I´m looking for a chart component using AJAX/Jscript written above jQuery that allow me to build line, bar and pizza custom graphics. Something like jQGrid is for grids...
Any suggestions of what shall I use...

please see the follwoing link this is being discussed previously
jQuery Charting
Below are some famous plugins


Design Help Required in Vaadin

Hope you are fine and doing good.
Im new in VAADIN and my seniors give a task to create a website using VAADIN but im facing a alot of difficulties in VAADIN for creating HTML,CSS etc. Designer gives me website design in PSD/JPG format and i have to implement those in VAADIN. but how....
Please help me or guide me. if you any any video tutorial link on this please share it with me.
I have sound knowledge in HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, BOOTSTRAP, RESPONSIVE Webdesign.
Inshort my question is how can i create webpage from PSD to HTML using vaadin
The Vaadin framework has changed a lot over the last few years, just be careful in searching for answers that you get the latest information. The Book of Vaadin is a great place to start. The Demo Sampler also gives you code examples (the icons in Menu provide various code details).

Steps to be taken to implement JQgrid in MVC4 Razor,using Entity Framework

I am new to this MVC and JQuery, i started building small application using these, i am using MVC4 Razor ,with Entity Framework. i fallowed few online tutorials for the. but nothin is working out properly. i am able to get my Json data from my controller but the data is printing on my view as a java script array, jqgrid is not displaying, i guess my jqgrid itself is not called, or its not being referenced properly. please tel me what are all the things need to do, and directory structures to be fallowed.
Thanks in Advance
You can easily get jqGrid and other Grids like Telerik from Nuget Package Manager. Each of them must using their own inbuilt functions to handle the events. You will have to learn them to implement it. You can check demos from below link:


I managed to run knockout js. example: . now I would like to replicate the same thing using jqGrid, but I can not run the calculations in real time. can someone help me? I also tried without using knockout, but only using jqGrid I do not work the same.example:
You could try using this plugin
Why reinvent the wheel, there is a good knockout grid called KoGrid, head over to their page, its full of examples and demos

how can I create drill down charts using telerik mvc controls

My question is the title itself.
Is there any way to achieve this ?
Thanks in advance .
I am using MVC3 Razor
I am using trial version of telerik controls and downloaded to from telerik site.
I haven't tried, but you can use the OnSeriesClick event to handle the element the user clicked and trying to redirect the user to the next level. More info on Teleriks documentation site

What is PrimeFaces p:editor based on?

I want to add some client-side functionality to the PrimeFaces p:editor, but for some reason I am not able to uncover what JavaScript client side code they used to build the component. Could anyone point me to that?
P.S. two things I want to do is make the component resizable (PrimeFaces doesn't support that) and I want to add shortcut buttons to insert pre-programmed text. Any hints about how this will done will be appreciated.
PrimeFaces p:editor uses CLEditor
look at this thread
also you should take a look at the PrimeFaces Extensions Project they implemented an editor that uses the CKEditor
<p:editor/> JavaScript source is located in /META-INF/resources/primefaces/editor/editor.js inside primefaces-xxx.jar.
