BizTalk 2010: Access Context In Map - mapping

This could be a very basic question, but hopefully someone will be able to answer it.
I am receiving messages (HL7) using a custom receive pipeline. Inside my custom pipeline, I am promoting properties into the context. I have set up a map where I need to access these properties. However, I would like to access these properties on the send side. The reason why it needs to be on the send side is because I am attaching my map to the send port, so I assume that the message will have already hit the MessageBox and will be mapped on the send side. Hopefully that makes sense...
I know that there are a few 3rd party tools I can use, but I was hoping that there's a simple functoid, or some code I can enter in a scripting functoid that will access the context for me.
Would someone be able to point me in the right direction with this?

There is, indeed a C# functoid that allows access to context properties but it seems to only work with maps on a Receive Port or inside an Orchestration.

You can use the Context Accessor Functiod to do this... Combine it's pipeline component with yours and it should work... Beware it should be handled within the same thread...

I don't know if this is possible. However, I had a similar requirement to access message context properties and I was able to populate a message with the context properties in an orchestration thanks to
Greg.Forsythe's excellent instructions

I had a similar situation to access the context properties to get the filename property in the my map. I did the below steps without using any external functoids. Hope this helps someone
create a new schema say "FileSchema"
-FileName (fieldElement)
Click the schema and in the properties target namespace - clear the namespace.
make the FileName property distinguished. Rt.Click FileName and show promotions and add FileName to Distinguished property tab.
In your target schema, add the field FileName. for me I added it to a SQL schema, since I need the filename for every row in the database
In your orchestration, use the message assignment shape and type the below
// create a variable varFileXML of type System.XML.XMLDocument
// I'm creating a xml same like the file schema and loading that to the XML variable and then assigning that to the Message of type FileSchema
varFileXML = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
Msg_FileSchema = varFileXML;
//Get the FileName to a variable of string type
varFileName = Msg_FlatFileSchema(FILE.ReceivedFileName);
varFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(varFileName);
//Access the filename property from the message and assign the variable to that
Msg_File.FileName = varFileName;
Now that we got the FileName in to the message you can use that in mapping to your target schema
I used a transform shape to create a new inline map with source as your target schema and fileschema together and the destination as the target schema.I mapped the filename from the fileschema to my target schema the filename property
this is one of the many ways to get the context property. Hope it helps
thanks & regards


How to access object field in qaf step from stored variable

In my previous question I was looking for a way to access and store return value of the function in qaf step. I was provided with the following:
When create new user using "{'name':'user1','password':'user123'}"
And store into 'newUser'
Then system should have user '${newUser}'
Now, I'd like to know how to get value from object/collection stored.
If it is a simple object named newUser which has field Id. How would I pass Id on next step?
And, if return is List, how to get by index from stored list?
Resolved issue on my own. If anyone faces same unknowns, here is how I solved it.
For requirements to work around response data, parsing same stored objects in properties by specific fields or collecting data from other structures such as Maps or Lists, create common functions with #QAFTestStep annotation to get data for class member name, map by key or list by index and so on... Add those in common steps and then write stepname text in gherkin format with parameters specified. Let me know if someone needs help, always ready to help out...

JShell: Accessing Objects Created by Snippets

I am very confused about something and I would appreciate some insight here.
Say I want to build a GUI that visualizes what is going on inside JShell, i.e. how the, by snippets created objects reference each other and what, by Snippets created objects are contained inside my running instance of JShell. How do I access these objects, and most of all, how do I access how they reference each other?
A concrete example: I create a JShell instance, pass it a few snippets created by the user, which cause the creation of, for example, an ArrayList, a few objects, and add said objects to said ArrayList.
How do I access this ArrayList and the objects contained within it to visualize this in a GUI?
To clarify further:
//say I create a Jshell:
JShell jShell = JShell.create();
//Which then evauletes user code passed from the GUI:
//userCode could be following lines each passed as separate Strings:
“ArrayList<TestObject> allObj = new ArrayList<TestObject>();”
“TestObject tst = new TestObject();”
“TestObject tst2 = new TestObject();”
How do I access “allObj”?
How do I access “tst” and the object it points to? (the “TestObject”instance that “tst” points to);
I know eval() returns a list of SnippetEvents which contain the changed/added snippets, however, I can’t get my head around how to access the objects created by those snippets.
Assuming your classpath has access to the TestObj you could implement Serializable on that object. Upon completion of the eval run another method automatically that serializes the output. Then you can deserialize that object inside your code.

