Disqus SSO + RAILS Devise Gem - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to implement Disqus SSO with Rails.
I've built an app using Devise, but cannot figure out what to do with the sso code found on the Disqus API recipes. All of the documentation seems to be focussed on PHP, not Ruby.
Where is the correct place to use this function with Rails + Devise?
I'm fairly new to ruby, but cannot find other resources on this topic.

I think u can use devise_cas_authenticatable gem
hope top help you


Adding Facebook Authentication to Rails Custom Authentication

I am currently creating a rails application that requires authentication. Currently, I'm doing custom authentication like that shown in in the following railscast episode:
I would, however, like to add the option to also Log-in through facebook. After doing some research, I found that the easiest way to add Facebook login involves using Devise/Omniauth for authentication. Would it be worth it to try and switch my authentication system to Devise/Omniauth, or is there an easier way to add facebook authentication? I have also looked at the Facebooker plugin, but it seems very outdated. Any suggestions? I am relatively new to Rails, so I appreciate any help I can get!
I've used Authlogic and Devise in conjunction with Omniauth (+ facebook/google/twitter/etc). I found that Devise is the better solution for me with all it's built in functionality. Getting it to work with Omniauth was a breeze. There's a great Railscast here: http://railscasts.com/episodes/235-devise-and-omniauth-revised
I would definitely recommend going that route. Every piece of the pie is updated often and has great documentation so it should be easy to use for people still learning Rails.
Facebook authentication with Devise/Omniauth is mature, widely used, and well-documented. It would make sense to go with that.

Implementing a chat application in Ruby on Rails

Basically, the app has to support sign up/sign in functionality and allow user to add friends and allow friends to chat.Since, I am just starting? with rails it's a bit overwhelming. How should I go about it
Also, the aim is not an application for production.
It'll be great if you could link to some working demos of the same.
If you are learning rails there are lots of great resources online. Try googling for a few.
I would suggest Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial - http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book - it includes bits of what you want.
You would need ofcourse to read tutorials for rails beginners, I recommend the official rails guide.
For sign up/sign in, you could use the devise gem, and for chat push you could take a look at private_pub gem.
You can also check out a tutorial I did on how to achieve the same using devise and private_pub gem. I believe this should get you started http://goo.gl/l3e8zN

How connect authlogic and facebook in rails 3.0.9?

in my app i'm using authlogic for user logging, cart-buying etc on my shop. But how can i introduce facebook login, and goods commenting using my authlogic gem? I reed about https://github.com/kalasjocke/authlogic_facebook_connect but as i think it is for rails <3 ? is it any solution to integrate facebook first commenting, and then regestiring and loging?
I think the omniauth gem in combination with authlogic will help you do what you're trying to do. Take a look at this example app. This walkthrough of how to incorporate it also looks pretty thorough.

ActiveAdmin ACL

I'm new to Ruby on Rails and one of the things that I like is the admin generator bundles like RailsAdmin ActiveAdmin etc.
In my next project I'd like to use Ruby on Rails 3 and ActiveAdmin as backend. But I have no idea of how to achieve ACL in ActiveAdmin.
Can someone explain or point me in the right direction please?
Active Admin uses the Devise gem for authentication. The Devise team have a wiki on how to use cancan for authorization here https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Integrate-with-CanCan-for-roles-management
ActiveAdmin has rather poor support for authorization in my opinion. If you want integrated CanCan then I recommend going with RailsAdmin. It unfortunately is not as customizable as ActivAdmin though.

developing facebook applications with ruby: which gems to use?

i am currently planning a facebook application to be developed with ruby on rails.
i stumbled upon the facebooker gem, but there seem to be other gems around as well - actually there is also a facebooker2 gem.
what are the current options i have with ruby on rails and facebook development? which gems are recommendable?
The Facebook developers site lists some options for Rails along with samples. See http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/User:Using_Ruby_on_Rails_with_Facebook_Platform
I've been working with this over the past couple of days.
The facebooker gem is written to use the old FB RESTful javascript API.
Facebooker2 is written to use the new javascript Open Graph API. Facebooker2 depends upon the mogli gem.
I'm working with facebooker2 and hope to blog a tutorial once I've got it all worked out.
Here's my "tutorial". I hope this helps.
