slicing photoshop template for iPhone - ios

I am fairly new to building iPhone applications. I have a psd file with a template which I would like to use. How do people normally take the template and get images from it easily? Is there an easier way to do so? Another tool or some function in Photoshop?
Please let me know if there is another discussion on this, as I could not find any such information.

There're a few tutorials on this online. But you can do all of it in Photoshop:


Photo editing app iOS

I am trying to make a photo editing application for iOS, but am not sure where to start looking. I have attached an image made in Word... that hopefully simply depicts what I am trying to achieve. It will involved manipulating individual pixels of a shape/image and masking/clipping. WHow should I start and what resources are available to me other than the developer docs?
If you are not new to programming I would suggest a trial and run kind of approach. If it was me, I would follow a approach like this
Figuring out what to do/ what not to do
Do I need to develop the tech I want from scratch or can I use some pods ?
What are the good reads and example apps - (Try this)
Development approach
Build a photo gallery to pick images from
Build a EDIT mode screen
Get set of template overlay images
Figure out how to overlay them on top of each other
Export the final picture as one picture
The developer documentation is essential when it comes to learning new APIs, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. You can try reading tutorials on Core Image first to get an idea (link here) or find a book on computer graphics. It is essential to understand at least the underlying techniques to efficiently program image processing code. In many cases you'll find there is a more elegant technique than just looping on pixels and modifying one-by-one.
Then you can continue with reading on image compositing using core image for example.

How to create a image browser with wxpython

i looking for a way to design a gui with wxpython that browse pictures.i'm able to display images individually like this
but just want to have the ability to see the images as thumbnails by the side. kinda like this.
hope you guys can provide some tips and help on this. thanks in advance.
You might be thinking of the ThumbNailCtrl widget. You can read more about it at the following:
It's also in the wxPython demo package.
I wrote a simple image viewer too, although it doesn't do thumbnails at this time. You can read about that here:

What is the starting point for simple image indexing for search tool

I'm bulding a small photo gallery website and I need a function that detect duplicate images (don't need to be be 100% accurate, just like Google Image Search).
I'm using a very new language (Golang) so I don't think there is any available library for this out there.
So what is the starting point for me? Please give me some keyword about this. Or if you have any material that is simple and easy to understand, please share me.
I think this blog post is simple and easy to understand.

Asset file size overview after compiling an app?

i´ve just created an iOS app that contains lots of media.
Now i just want to know if it´s possible to get an overview of all single files as a report or something like that?
(e.g. Unity3d has this kind of feature. You can see all textures, shaders and so. Maybe Apple already included something...)
Thanks for tips on that..
Slender(App Store Link) might do what you are looking for.

How to combine pdfs for iOS app

Can anyone help with combining two pdf's together on an iPad? I dont know where to start.
I have an app that contains a lot of single page pdf's and I want to be able to allow the user to merge them together for printing and emailing if they wish.
I have looked at the various CGPDF classes but dont know where to begin.
I am sorry that I don't have an answer for your exact question, but Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints? is an excellent place to start. When I first started with all of this I used the iText library from Java to see what was actually going on behind the scenes with properties etc (since all the iOS CGPDF classes are Opaque).
