So, the YouTube API v3.0 has a categoryId which is titled "Shows". However, when searching on the YouTube website, each of these "Shows" also has its own title (e.g.: "Falling Skies").
I already checked in the channel title (channel.snippet.title), and it is not there.
I could not find it anywhere in the documentation, but is there a way to find out the name of each show ?
YouTube Content ID API is not showing up on my api console, I already made sure my channel was partnered, I also linked it the CMS account, everything is setup correctly but, when I go to the API console it does not show it. The channel I'm uploading the videos to is a brand account of the main email, is that the problem? if so how can I fix it. Thanks.
To get access to YouTube Content ID API you first need to apply here.
You must be a partner to apply.
According to What is the YouTube Content ID API?, comes from YouTube official page, only a Youtube partner can see YouTube Contend ID API in the Google Developers Console. However, I have become a YouTube partner but still cannot see the YouTube Content ID API from the console. Could anyone tell me what's the root cause? Thanks!
i made some YouTube videos with a link to my website in the description area.
When i read the log files from my website, there is no access from youtube.
I tried it with links on other websites, every single link is listed in my logfile summary, but not youtube (i have clicked on the link very often).
My YouTube channel has links to my website since a few month and at least i clicked on the link in the description area. Why is YouTube not listed?
Thx, Jens
I am trying to upload the video using V3 YouTube API.
I keep hitting HTTP 400 due to incorrect snippet.categoryID field. Is there any documentation on what available options on this field are?
I've got the answer on YouTube itself. When you upload a video, use web developer tools in browser to inspect categories dropdown. It will contain category ids.
I've been reading a lot recently about the Content ID that youtube provides. As how it works and how to use it from the Youtube provided interface is clear, I did not find any API reference for this.
Could some one point me to the portion of the Youtube api that deals with this ?
I have to mention that I'm intending to be a copyright owner and I would like to use the youtube api, if possible, to manage rights and find the content which other people have uploaded. Content which by copyright is owned by me.
Thank you very much.
First of all, your channel must be a partner channel, then you must enable the ContentID API from the console\services:
Google Developer Console
After that you can refer to the online documentation at:
YouTube Content ID API
But please be noted that you cannot see the "ContentID API" directly on the console, you must contact the Youtube for it, and this what happened with us.
We were developing an automated tool that uses Youtube Data API & Youtube ContentID API.