps from company to company later, regardless initial submission.

Get the company to pay for its own account and then invite you as their developer.
If you are working for a company, that company is selling the app, not you.

How do you have your company name as seller if its a individual account?


App with no content - appStore review [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am preparing my app for AppStore review.
App is supposed to display products of specific company, customise them and send to sales department.
The app by default does not store any data and one has to download it. Access to this data will be restricted for sales department employees only (user/pass administrated on server).
I've read the guidelines, but didn't found my answer:
Is it possible to get to appstore with app, that does not have any content until password is given?
I can create user for apple review team and then they'll get the content.
Provide demo account details:
in iTunes Connect, go to My Apps, select your app, then the version
scroll down to App Review Information
Enter details in the "Demo Account" section, and possibly additional details in the Notes section.
However, as others have pointed out, full App Store publication may not be the best option for such an app. You may want to consider Enterprise distribution (if used only by your own employees) or B2B/VPP distribution (which is through the App Store, but is not visible to everyone).
There should be no problem putting your app into the app store - there are quite some apps in the store now that require a login before they do anything, and are only of use for a selected audience. In the worst case you can add some general info views that are publicly accessible to show some value for everybody.
Enterprise distribution has its own hassles (and benefits), so if you don't have to go down that road I wouldn't.
In any case, provide the Apple Testing Team with some test login details.

How can I change my seller name In App Store? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Heres the issue, Im 17 years old and my uncle created an account for me for publishing my apps because Im very interested in developing in iOS, obviously the account is at his name because at first I tried to pay one at my name with his credit card and I got rejected because the names didnt match so we made the one of him.
My recently publish is at his name (in the sellers name), the copyright its at my name but the sellers dont and I want to know if its possible to change it for mine or maybe not my name, only a nickname.... and if dont, where can I send an E-mail or something, please you can imagine how frustrating is that the sellers name is not yours when you put all your effort..... Thanks a lot!!
You can only change the developper name by contacting Apple support :
see this blog article
and this answer on SO :
Changing or Removing Developer Name in App Store
You may want to look into the iTunes Connect Developer Guide, specifically the section about transferring apps to another organization:
Disclaimer: I haven't used this method myself. I've transferred apps by letting and old developer account expire, since it was the most convenient, the least hassle, and the only option available at that time. But that may not be the case for you, so definitely look up the transfer option.

Developing iOS apps for other comapnies and upload them [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I develop and app for a non-tech company for whom it will be an effort (i.e. non-IT people) to get their own Apple iOS developer ID, can I upload it myself under my company ID?
The reason I ask is that it appears to be the norm among other similar companies doing apps for other companies. (At least in the segment/niche I am planning on entering)
In appstore they list: "Developer dev-company Copyright for-company and the app is associated to their account.
I would love if the companies I intend/hope to develop custom apps for would get their own account, but I can just already now see it being at least a small obstacle for some who want "hands off".
What do you do?
You can upload it yourself with your own company name.
You will be the one signing contracts with Apple, and you will be the one legally responsible for the apps.
Your name will be listed in the App Store as the developer.
You can put whatever you want in the copyright notice.
You can use whatever you want for the app name and description, so if you are developing the "Foobar" app for "XYZ Corporation", you can call it "XYZ Foobar" and in the app description you can say it is the official Foobar app for XYZ Corporation. (This assumes that XYZ Corporation has given you permission to use its trademarks.)
If it is a for-pay app, you will receive the payments.
If the other company eventually joins the Developer Program, you can transfer the app to them. (Note: This is a new feature. It wasn't possible until recently.)

iOS App Store Company Name Above App Name [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to change the seller name that shows up in the app store (name that shows up above app name)? Currently it says my name, but I want it to show my business name. Does apple allow this change? If so, how?
If you want to change your developer program membership from a personal to corporate membership, contact Apple. Many developers who started out as individuals have since changed to a corporate membership.
Apple may allow changing your developer enrollment if you incorporate your business under your desired company name and have legal incorporation papers ready to show Apple.
When you signed up, you had an option to select a business or a name and it said you couldn't change this in the future.
Please try to follow Apple's faq on iTunes connect:
Frequently Asked Questions:
It appears that my Team Information Update has been processed. When will my Company and Seller names as displayed on the App Store be updated?
Your Company and Seller names should generally be updated on the App Store as soon as the contract(s) initiated through your Team Information Update have completed processing. Due to certain specific system processing issues, this may take a few hours, so please check the App Store to see if the information has been updated following your Team Information Update completing processing. Your Team Information Update completing processing is indicated by your updated contracts (as indicated in the Team Information Update email sent to your Team Agent) moving into the Contracts In Effect section of the Contracts, Tax and Banking module of iTunes Connect.
If your information has not been updated on the App Store more than 48 hours after your Team Information Update completing processing, click here to contact us.

Apple developer one app_id/provisioning per app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm developing an app which I will duplicate to many clients. Each client will have one app on Apple Store.
For each version (each client) of this application do I need to create a new app_id/provisioning or can I use the same app_id/provisioning?
Yes, you will need a different App ID for each application.
If you use a wildcard then you don't need to have a different app ID and provisioning profile. That is unless you want to use push notifications for example in which case you will need a specific app ID for each app.
That's assuming you're releasing the apps under a single developer account, of course. Multiple developer accounts then obviously you would need multiple app IDs and provisioning profiles.
It depends on what your app does, and what your future plans for the app are.
If you don't do push notifications AND don't use iCloud you can use a wild card as opposed to an app iD for each app.
Having an app ID & provisioning profile per app is cheap (as in no money).
Having a developer account per app would cost money, but if you ever want to sell an app (and the app's user base) independently of your other applications you will need to do that. Otherwise you will either sever the code from the user base when you sell it, or forever have to take code from the buyer and submit it to Apple on their behalf.
