ServiceStack - Repository Injection By Name - dependency-injection

I have read up on the way SS uses Func to wire registrations. My current issue is that I am still not seeing how to call a specific instance from runtime.
What I would like to do is set up two different repository classes representing two different database systems, say SQLDB and MongoDB, both of which inherit from IDB, then be able to determine which database to use based on an app setting in the config file.
What I have right now in my Configure method is just
container.Register("SQLDB", new TestSQLDB("connectionName"));
container.Register("MongoDB", new TestMongoDB("mongoURL"));
If anyone can help me fill in the blanks I'd appreciate it. I already managed this with Ninject, but I would prefer not to have to add it if I don't need to.

Register via concrete type (or interface if you prefer):
container.Register<SQLDB>(new TestSQLDB("connectionName"));
container.Register<MongoDB>(new TestMongoDB("mongoURL"));
When you want one back:
var mySqlDB = container.Resolve<SQLDB>();
var myMongoDB = container.Resolve<MongoDB>();

Thanks for your help Gavin. You got me on the right track. Here is what worked.
1) In the config:
container.Register<ITest>("SQLDB", new TestSQLDB("xxxx"));
container.Register<ITest>("MongoDB", new TestMongoDB("mongo://"));
2) In the service:
IAppHost appHost = base.GetAppHost();
var repository = appHost.GetContainer().ResolveNamed<ITest>("MongoDB");
List<Test> testlist = repository.LoadAll();
This way I can just replace "MongoDB" with something from the config file and I don't need to recompile to change data sources.


Get child node by name in Umbraco 7.8.1

My Content structure is:
-Home (the site root node)
-About Us
-Our Sevice1
-Our Sevice2
-Our Sevice3
I created a macro for Our Services.
In macro, I want Our Sevice1, Our Sevice2, Our Sevice3...
But in the list variable About Us also come but I don't want it
I want only our service name of the child node
var list= CurrentPage.Children();
About Us also come on the list but I don't want it.
The reason that you see the About Us page in the collection is because you use the Children method.
With the Children method you ask for the direct child nodes of a parent node traversing one level down. So in this case you ask for all direct children of the home page so this works like expected.
What you are trying to achieve is a collection of of all Service nodes. To accomplish this you could do something like this.
Make sure that you have a seperated Document Type for your service nodes ( like for example doc type Service Page ).
Then you can do the following:
var servicePages = CurrentPage.ServicePages;
You can view the docs about it here:
But all of this is using dynamic syntax, this will be removed in future versions of Umbraco. So I suggest you go and use the strongly type syntax.
Then this can be changed by:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.DocmentTypeAlias == "servicePage");
What this does is take the IPublishedContent object of the current page you are on, which is the Home Page then you take all children which has a document type alias of type servicePage.
Like #Mivaweb mentioned, it's better to not use dynamics (I think for performance in addition to being removed in the future).
However, I don't think you have to create a separate doc type, although that will work too. The predicate for the Where method should handle other expressions such as:
var servicePages = Model.Content.Children.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Our Sevice"));

