Eventbrite: Accessing 'Tracking Link' data from API - eventbrite

I am trying to find a way to access the 'Tracking Link' data through the API for purchased tickets. By this, I mean the # of tickets purchased per-event with a particular &ref=TRACK in the widget URL.
I can see this data in the EB dashboard, but I can't seem to find it within the API.
Thanks in advance,
Karl :)

Okay, looks like I tracked it down (it just wasn't documented anywhere).
For anyone else looking for this, the value can be found by calling event_list_attendees and there is a value called affiliate stored for each attendee.
Object {attendees: Array[1]}
+ attendees: Array[1]
+ 0: Object
+ attendee: Object
+ affiliate: "TRACK" <--- The widget referrer
amount_paid: "0.00"
barcode: "123456789012345678901"
created: "2013-09-15 09:32:42"
currency: "USD"


firebase session for two users [duplicate]

In my main page I have a list of users and i'd like to choose and open a channel to chat with one of them.
I am thinking if use the id is the best way and control an access of a channel like USERID1-USERID2.
But of course, user 2 can open the same channel too, so I'd like to find something more easy to control.
Please, if you want to help me, give me an example in javascript using a firebase url/array.
Thank you!
A common way to handle such 1:1 chat rooms is to generate the room URL based on the user ids. As you already mention, a problem with this is that either user can initiate the chat and in both cases they should end up in the same room.
You can solve this by ordering the user ids lexicographically in the compound key. For example with user names, instead of ids:
var user1 = "Frank"; // UID of user 1
var user2 = "Eusthace"; // UID of user 2
var roomName = 'chat_'+(user1<user2 ? user1+'_'+user2 : user2+'_'+user1);
console.log(user1+', '+user2+' => '+ roomName);
user1 = "Eusthace";
user2 = "Frank";
var roomName = 'chat_'+(user1<user2 ? user1+'_'+user2 : user2+'_'+user1);
console.log(user1+', '+user2+' => '+ roomName);
<script src="https://getfirebug.com/firebug-lite-debug.js"></script>
A common follow-up questions seems to be how to show a list of chat rooms for the current user. The above code does not address that. As is common in NoSQL databases, you need to augment your data model to allow this use-case. If you want to show a list of chat rooms for the current user, you should model your data to allow that. The easiest way to do this is to add a list of chat rooms for each user to the data model:
"userChatrooms" : {
"Frank" : {
"Eusthace_Frank": true
"Eusthace" : {
"Eusthace_Frank": true
If you're worried about the length of the keys, you can consider using a hash codes of the combined UIDs instead of the full UIDs.
This last JSON structure above then also helps to secure access to the room, as you can write your security rules to only allow users access for whom the room is listed under their userChatrooms node:
"rules": {
"chatrooms": {
"$chatroomid": {
".read": "
In a typical database schema each Channel / ChatGroup has its own node with unique $key (created by Firebase). It shouldn't matter which user opened the channel first but once the node (& corresponding $key) is created, you can just use that as channel id.
Hashing / MD5 strategy of course is other way to do it but then you also have to store that "route" info as well as $key on the same node - which is duplication IMO (unless Im missing something).
We decided on hashing users uid's, which means you can look up any existing conversation,if you know the other persons uid.
Each conversation also stores a list of the uids for their security rules, so even if you can guess the hash, you are protected.
Hashing with js-sha256 module worked for me with directions of Frank van Puffelen and Eduard.
import SHA256 from 'crypto-js/sha256'
let agentId = 312
let userId = 567
let chatHash = SHA256('agent:' + agentId + '_user:' + userId)

koala Facebook events api

I'm trying to use the FB Events API (v1) to publish events which works great.
Everything works... except, I can't get the no_feed_post method to work.
The Event posts perfectly, but the feed/wall post is NOT suppressed like it's supposed to be.
params = { name: "Blah # #{place.name}", description: event.prizes, location: '123 Blah St.',
start_time: Time.current, no_feed_story: true }
I have tried setting no_feed_story to:
Nothing seems to work... what does Facebook want?
Scanning the docs on facebook, they indicate these are the valid fields.
I don't see no_feed_story as a POST option
Please also make note there is a note that states:
This document refers to an outdated version of Graph API. Please use the latest version

Put_connections to create a new event with Koala?

