Recording, Taking Snap Shot with HTTP Live streaming video running MPMoviePlayerController in iOS - ios

I am working with an iOS application in which i have play HTTP Live streaming videos. So, i went through some tutorials in the internet and some how i have played HTTP live streaming videos in MPMoviePlayerController in iOS.
But I have another problem with that i have to take snap shot of running streaming video in iOS and i have to record the live streaming video. I searched in the internet. I really did not find any good tutorial. I have to finish it with this two days. So please help me with it.
When i was trying take screen shot, i tried with thumbnailImageAtTime:moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime
timeOption:MPMovieTimeOptionExact, but it is able to get a thumbnail only for the local files not for the streaming video. And i did not find any source to record live streaming video. please help me with this. I'll be really very grateful to you.
Thanks in Advance.


Youtube streaming get disable itself

YouTube streaming get automatically disable itself. We are doing live streaming through VMIX software. It works fine but sometimes it automatically stop the streaming on the VMIX software we checked streaming looks good.
We stopped and restart the streaming on VMIX but it didn't make any difference until you go to open YouTube live streaming page and then stop and start the streaming from VMIX.
Can anyone face this type of issue? Please guide if you have any clue on this thanks.
I have tried gone through YouTube documentation but didn't got anything on this.

Re-stream a live video from iphone to a server

I am getting a video feed in my app from a drone. The drone's SDK is giving me the video as Data or NSData into my app. I want to stream the same or divert the same to a server (for example a Wowza server). These two things should process simultanously.
You can use ffmpeg library for restreaming it.
There is a sample ffmpeg swift or objective c
I've been trying to send the video to a streaming service like YouTube for a year. The video coming into the iPad from the controller (connected to a Phantom 3 Advanced) is in H.263 format. ffmpeg is best at bulk transcoding, not a stream environment. Tried but it has bugs. It's a wrapper on ffmpeg that knows how to do RTMP.
The DJI go app knows how to do this, I've asked in the forum for help or code sample but they won't help. Bottom line is I can find no way to stream the video from the drone to a streaming service like YouTube or Wowza. I wish Wowza could accept H.263 native, but they site list only H.264.
So I can't give you an answer, but I can give you what I've figured out over the last year.

How to play youtube Videos continuously like a playlist?

We are able to play youtube videos by fetching the data using Youtube API for iOS Application. We would like to play a set of videos continuously like a playlist. Can someone guide us through this issue. we tried using different players but none of them are working for youtube links. we have used MPMoviePlayerViewController but it doesn't play videos continuously, and AVQueuePlayer we were able to play MP4 videos stored in the app but unable to play youtube links.
It would be a great help if someone can help us
Thanks in advance.

How to stream video directly recorded by iPhone camera?

I have one requirement for capturing the video and broadcast it while shooting the video.
I searched many things and found 4 steps but i don't have any suggestion for first initial steps of how to capture video and broadcast it while shooting.
I have found below steps but there is no any explanation for capturing and broadcasting video.
You can use "Wowza media Server" for Streaming purpose For wowza
media server doenload :
After installing wowza Now you need to set up live setting in wowza
for that purpose you need:
RTMP library for Streaming
So can anyone please make me understand below questions:
How to record video ?
How to broadcast video while shooting ?
Thanks in advance.

how to play youtube videos in half and full screen (iOS 6,7)

I have already posted two questions
Question 1 Question 2
last week, but no answer worked. I am working on an app(I have completed the UI),
I have to show the youtube videos in the app, just like the youtube app. that is to show youtube videos in the full mode and in half screen too.
Some Body told me to use MPMoviePlayerViewController , but the problem with this player is, that it takes the url of videos like "". It doesn't play youtube videos. I went to Youtube Developer site. There is lot of information, but all that is for some scripting(javascript using iframe) language, that I don't understand.
Its been a week, and am stuck with this youtube API(I tried to read each and every thing on youtube developer blog, but most of the stuff is related to javascript, which I don't know).
There are few codes available over stackoverflow and Github, which are very old, and are not working now.
If any body know anything then please help. Thanks in advance
I've managed to play YouTube videos with MPMoviePlayerController using LBYouTubeView Library.
Which is a good and upto date library. Basically it extract "" kind of URL from YouTube and plays in a MPMoviePlayerController. You can also set the quality of the video (low,medium,high) etc. This library comes with a sample project you can test.