Child navigation properties missing in imported entities in custom initializer

I have a custom entity definition like:
var Card = function () {};
var cardInitializer = function (card) {
// card.fields is defined in the metadata.
// card._cfields is an in-memory only field
// that breeze will not, and should not, track.
// Thus it is being added in the initializer
card._cfields = card.fields.slice();
When the data loads from the server everything is fine. The card.fields array has the corresponding data.
EDITED: Added more info and code of how manager is being set up
But when the data is round-tripped in local storage via .exportEntities and importEntities, the child data defined in the metadata, represented by the property card.fields in this example, is not loaded (the Array has length 0) during the initializer call, though it is subsequently available on the entity after load has completed.
Here is how the manager is being initialized:
var metadataStore = new breeze.MetadataStore();
var queryOptions = new breeze.QueryOptions( {
fetchStrategy: breeze.FetchStrategy.FromLocalCache
var dataService = new breeze.DataService({
serviceName: "none",
hasServerMetadata: false
manager = new breeze.EntityManager({
dataService: dataService,
metadataStore: metadataStore,
queryOptions: queryOptions
entityExtensions.registerExtensions(manager, breeze);
var entities = localStorage[storage];
if(entities && entities !== 'null'){
Wow. You ask for free support from the harried developer of a free OSS product that you presumably value and then you shit on him because you think he was being flippant? And downgrade his answer.
Could you have responded more generously. Perhaps you might recognize that your question was a bit unclear. I guess that occurred to you because you edited your question such that I can see what you're driving at.
Two suggestions for next time. (1) Be nice. (2) Provide a running code sample that illustrates your issue.
I'll meet you half way. I wrote a plunker that I believe demonstrates your complaint.
It shows that the navigation properties may not be wired up when importEntities calls an initializer even though the related entities are in cache.
They do appear to be wired up during query result processing when the initializer is called.
I cannot explain why they are different in this respect. I will ask.
My personal preference is to be consistent and to have the entities wired up. But it may be that there are good reasons why we don't do that or why it is indeterminate even when processing query results. I'll try to get an answer as I said.
Meanwhile, you'll have to work around this ... which you can do by processing the values returned from the import:
var imported = em2.importEntities(exported);
FWIW, the documentation is silent on this question.
Look at the "Extending Entities" documentation topic again.
You will see that, by design, breeze does not know about any properties created in an initializer and therefore ignores such properties during serialization such as entity export. This is a feature not a limitation.
If you want breeze to "know" about an unmapped property you must define it in the entity constructor (Card)... even if you later populate it in the initialized function.
Again, best to look at the docs and at examples before setting out on your own.

Zf2 Redis Adapter, getItems using wildcards

I'm making my first steps in using Redis under ZF2.
I was wondering if there is a method to retrieve keys by pattern.
after setting multiple values with keys like: 'stackOverflow_'.time(), i would like to retrieve later all keys matching the 'stackOverflow_' pattern.
tried using getItems(array $keys) with wildcard in: \vendor\zendframework\zendframework\library\Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\AbstractAdapter.php
$redisKeyPattern = 'stackOverflow_';
$redis = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Redis');
$values = $redis->getItems(array($redisKeyPattern.'*'));
with no succces.
any ideas?
thanks guys. i ended up with duplicating the Redis adapter and adding my own functionality that utilizes the 'keys' function in the Redis extension:
public function getItemsByKeyPattern($pattern) {
$keys = $this->getRedisResource()->keys('*'.$pattern.'*');
if(empty($keys)) return null;
foreach($keys as &$key){
$key = explode(':', $key)[1];
$items = parent::getItems($keys);
return $items;
and it works for me :)
sadly to say there is no method present to return items with a wildcard, also redis don't support namespaces for stored items.
you need to define each item you want to receive, maybe you should look at a implementation like this
$receiveRedisKeys = [];
foreach($resultSet as $result)
$receiveRedisKeys[] = 'predefined_prefix_' . $result->getId();
$redisCacheResultSet = $redis->getItems($receiveRedisKeys);
i know that someone on github made a new repository where he modified redis to allow namespaces but this requires that you build the redis binarys by yourself from source. this leeds to a redis version you can't update anymore over apt-get
It's not possible, but there are some alternatives.
One idea is to keep a set with the keys you are interested in. That is the most common approach to this problem: each time you create one of the keys you will want to retrieve later, you add its name to a set. Then when you need to operate on one of those keys, you can grab it from the set. Read this article to get a general idea about this approach.
Another idea is to use the SCAN command to walk the keyspace with the pattern you are using, and as a second step retrieve the values with MGET followed by the keys you collected. This approach is good for administrative processes, but not as something that should be included in an application because the performance will be worse than that of the first idea. More about SCAN.
Finally, an option that is not recommended but I'm listing it just for completeness is to use the KEYS command to collect the keys you want, then proceed to get the values with MGET, as in the SCAN approach. This is not recommended as KEYS shouldn't be used in production environments. More about KEYS.

How to drop the neo4j embedded database with java?

