F#: Some, None, or Exception? - f#

I have been teaching myself F# lately, and I come from an imperative (C++/C#) background. As an exercise I have been working on functions that can do stuff with matrices, like add, multiply, get determinants, etc. Everything is going well in this regard, but I find that maybe I am not making the best decisions when it concerns handling invalid inputs, for example:
// I want to multiply two matrices
let mult m1 m2 =
let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2
// Here is where I am running to conceptual trouble:
// In a C# world, I would throw an exception.
if !sizeOK then
raise (InvalidOperationException("bad dimensions!")
doWork m1 m2
So while this technically works, is this appropriate for a functional language? Is it in the spirit of functional programming? Or would it make more sense to rewrite it as:
let mult m1 m2 =
let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2
if !sizeOK then
Some doWork m1 m2
In this case I am returning an option, which adds an extra layer around the matrix, but I could also use the results of the function, even in failure cases (None) with pattern matching, etc. at some later point in the program. So is there a best practice for these types of scenarios? What would a functional programmer do?

I tend to avoid exceptions for the following reasons:
.NET exceptions are slow
Exceptions change control flows of programs in an unexpected way, which makes it much harder to reason about
Exceptions often arise in critical situations while you can fail-safe by using options.
In your case, I will follow F# core library conventions (e.g. List.tryFind and List.find, etc.) and create both versions:
let tryMult m1 m2 =
let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2
if not sizeOK then
Some <| doWork m1 m2
let mult m1 m2 =
let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2
if not sizeOK then
raise <| InvalidOperationException("bad dimensions!")
doWork m1 m2
This example isn't exceptional enough to use exceptions. The mult function is included for C# compatibility. Someone using your library in C# doesn't have pattern matching to decompose options easily.
One drawback with options is that they don't give the reason why the function didn't produce a value. It's overkill here; generally Choice (or Either monad in Haskell term) is more suitable for error handling:
let tryMult m1 m2 =
// Assume that you need to validate input
if not (validateInput m1) || not (validateInput m2) then
Choice2Of2 <| ArgumentException("bad argument!")
elif not <| validateDims m1 m2 then
Choice2Of2 <| InvalidOperationException("bad dimensions!")
Choice1Of2 <| doWork m1 m2
It's a pity that F# Core lacks high-order functions to manipulate Choice. You can find those functions in FSharpX or ExtCore library.

I like the above answers but I wanted to add another option. It really depends how unexpected the outcome is and whether it makes sense to proceed. If it's a rare event and the caller likely didn't plan to fail, then an exception is totally respectable. The code to catch the exception may be many levels above and the caller probably didn't plan to fail. If it's a really routine result for an operation to fail, Some/None is ok though it gives you just two options and no way of passing a result. Another option is to make a discriminated union of possibilities. This forces the caller likely to match on the different outcomes, is extensible and doesn't force you to make every result the same data type.
type MultOutcome =
| RESULT of Matrix
| FOOERROR of string
let mult a b =
if dimensionsWrong then
elif somethingElseIDoNotLike then
FOOERROR("specific message")
match mult x y with
| DIMERROR -> printfn "I guess I screwed up my matricies"
| FOOERROR(s) -> printfn "Operation failed with message %s" s
// Proceed with result r

I tend to go with the following guidelines:
Use exception in a function that is supposed always have a return values, when something goes wrong unexpectedly. This could e.g. be if the arguments does not obey the contract for the function. This has the advantage that client code gets simpler.
Use an Option when the function sometimes has a return value for valid input. This could e.g. be get on a map where a valid key might not exist. Thereby you force the user to check if the function has a return value. This might reduce bugs, but always clutters the client code.
Your case is somewhat in between. If you expect it primarily to be used in places where the dimensions are valid, I would throw an exception.
If you expect client code to often call it with invalid dimension I would return an Option. I will probably go with the former, as it is cleaner (see below) but I don't know your context:
// With exception
let mult3 a b c =
mult (mult a b) c;
// With option
let mult3 a b c=
let option = mult a b
match option with
| Some(x) -> mult x b
| None -> None
Disclaimer: I have no professional experience with functional programming, but I'm a TA in F# programming on a graduate level.


