OgreCamera.h file not found - ios

I'm facing a problem when trying to implement an OGRE iOS project. I downloaded and installed the OgreSDK and XCode templates from here.
I'm getting this error: OgreCamera.h file not found.

Most likely the path to the OgreSDK is wrong or missing, so that the required include files such as OgreCamera.h cannot be found. So please double-check your paths.


FLAnimatedImage_AFNetworking error File not found

I'm trying to use this https://github.com/jagbolanos/FLAnimatedImage_AFNetworking and I'm getting the following error:
AFHTTPRequestOperation.h file not found.
I have tried using AFNetworking and FLAnimatedImage by just dragging the files in and by Cocoapods.
Any solutions? Thanks
AFHTTPRequestOperation.h file not found.
The error occurs because of the path problem. The Xcode is not getting the path of this file.
I was able to solve the same problem with the following code.
Add this to the Library Search Paths in Build Settings and make sure you select recursive, delete other library paths which might be absolute paths.
May be it will help you.

facebooksdk.h file not found error in xcode 7

I just added FacebookSDK.Framework. but in my app delegate i am importing #import. But i got error like this “Facebook/Facebook.h” file not found. But i just drag and drop the facebooksdk framework. But still getting same error. I am also fixing in Build settings (Framework Search Path). still getting same error. I am giving Frameworksearch path like this “/Users/xxx/Desktop/xxxx/FacebookDemo”. Actually i am following the tutorial.”How to make Xcode find file FacebookSDK.h?” But still i got same error. SO Please guide me any body.. i am using xcode7.
Just check where it is downloaded in Downloads or Documents.
click on project->targets->framework search path add
$(PROJECT_DIR)/your project name
also add this
FacebookSDK-this should be your downloaded SDK name

Xcode not searching correct subdirectory for headers

I am using Cocoapods for dependency resolution in an iOS project.
The problem I am having is that the compiler is unable to find the correct subdirectory where the headers are located.
See in the image below the directory in which the compiler is searching for the header file:
However, the file is in the subdirectory /Users/Scott/Documents/GitHub/ios-demo/Pods/iOS-KML-Framework/KML. How do I specifically enable that subdirectory to be searched? I have tried suggestions here and here but those did not seem to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
try set Header Search Path or Library Search Path in Building Setting:

Xamarin.Forms iOS Project is not being loaded

While downloaded some example project for images, my iOS project is not getting loaded and while reloading iOS project, I am getting below mentioned error in VS 2012.
The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\iOS\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Could anyone please help me out to resolve the error?
This bug has been fixed, but you'll need to manually edit your .csproj files and change ...\Xamarin.iOS.CSharp.targets to ...\Xamarin.MonoTouch.CSharp.targets

import <IOKit/IOMessage.h> gives error

I'm using theos on iDevice. Installed it with installtheos3 command. If I got it right, it installed SDK too.
Now I have a project that has
import < IOKit/IOMessage.h >
Also I added IOKit to theos' makefile _FRAMEWORK section. Also I tried to add it to PRIVATE_FRAMEWORKS section.
When I'm trying to 'make' i got this error:
error: IOKit/IOMessage.h: No such file or directory
there is no errors with other frameworks, only with this.
Thank you!
I never use theos, but this kind of error generally come from the Header Search Path option inside Build Settings inside your project settings.
When I ran into similar issue, I had just downloaded files from Github as part of my project and proceed forward.
Problem is, these header files are for C type of library(not really obj C). So I doubt, you would be able to include by changing path or config settings.
For some reasons IOKit framework installed with 'installtheos3' doesn't have Headers directory at all. Copying it solved problem