Dynamic Tag Management - Storing

We're in the process of moving to DTM implementation. We have several variables that are being defined on page. I understand I can make these variables available in DTM through data elements. Can I simply set up a data elem
So set data elements
%prop1% = s.prop1
%prop2% = s.prop2
And then under global rules set
s.prop1 = %s.prop1%
s.prop2 = %s.prop2%
for every single evar, sprop, event, product so they populate whenever they are set on a particular page. Good idea or terrible idea? It seems like a pretty bulky approach which raises some alarm bells. Another option would be to write something that pushes everything to the datalayer, but that seems like essentially the same approach with a redundant step when they can be grabbed directly.
Basically I want DTM to access any and all variables that are currently being set with on-page code, and my understanding is that in order to do that they must be stored in a data element first. Does anyone have any insight into this?
I use this spec for setting up data layers: Data Layer Standard
We create data elements for each key that we use from the standard data layer. For example, page name is stored here
We create a data element and standardize the names to this format "page.pageInfo.pageName"
Within each variable field, you access it with the %page.pageInfo.pageName% notation. Also, within javascript of rule tags, you can use this:
It's a bit unwieldy at times but it allows you to separate the development of the data layer and tag manager tags completely.
One thing to note, make sure your data layer is complete and loaded before you call the satellite library.
If you are moving from a legacy s_code implementation to DTM, it is a good best practice to remove all existing "on page" code (including the reference to the s_code file) and create a "data layer" that contains the data from the eVars and props on the page. Then DTM can reference the object on the page and you can create data elements that map to variables.
Here's an example of a data layer:
<script type="text/javascript">
DDO = {} // Data Layer Object Created
DDO.specVersion = "1.0";
DDO.pageData = {
"pageName":"My Page Name",
"pageType":"Section Front",
"pageHier":"DTM Test|Home|Section Front"
DDO.siteData = {
The next step would be to create data elements that directly reference the values in the object. For example, if I wanted to create a data element that mapped to the page name element in my data layer I would do the following in DTM:
Create a new data element called "pageName"
Select the type as "JS Object"
In the path field I will reference the path to the page name in my data layer example above - DDO.pageData.pageName
Save the data element
Now this data element can be referenced in any variable field within any rule by simply typing a '%'. DTM will find any existing data elements and you can select them.
I also wrote about a simple script you can add to your implementation to help with your data layer validation.Validate your DTM Data Layer with this simple script
Hope this helps.

ServiceStack - Repository Injection By Name

I have read up on the way SS uses Func to wire registrations. My current issue is that I am still not seeing how to call a specific instance from runtime.
What I would like to do is set up two different repository classes representing two different database systems, say SQLDB and MongoDB, both of which inherit from IDB, then be able to determine which database to use based on an app setting in the config file.
What I have right now in my Configure method is just
container.Register("SQLDB", new TestSQLDB("connectionName"));
container.Register("MongoDB", new TestMongoDB("mongoURL"));
If anyone can help me fill in the blanks I'd appreciate it. I already managed this with Ninject, but I would prefer not to have to add it if I don't need to.
Register via concrete type (or interface if you prefer):
container.Register<SQLDB>(new TestSQLDB("connectionName"));
container.Register<MongoDB>(new TestMongoDB("mongoURL"));
When you want one back:
var mySqlDB = container.Resolve<SQLDB>();
var myMongoDB = container.Resolve<MongoDB>();
Thanks for your help Gavin. You got me on the right track. Here is what worked.
1) In the config:
container.Register<ITest>("SQLDB", new TestSQLDB("xxxx"));
container.Register<ITest>("MongoDB", new TestMongoDB("mongo://"));
2) In the service:
IAppHost appHost = base.GetAppHost();
var repository = appHost.GetContainer().ResolveNamed<ITest>("MongoDB");
List<Test> testlist = repository.LoadAll();
This way I can just replace "MongoDB" with something from the config file and I don't need to recompile to change data sources.