Understanding F# value restriction

I'm learning F#. I'm here because I had something hard to understand about value restriction.
Here are the examples from the book I'm studying with.
let mapFirst = List.map fst
Since I had learned FP with haskell, I was pretty sure that this code would be well compiled, but it was not the case. It resulted error FS0030 (Sorry that I can't copy-paste fsi error message, since it was written in korean). Instead, I had to provide an explicit argument like:
let mapFirst inp = List.map fst inp // or inp |> List.map fst
But why? I thought that with the above example, compiler can surely infer the type of given value:
val mapFirst : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list
If I remind correctly, I called this thing in haskell eta-conversion, and above two examples are entirely identical. (Maybe not entirely, though). Why should I privide parameters explicitly to the function can be curried without any loss of information?
I've understood that something like
let empties = Array.create 100 []
will not compile and why, but I don't think It has something to do with my question.
※ I took a look on this question, but it did not help.
This has to do with mutability.
Consider this snippet:
type T<'a> = { mutable x : 'a option }
let t = { x = None }
The type of t is T<'a> - that is, t is generic, it has a generic parameter 'a, meaning t.x can be of any type - whatever the consumer chooses.
Then, suppose in one part of the program you do:
t.x <- Some 42
Perfectly legitimate: when accessing t you choose 'a = int and then t.x : int option, so you can push Some 42 into it.
Then, suppose in another part of your program you do:
t.x <- Some "foo"
Oh noes, what happens now? Is t.x : int option or is it string option? If the compiler faithfully compiled your code, it would result in data corruption. So the compiler refuses, just in case.
Since in general the compiler can't really check if there is something mutable deep inside your type, it takes the safe route and rejects values (meaning "not functions") that are inferred to be generic.
Note that this applies to syntactic values, not logical ones. Even if your value is really a function, but isn't syntactically defined as such (i.e. lacks parameters), the value restriction still applies. As an illustration, consider this:
type T<'a> = { mutable x : 'a option }
let f t x =
t.x <- Some x
let g = f { x = None }
Here, even though g is really a function, the restriction works in exactly the same as with my first example above: every call to g tries to operate on the same generic value T<'a>
In some simpler cases the compiler can take a shortcut though. Thus, for example this line alone doesn't compile:
let f = List.map id
But these two lines do:
let f = List.map id
let x = f [1;2;3]
This is because the second line allows the compiler to infer that f : list int -> list int, so the generic parameter disappears, and everybody is happy.
In practice it turns out that this shortcut covers the vast majority of cases. The only time you really bump against the value restriction is when you try to export such generic value from the module.
In Haskell this whole situation doesn't happen, because Haskell doesn't admit mutation. Simple as that.
But then again, even though Haskell doesn't admit mutation, it kinda sorta does - via unsafePerformIO. And guess what - in that scenario you do risk bumping into the same problem. It's even mentioned in the documentation.
Except GHC doesn't refuse to compile it - after all, if you're using unsafePerformIO, you must know what you're doing. Right? :-)

How do I convert a function to use forward composition instead of the pipe forward operator? [duplicate]