I'm trying to create a new event using the Koala gem and it's returning with the same error I got when I tried to update an event with an incorrectly formatted datetime value.
I can update just fine now but still cannot create an event.
Here's the code I use on my update method which works:
start_time = safe_params[:start_time].in_time_zone
end_time = safe_params[:end_time].in_time_zone
graph.put_connections(safe_params[:fb_id], "event", {
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy]
And here's the code I'm trying to use to create a new event object:
graph.put_connections("/me/events", "event", { #this is the line that errors
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy]
According to Facebook's documentation on creating an event (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/events/), I should be able to create a new event just by initiating a post to /me/events. Anyone have any idea?
I also tried:
graph.put_connections("/"+current_user.fb_id.to_s+"/events", "event", {
What happens if you do something like this?
graph.put_connections("me", "events", {
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy],
start_time: ...,
end_time: ...
So after messing with Facebook's Graph Explorer and attempting hundreds of different combinations with put_connections I decided to make a straight graph_call using Koala.
Finally got an ID response back. I almost cried. Thought I'd share with the community in case there's someone else trying to do the same thing.
event_response = graph.graph_call("/me/events",{
start_time: safe_params[:start_time],
privacy_type: safe_params[:privacy],
access_token: current_user.oauth_token}, "POST")
safe_params[:fb_id] << event_response["id"]
#event = Event.create safe_params
I make the call in a stored variable event_response because the Facebook Id returned is used in my app.
First thing I found out: despite using "privacy" as the name of the privacy field when GETting from Facebook and saying so in their documentation, "privacy_type" is actually what you want (found this out in another SO post).
The second thing I found out is even though you are authenticated (have a user token) when you make a graph_call you STILL need to pass along the current_user access token along with making a POST graph_call.
Hope this helps someone!

How to make batch request using fb_graph?

when a user login using facebook then i need collect all the movies list liked by the user and his/her friends.
user = FbGraph::User.fetch('me', :access_token => "access_token")
userFrnd = user.friends
userFrnd.each do | uf |
frnd = FbGraph::User.fetch(uf.raw_attributes['id'], :access_token => "access_token")
movies << frnd.movies
final_movie_list = movies.flatten.uniq_by {|track| track.raw_attributes["id"]}
this is my fb_graph function and it's working fine.but i need to make it as batch request since the i have 360 friend it take 360 request to process the above function correctly.but help me out to optimize this and reduce the time it takes to calculate this function.
I came to know that batch request may help me but,i don't know how to do that in fb_graph.
Please help me
I'm using FbGraph from ( github.com/nov/fb_graph ) Version: 2.7.8 and I'm able to make a batch request for 100 users, at a time and get following information about them by default.
I'm not using any access token. So you might be able to get more information including movies.
Here's the demonstration code where ids is an array of Facebook User Ids:
r = FbGraph::User.fetch("?ids=#{ids.join(",")}")
r.raw_attributes #information about the users hashed by their id (String)

Getting top twitter trends by country

I know how to get trends using API, but i want it by country and top 10.
How can I ? Is that possible?
Tried this one but not working
Note that Twitter API v1 is no longer functional. Read announcement
So you should use Twitter API 1.1.
REST method is this: GET trends/place
You should authenticate with access tokens to reach this data.
Yes, you can.
First, figure out which countries you want to get data for.
Will give you a list of all the countries Twitter has trends for.
Suppose you want the trends for the UK. The above tells us that the WOEID is 23424975.
To get the top ten trends for the UK, call
you need to figure out the woeids first use this tool here http://sigizmund.info/woeidinfo/ and then it becomes as easy as a simple function
function get_trends($woeid){
return json_decode(file_get_contents("http://api.twitter.com/1/trends/".$woeid.".json?exclude=hashtags", true), false);
Here you go, I wrote a simple sample script for you. Check It Out Here Twitter Trends Getter
Hope it helps!
I'm a 'bit' late to the party on this one but you can use:
npm i twit --save
const Twit = require('twit');
const config = require('./config');
const T = new Twit(config);
const params = {
id: '23424829',
id: '23424975',
id: '23424977'
// count: 3
T.get('trends/place', params, gotData, limit);
function gotData(err, data, response) {
var tweets = data;
console.log(JSON.stringify(tweets, undefined, 2));
You have to Complete Authentication using Api Key to Fetch Results in JSON.
Another Thing Keep in Mind Twitter Api is Limited.
If you are Making Website for Top Twitter Trends then Visit this Url https://twitter-trends.vlivetricks.com/, Right Click >> Copy Source Code and Replace only Trends Name using Your Json Variable.