Strange "A component named TFrm1 already exists" error

I want to let the user to create multiple instances of the same form (let's call it Form1 which is a MDI child form). So I have two procedures like this where I create the forms.
procedure MyProcedure1; // procedure 2 is similar. it also has a var called MyFrm
var MyFrm: TFrm1;
MyFrm:= TFrm1.create(MainForm);
As you can see MyFrm is local var. This is ok for me as I don't need to programatically access the form after I create it. There is no other global variable named Frm1. In the OnClose event of MyFrm I have Action:= caFree;
What could cause the error above?
A user sent that error. It happened only once and I cannot reproduce it.
The error appears in the "MyFrm:= TFrm1.create" line.
Some people suggested that I need to programatically give unique names to my dynamically created forms. I also wondered myself what name a form takes when it is created so I stepped into the code while calling the MyProcedure1 procedure.
Delphi automatically gives unique names like MyFrm, then MyFrm_1, MyFrm_2, MyFrm_3, and so on.
The MyFrm.Name is not altered in LoadFromFile. I have checked (breakpoint) the value of 'MyFrm.Name' at the end of procedure MyProcedure1; after LoadFromFile. The name is unique.
As some people suggested, I override the SetName procedure and checked the name of TMyFrm. Indeed each form gets a unique name.
procedure TMyFrm.SetName(const Value: TComponentName);
I have many forms in this app but only the MainForm is auto-created.
I don't use threads. Anyway this will not be relevant since the forms are created by user (so multi-threading is irrelevant unless the user can create 2 forms at the same time).
Giving MainForm as the Owner in TFrm1.Create will include the newly created form in the components list of MainForm. A component ensures that this list doesn't contain any two components with the same non-empty name (otherwise FindComponent won't work). This mechanism also works when a component changes its name.
As long as you don't specify the name in TFrm1.Create it is most likely that it is set by the LoadFromFile method, which means that you don't have much influence on the name unless you change the file's content.
A valid workaround is to create the form with nil as Owner, load the form from the file, change the name to a unique value or to an empty string and finally call MainForm.InsertComponent.
procedure MyProcedure1;
var MyFrm: TFrm1;
MyFrm:= TFrm1.create(nil);
MyFrm.Name := ''; // or some unique name
The message is caused because each form must be uniquely named.
When you create a form twice, you need to ensure each instance has a unique name, or set the Name to an empty string. The latter also is the trick when using multiple instances of a data module, so that the automatic linking of data-aware controls does not end up always using the first instance.
MyFrm.Name := MyFrm.Name + <something unique>;
MyFrm.Name := '';
after the Create call and you should be fine
MyFrm.Name is the same for both instances...
Make sure than MyFrm.Name is unique...
As far as my exploration along this line, yes the problem of "already exists" stems from having intances of the editor with the same value for the Name property. As another work around do not visually create the editor(s). Create a new component based on TForm/TFrame/TPanel for the editor(s) you want the user to be able to create multiple instances of. You will have to hand code the creation & deletion of any sub-controls, Setting their properties within your code and assigning values - anything from V_Btn = new TBitBtn(this), V_Btn->Color = clTeal, to V_Btn->OnClick = Close_The_Window. BUT NEVER assign a value to the Name property of any component in the new class and do not set the Name property of the editor once you have created an instance of the editor. Treat the Name property for editor as if it did not exist. After you have created the class and added it to your project the following is valid :
TMyeditor* Editor_01 = new TMyeditor(Main_Form);
TMyeditor* Editor_02 = new TMyeditor(Main_Form);
Editor_01->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Addresses;
Editor_02->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Billing;
The more complex the design concept for your editor the more effort you will undergoe to code the class. However this approach will resolve the "already exists" error.
End of answer.
The following is tangental to the original question as it is an extension of what you may want to further do with your code & I write it to help you along should it be the case. The following allows you to efficiently store/retrieve the editor(s) and its published properties such as position on the user's screen, themes, etc. If you've gone the above route, add the following :