The class GraphDatabaseService seems not provide any method to drop/clear the database. It there any other means to drop/clear the current embedded database with Java?
Just perform a GraphDatabaseService.shutdown() and after it has returned, remove the database files (using code like this).
You could also use getAllNodes() to iterate over all nodes, delete their relationships and the nodes themselves. Maybe avoid deleting the reference node.
If your use case is testing, then you could use the ImpermanentGraphDatabase, which will delete the database after shutdown.
To use ImpermanentGraphDatabase add the neo4j-kernel tests jar/dependency to your project. Look for the file with a name ending with "tests.jar" on maven central.
I think the easiest way is to delete a directory with neo4j database. I do it in my junit tests after running all tests. Here is a function I use where file is the neo4j directory:
public static void deleteFileOrDirectory( final File file ) {
if ( file.exists() ) {
if ( file.isDirectory() ) {
for ( File child : file.listFiles() ) {
deleteFileOrDirectory( child );
I think I found it on neo4j wiki. I have found in this discussion another solution. You can use Blueprint API, which provide method clear.
Like nawroth said, for testing you should use the ImpermanentGraphDatabase. It pretty much auto-fixes all your problems.
If you're not testing, there are two ways really. I generally have two methods available to me. One is the clearDB method, in which I recursively delete the DB path. I use the FileUtils library for this, and it's pretty much a single line of code :
FileUtils.deleteRecursively(new File(DB_PATH));
The other one is to remove every node in the database EXCEPT THE REFERENCE NODE, using the removeAllNodes method. There is a simple query for this, which you execute like this:
engine.execute("START n = node(*), ref = node(0) WHERE n<>ref DELETE n");
Important to note is that you have to call the clearDB method BEFORE you create a new EmbeddedGraphDatabase object. The removeAllNodes method is called AFTER you've created this object.
There is a helper class
(it comes from and the db you reference is a GraphDatabaseService)
You also have the ability to dump it:

BizTalk 2010: Access Context In Map

This could be a very basic question, but hopefully someone will be able to answer it.
I am receiving messages (HL7) using a custom receive pipeline. Inside my custom pipeline, I am promoting properties into the context. I have set up a map where I need to access these properties. However, I would like to access these properties on the send side. The reason why it needs to be on the send side is because I am attaching my map to the send port, so I assume that the message will have already hit the MessageBox and will be mapped on the send side. Hopefully that makes sense...
I know that there are a few 3rd party tools I can use, but I was hoping that there's a simple functoid, or some code I can enter in a scripting functoid that will access the context for me.
Would someone be able to point me in the right direction with this?
There is, indeed a C# functoid that allows access to context properties but it seems to only work with maps on a Receive Port or inside an Orchestration.
You can use the Context Accessor Functiod to do this... Combine it's pipeline component with yours and it should work... Beware it should be handled within the same thread...
I don't know if this is possible. However, I had a similar requirement to access message context properties and I was able to populate a message with the context properties in an orchestration thanks to
Greg.Forsythe's excellent instructions
I had a similar situation to access the context properties to get the filename property in the my map. I did the below steps without using any external functoids. Hope this helps someone
create a new schema say "FileSchema"
-FileName (fieldElement)
Click the schema and in the properties target namespace - clear the namespace.
make the FileName property distinguished. Rt.Click FileName and show promotions and add FileName to Distinguished property tab.
In your target schema, add the field FileName. for me I added it to a SQL schema, since I need the filename for every row in the database
In your orchestration, use the message assignment shape and type the below
// create a variable varFileXML of type System.XML.XMLDocument
// I'm creating a xml same like the file schema and loading that to the XML variable and then assigning that to the Message of type FileSchema
varFileXML = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
Msg_FileSchema = varFileXML;
//Get the FileName to a variable of string type
varFileName = Msg_FlatFileSchema(FILE.ReceivedFileName);
varFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(varFileName);
//Access the filename property from the message and assign the variable to that
Msg_File.FileName = varFileName;
Now that we got the FileName in to the message you can use that in mapping to your target schema
I used a transform shape to create a new inline map with source as your target schema and fileschema together and the destination as the target schema.I mapped the filename from the fileschema to my target schema the filename property
this is one of the many ways to get the context property. Hope it helps
thanks & regards