I don't understand how the Value Restriction in F# works. I've read the explanation in the wiki as well as the MSDN documentation. What I don't understand is:
Why, for example, this gives me a Value Restriction error (Taken from this question):
let toleq (e:float<_>) a b = (abs ( a - b ) ) < e
But ths doesn't:
let toleq e (a:float<_>) b = (abs ( a - b ) ) < e
This is generalized all right...
let is_bigger a b = a < b
but this isn't (it is specified as int):
let add a b = a + b
Why functions with implicit parameters generate Value Restriction:
let item_count = List.fold (fun acc _ -> 1 + acc) 0
vs this:
let item_count l = List.fold (fun acc _ -> 1 + acc) 0 l
(Mind you, if I do use this function in a code fragment the VR error will be gone, but then the function will be specified to the type I used it for, and I want it to be generalized)
How does it work?
(I'm using the latest F#, v1.9.6.16)
Better/recent info is here: Keeping partially applied function generic
(original below)
I think a pragmatic thing here is not to try to understand this too deeply, but rather to know a couple general strategies to get past the VR and move on with your work. It's a bit of a 'cop out' answer, but I'm not sure it makes sense to spend time understanding the intracacies of the F# type system (which continues to change in minor ways from release to release) here.
The two main strategies I would advocate are these. First, if you're defining a value with a function type (type with an arrow '->'), then ensure it is a syntactic function by doing eta-conversion:
// function that looks like a value, problem
let tupleList = List.map (fun x -> x,x)
// make it a syntactic function by adding argument to both sides
let tupleList l = List.map (fun x -> x,x) l
Second, if you still encounter VR/generalizing problems, then specify the entire type signature to say what you want (and then 'back off' as F# allows):
// below has a problem...
let toleq (e:float<_>) a b = (abs ( a - b ) ) < e
// so be fully explicit, get it working...
let toleq<[<Measure>]'u> (e:float<'u>) (a:float<'u>) (b:float<'u>) : bool =
(abs ( a - b ) ) < e
// then can experiment with removing annotations one-by-one...
let toleq<[<Measure>]'u> e (a:float<'u>) b = (abs ( a - b ) ) < e
I think those two strategies are the best pragmatic advice. That said, here's my attempt to answer your specific questions.
I don't know.
'>' is a fully generic function ('a -> 'a -> bool) which works for all types, and thus is_bigger generalizes. On the other-hand, '+' is an 'inline' function which works on a handful of primitive types and a certain class of other types; it can only be generalized inside other 'inline' functions, otherwise it must be pinned down to a specific type (or will default to 'int'). (The 'inline' method of ad-hoc polymorphism is how the mathematical operators in F# overcome the lack of "type classes".)
This is the 'syntactic function' issue I discussed above; 'let's compile down into fields/properties which, unlike functions, cannot be generic. So if you want it to be generic, make it a function. (See also this question for another exception to this rule.)
Value restriction was introduced to address some issues with polymorphism in the presence of side effects. F# inherits this from OCaml, and I believe value restriction exists in all ML variants. Here's a few more links for you to read, besides the links you cited. Since Haskell is pure, it's not subjected to this restriction.
As for your questions, I think question 3 is truly related to value restriction, while the first two are not.
No one, including the people on the F# team, knows the answer to this question in any meaningful way.
The F# type inference system is exactly like VB6 grammar in the sense that the compiler defines the truth.
Unfortunate, but true.

Can I use different workflows simultaneously in F#?

I need my state to be passed along while being able to chain functions with the maybe workflow. Is there a way for 2 workflows to share the same context? If no, what is the way of doing it?
Well, I have a state that represents a segment of available ID's for the entities that I am going to create in the database. So once an ID is acquired the state has to be transformed to a newer state with the next available ID and thrown away so that nobody can use it again. I don't want to mutate the state for the sake of being idiomatic. The State monad looks like a way to go as it hides the transformation and passes the state along. Once the state workflow is in place I cannot use the Maybe workflow which is something I use everywhere.
As stated in the previous answer, one way to combine workflows in F# (Monads in Haskell) is by using a technique called Monad Transformers.
In F# this is really tricky, here is a project that deals with that technique.
It's possible to write the example of the previous answer by automatically combining State and Maybe (option), using that library:
#r #"c:\packages\FSharpPlus-1.0.0\lib\net45\FSharpPlus.dll"
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data
// Stateful computation
let computation =
monad {
let! x = get
let! y = OptionT (result (Some 10))
do! put (x + y)
let! x = get
return x
printfn "Result: %A" (State.eval (OptionT.run computation) 1)
So this is the other alternative, instead of creating your custom workflow, use a generic workflow that will be automatically inferred (a-la Haskell).
In F# you cannot easily mix different types of computation expressions as you would do in Haskell by using Monad Transformers or similar techniques. You could however build your own Monad, embedding state threading and optional values, as in:
type StateMaybe<'T> =
MyState -> option<'T> * MyState
// Runs the computation given an initial value and ignores the state result.
let evalState (sm: StateMaybe<'T>) = sm >> fst
// Computation expression for SateMaybe monad.
type StateMaybeBuilder() =
member this.Return<'T> (x: 'T) : StateMaybe<'T> = fun s -> (Some x, s)
member this.Bind(sm: StateMaybe<'T>, f: 'T -> StateMaybe<'S>) = fun s ->
let mx,s' = sm s
match mx with
| Some x -> f x s'
| None -> (None, s)
// Computation expression builder.
let maybeState = new StateMaybeBuilder()
// Lifts an optional value to a StateMaybe.
let liftOption<'T> (x: Option<'T>) : StateMaybe<'T> = fun s -> (x,s)
// Gets the current state.
let get : StateMaybe<MyState> = fun s -> (Some s,s)
// Puts a new state.
let put (x: MyState) : StateMaybe<unit> = fun _ -> (Some (), x)
Here's an example computation:
// Stateful computation
let computation =
maybeState {
let! x = get
let! y = liftOption (Some 10)
do! put (x + y)
let! x = get
return x
printfn "Result: %A" (evalState computation 1)
StateMaybe may be generalized further by making the type of the state component generic.
Others already gave you a direct answer to your question. However, I think that the way the question is stated leads to a solution that is not very idiomatic from the F# perspective - this might work for you as long as you are the only person working on the code, but I would recommend against doing that.
Even with the added details, the question is still fairly general, but here are two suggestions:
There is nothing wrong with reasonably used mutable state in F#. For example, it is perfectly fine to create a function that generates IDs and pass it along:
let createGenerator() =
let currentID = ref 0
(fun () -> incr currentID; !currentID)
Do you really need to generate the IDs while you are building the entities? It sounds like you could just generate a list of entities without ID and then use Seq.zip to zip the final list of entities with list of IDs.
As for the maybe computation, are you using it to handle regular, valid states, or to handle exceptional states? (It sounds like the first, which is the right way of doing things - but if you need to handle truly exceptional states, then you might want to use ordinary .NET exceptions).