void RegisterClassesWithStreamingSystem(void)
// Make sure that as part of the startup
// code TMyEditor is registered
// with the streaming system.
#pragma startup RegisterClassesWithStreamingSystem
You can now ComponentToString <---> StringToComponent[*1] the editor(s).
You can now create a simple database of each editor saving it [*2] and re-creating the editor(s) at runtime. Saving & Recreating is almost entirely done by the TReader/TWriter objects.
{It is worth while to read about TReader/TWriter which is included in the Delphi help file}
[ Presupposing you have an instances of TMyEditor you want to save called Editor_01 & Editor_02 and
you've created the dataset and assigned it to a TClientDataSet named "CDS" ]
//How to write the Editors
String_Version_Of_Editor = ComponentToString(Editor_01);
CDS->FieldByName("Data")->AsString = String_Version_Of_Editor;
String_Version_Of_Editor = ComponentToString(Editor_02);
CDS->FieldByName("Data")->AsString = String_Version_Of_Editor;
//How to read, create an instance of, set the Owner of
//(allowing for automatic destruction/deletion
// if desired, Vis-à-vis Let the compiler/runtime package handle that),
//& setting the form's Parent
AnsiString String_Version_Of_Editor;
TWinControl* New_Editor;
String_Version_Of_Editor = CDS->FieldByName("Data")->AsString;
//The next line creates/constructs the new editor
New_Editor = StringToComponent(String_Version_Of_Editor);
//The next line sets the new editor's Owner to Main_Form
//It also assigns Main_Form the responsibility of object cleanup
//The next line sets the Editor's Parent causing it to be part of the
//displayed user interface (it has been invisble since creation)
New_Editor->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Addresses;
//Move on to the next editor;
String_Version_Of_Editor = CDS->FieldByName("Data")->AsString;
New_Editor = StringToComponent(String_Version_Of_Editor);
New_Editor->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Billing;
People who read the above who are astute will have noted that in the above code the New_Editor is of type TWincontrol not TMyEditor - though it likely should have been. However I did this to draw attention to the fact that problematically the TReader object in Delphi which is really doing the work of converting a string to a component object instance creates/constructs any object which has been registered with the streaming class via RegisterClass. In this manner explicit creation of the editor via explicitedly naming it's type is avoided. If thought is given to the design of TMyEditor and its descendents the only change required to the code is to change TWinControl* to TMyEditor* - even that is not required if published properties beyond TWinControl* are not accessed outside the scope of TMyEditor - Example TMyEditor has access to the variables whose values it is editing and does not require this information to be supplied to the editor.(If working from a DataModule, #include the datamodule's header into TMyEditor).
Side Note:
You may have a utility to know what class was read from the database so that you may place the instance where it belongs. To do this #include <typeinfo> into your code.
Example : If you have instances of TMyEditor, TMyEditor_Generation_01, TMyEditor_Generation_02, etc writen to the database the following will allow you to examine the instances read at runtime for placement into the user interface :
if (typeid(New).name() == "TMyEditor *")
New_Editor->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Addresses;
if (typeid(New).name() == "TMyEditor_Generation_01 *")
New_Editor->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Billing;
if (typeid(New).name() == "TMyEditor_Generation_02 *")
New_Editor->Parent = Tab_Sheet_Other_Editor;
typeid(__).name() will return a string which is the name of the class, in this case will also inculde " *".
The above allows ANY object(s) to be stored in the database and recreated. The entries within the database are not required to be related. The TReader object buried in Delphi's code will decide at runtime what they are and use the correct constructor.
[*1] Note : The ComponentToString and StringToComponent are examples in the delpi/c++ help file.
[*2] Note : What is being saved are the published properties, therefore in your editor class any values you want stored and retrieved which are not already inherited and published should be declared in the __published section of your new class. Those items may also be custom objects, for those you will likely code custom specific methods/functions for the read/write access specifiers in defining the _property. I would suggest translating any complex object into a string value for ease of examining your code while under development.
