How do I pull a list from XML into a master-detail list? - ios

I want to show a simple list of image titles, then be able to touch each and see the image. The list is in an XML doc with title, URL, and unique integer identifier for each image.

I found this excellent tutorial by Rafael Garcia for anyone who has the same problem. Still working out the logic of it so I can adapt it to my project, but I've copied his code and got a working prototype.


Media Picker filename search not accurate

Is there a way to fix the search in a Media Picker component for Umbraco? I noticed that when I click on the Media Picker component and tried to search for the file I uploaded I ended up of getting all sort of results that has nothing to do with the search I've been looking for. So ideally I was hoping that if I type image001.png I was expecting to find all image with that name. But to my surprise when I do the search I get presented with files that is not even image001.png. See below image
As you can see I tried to search for 200 but I got presented with a file that has a name of test.jpg
Is there a way to fix this filter behavior? I'm using Umbraco 7.4
Did test have 200 in the path where the media library stored it? Search is a bit of a black art sometimes. You can clear and re-build the indexes as that might help improve things.
I do not think there are any custom packages to improve this. YOu could create your own custom search fairly quickly n the backend within a new tab, like this:
Then you can use examine to query media yourself and only search on the filename. Prob not the most helpful answer but it is a option :)

Getting data from Parse server into xcode

I just got into xcode and swift using Parse. I've created a view controller with an image view and some labels. I also set up a Parse server with images and description of those images (for example: an image of a tree with a separate file of the description of the tree). I've looked around and I cant seem to find an answer. How do I upload the image on parse to my image view with the corresponding description of the image? Thanks you.
Did you already look into the Parse Ios guide?
I think that you have to implement the Parse SDK for Ios.
and then use what they say there store images in Parse with swift

Load multiple images from web directory in Objective C

I require a simple but potentially complex solution that I can't seem to find code that translates from Android for my iOS version APP.
I simply need a imageview grid such as shown here from a single web directory:
I have a working version on Android but can't seem to figure it out on Objective C.
My working version uses JSON to find each file in the directory and associated text, then simply adds each entry to the grid. The iOS version doesn't need to be as complicated if anyone has any examples?
Would anyone have any examples/snippets/APIs of implementing something like this into iOS?
Or even a simplified version such as only images from a directory. Simply have the thread read an entire folder from URL, file by file, and populate it in imageview's. Then once a user clicks on an image, simply view it full screen?
For your requirement you can use collection view . Please follow the below tutorial
And to get images of jpg stored in bundle under folder named Images
NSArray *imagesOfjpgType = [[NSBundle mainBundle]pathsForResourcesOfType:#"jpg"
To customize the cell to your design Please use the below code
Also Please find sample from above tutorial which has a label below the image

iphone search local xml

I'm completely new to xcode development, but I would like some guidance or pointing me to some tutorials on developing a basic App that will allow me to search a local XML file by any of its fields, and display results on a list. Then tapping on one item, it parses the XML and display the record.
Added functionality would be the ability of periodically updating the XML file with newer data, but once I get the basic part working, I will try to figure out the rest.
Many thanks.
You can find a tutorial about XML here

OpenXml SDK - Image Reuse

I am creating a Word document based on a template. The template contains a image in the header section which I would like to re-use elsewhere in the document.
The image is stored in the package -> word/media/myImage.jpeg so I need to somehow add a relationship to my each section that I wish to display the image again. I have attempted this successfuly manually, the question is how using the sdk 2.0.
Using the AddImagePart() method is useless as this just adds the image again which is silly as I only need one copy rather than several duplicates stored in the package.
Anyone shed some light?
My experience with the SDK 2.0 is primarily in SpreadsheetML, but assuming the same principles are used in WordprocessingML, you need to create a relationship to the existing ImagePart, by obtaining its ID (using the GetIdOfPart() method) and then calling the CreateRelationshipToPart() method on the part that will hold the secondary reference to it.
Best way is to open up the document in DocumentReflector.exe and have a look on the code generated
Eric has some blog posts about that