Evaluate function inside quotation

I'm at the moment doing some very basic pattern matching with quotations.
My code:
let rec test e =
match e with
| Patterns.Lambda(v,e) -> test e
| Patterns.Call(_, mi, [P.Value(value, _); P.Value(value2, _)]) ->
printfn "Value1: %A | Value2 : %A" value value2
| Patterns.Call(_, mi, [P.Value(value, _); P.PropertyGet(_, pi, exprs)]) ->
printfn "Value1: %A | Value2 : %A" value (pi.GetValue(pi, null))
| _ -> failwith "Expression not supported"
let quot1 = <# "Name" = "MyName" #>
(* Call (None, Boolean op_Equality[String](System.String, System.String),
[Value ("Name"), Value ("lol")]) *)
let quot2 = <# "Name" = getNameById 5 #>
(* Call (None, Boolean op_Equality[String](System.String, System.String),
[Value ("Name"),
Call (None, System.String getNameById[Int32](Int32), [Value (5)])]) *)
test quot1 // Works!
test quot2 // Fails.. Dosent match any of the patterns.
Is it possible to somehow evaluate the result of the getNameById function first, so that it will match one of the patterns, or am I doomed to assign a let binding with the result of the function outside the quotation?
I've tried playing with the ExprShape patterns, but without luck..
You can use PowerPack's Eval to evaluate only the arguments to the Call expression:
match e with
| Call(_,mi,[arg1;arg2]) ->
let arg1Value, arg2Value = arg1.Eval(), arg2.Eval()
And similarly for Lambda expressions, etc. Noticed this frees you from enumerating permutations of Value, Property, and other argument expressions.
Since you want to avoid using Eval (for good reason if you are implementing a performance conscious application), you'll need to implement your own eval function using reflection (which is still not lightening fast, but should be faster than PowerPack's Eval which involves an intermediate translation of F# Quotations to Linq Expressions). You can get started by supporting a basic set of expressions, and expand from there as needed. Recursion is the key, the following can help you get started:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open System.Reflection
let rec eval expr =
match expr with
| Patterns.Value(value,_) -> value //value
| Patterns.PropertyGet(Some(instance), pi, args) -> //instance property get
pi.GetValue(eval instance, evalAll args) //notice recursive eval of instance expression and arg expressions
| Patterns.PropertyGet(None, pi, args) -> //static property get
pi.GetValue(null, evalAll args)
| Patterns.Call(Some(instance), mi, args) -> //instance call
mi.Invoke(eval instance, evalAll args)
| Patterns.Call(None, mi, args) -> //static call
mi.Invoke(null, evalAll args)
| _ -> failwith "invalid expression"
and evalAll exprs =
exprs |> Seq.map eval |> Seq.toArray
And then wrapping this in an Active Pattern will improve syntax:
let (|Eval|) expr =
eval expr
match e with
| Patterns.Call(_, mi, [Eval(arg1Value); Eval(arg2Value)]) -> ...
Update 2
OK, this thread got me motivated to try and implement a robust reflection based solution, and I've done so with good results which are now part of Unquote as of version 2.0.0.
It turned out not to be as difficult as I thought it would be, currently I am supporting all quotation expressions except for AddressGet, AddressSet, and NewDelegate. This is already better than PowerPack's eval, which doesn't support PropertySet, VarSet, FieldSet, WhileLoop, ForIntegerRangeLoop, and Quote for example.
Some noteworthy implementation details are with VarSet and VarGet, where I need to pass around an environment name / variable lookup list to each recursive call. It is really an excellent example of the beauty of functional programming with immutable data-structures.
Also noteworthy is special care taken with issues surrounding exceptions: striping the TargetInvokationExceptions thrown by reflection when it catches exceptions coming from methods it is invoking (this is very important for handling TryWith evaluation properly, and also makes for better user handling of exceptions which fly out of the quotation evaluation.
Perhaps the most "difficult" implementation detail, or really the most grueling, was the need to implement all of the core operators (well, as most I could discover: the numeric and conversion operators, checked versions as well) since most of them are not given dynamic implementations in the F# library (they are implemented using static type tests with no fallback dynamic implementations), but also means a serious performance increase when using these functions.
Some informal benchmarking I observe performance increases of up to 50 times over PowerPack's (not pre-compiled) eval.
I am also confident that my reflection-based solution will be less bug prone then PowerPack's, simply because it is less complicated than the PowerPack's approach (not to mention I've backed it up with about 150 unit tests, duly fortified by Unquotes additional 200+ unit tests which now is driven by this eval implementation).
If you want to peek at the source code, the main modules are Evaluation.fs and DynamicOperators.fs (I've locked the links into revision 257). Feel free to grab and use the source code for your own purposes, it licensed under Apache License 2.0! Or you could wait a week or so, when I release Unquote 2.0.0 which will include evaluation operators and extensions publicly.
You can write an interpreter that will evaluate the quotation and call the getNameById function using Reflection. However, that would be quite a lot of work. The ExprShape isn't going to help you much - it is useful for simple traversing of quotations, but to write an interpreter, you'll need to cover all patterns.
I think the easiest option is to evaluate quotations using the PowerPack support:
#r "FSharp.PowerPack.Linq.dll"
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QuotationEvaluation
let getNameById n =
if n = 5 then "Name" else "Foo"
let quot1 = <# "Name" = "MyName" #>
let quot2 = <# "Name" = getNameById 5 #>
This has some limitations, but it is really the easiest option. However, I'm not really sure what are you trying to achieve. If you could clarify that, then you may get a better answer.

How do I know if a function is tail recursive in F#

I wrote the follwing function:
let str2lst str =
let rec f s acc =
match s with
| "" -> acc
| _ -> f (s.Substring 1) (s.[0]::acc)
f str []
How can I know if the F# compiler turned it into a loop? Is there a way to find out without using Reflector (I have no experience with Reflector and I Don't know C#)?
Edit: Also, is it possible to write a tail recursive function without using an inner function, or is it necessary for the loop to reside in?
Also, Is there a function in F# std lib to run a given function a number of times, each time giving it the last output as input? Lets say I have a string, I want to run a function over the string then run it again over the resultant string and so on...
Unfortunately there is no trivial way.
It is not too hard to read the source code and use the types and determine whether something is a tail call by inspection (is it 'the last thing', and not in a 'try' block), but people second-guess themselves and make mistakes. There's no simple automated way (other than e.g. inspecting the generated code).
Of course, you can just try your function on a large piece of test data and see if it blows up or not.
The F# compiler will generate .tail IL instructions for all tail calls (unless the compiler flags to turn them off is used - used for when you want to keep stack frames for debugging), with the exception that directly tail-recursive functions will be optimized into loops. (EDIT: I think nowadays the F# compiler also fails to emit .tail in cases where it can prove there are no recursive loops through this call site; this is an optimization given that the .tail opcode is a little slower on many platforms.)
'tailcall' is a reserved keyword, with the idea that a future version of F# may allow you to write e.g.
tailcall func args
and then get a warning/error if it's not a tail call.
Only functions that are not naturally tail-recursive (and thus need an extra accumulator parameter) will 'force' you into the 'inner function' idiom.
Here's a code sample of what you asked:
let rec nTimes n f x =
if n = 0 then
nTimes (n-1) f (f x)
let r = nTimes 3 (fun s -> s ^ " is a rose") "A rose"
printfn "%s" r
I like the rule of thumb Paul Graham formulates in On Lisp: if there is work left to do, e.g. manipulating the recursive call output, then the call is not tail recursive.
