Replace YouTube Error Thumbnail with My Own - youtube

I have a unique challenge. We have lists of YouTube videos that members have posted and they are shown on a page that shows all the thumbnails. However, sometimes these videos become unavailable or deleted and the thumbnail changes to a grey box with 3 dots. How can I replace this image, with an image of my own making.
Here is an example: look for the video entitled "The Six Teens", it is showing with the greyed out image and three dots.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks.

If you look at the picture there is a prefix #at=24
When fetching with the gdata API just detect if #at=24 is availible and then replace the thumb.


How to extract all "put in cell" images from google spreadsheet in high resolution

I have a google spreadsheet with imported (Insert>Image>In cell) photos, which I would like to extract (save to disk) in their full resolution, i.e. how they show if I do right click>Image>Put image over cells.
Saving as web page etc only grabs images in their low-res form (how they show "in cell"). Can you please help me with a script, or something? Thanks!

SVG does not display correctly, iOS Safari

I was supplied a logo for a website in .ai format, which I cropped and saved as SVG1.1, and placed this on multiple places on a friend's Shopify store.
Image in question (view this in Safari for iOS)
Screenshot of the image fault on the site:
Link to actual page here:
The "Panda Head" image under the first photo is half blacked out when viewed with Safari, latest version of iOS on my iPhone 5. While it looks quite cool, it's definitely not anything like my friend's original creative vision...
I tried another answer here on SO, where they tried surrounding all LinearGradient with <defs> tags, which I did to the current image - but to no avail...
Anyone have a clue what's going on? Is it compatibility? or did something go wrong while saving to SVG from .ai?
Change the following line to:
i.e. remove the 8.00000e-02
also ... run this through an optimiser like SVGOMG ... if displayed at the small size this is far too complicated and large. Simplify all the gradients, maybe even merge them all into one. Should be able to get the ungzipped version down an order of magnitude from 35kb. Lovely logo though.

Add Text to individual segments of video using SCRecorder in iOS

Im using this wildly popular library for recording segments of video like Vine:
It works great and in the demo it adds a watermark to all videos created, but the problem is it adds the mark to all segments of the current session. I would like to be able to allow users to add text captions similar to Snapchat on the individual segments. I came across this post when searching, but im lost as to how to apply it to a individual segment: How can I add overlay text on a video, then re-encode it?
Im not looking for someone to spoon feed me a full answer, just looking for a AVFoundation master to give me a rough abstract overview of the steps that would be involved to do this....with that I can do the research and try to figure it out myself.

Combine 2 images into 1 Google Maps marker icon

I'm trying to combine 2 images into 1 to be used as an icon for a Google Maps marker. One image will be a static image stored on my server (an image placeholder for a profile photo) and the other one will be dynamic (a users profile photo from a third-party site) Basically I want to set the static image as the bottom layer and the dynamic image as the top layer, the idea being to make it look like the profile photo is embedded in the placeholder image.
Anyone have any idea how to do this? The Google Maps API only allows one image as an icon so I will have to combine them somehow prior to added the combined image as the icon to the map. I did think about creating 2 markers one with each image but I am using markerClusterer so this will not work.
Turns out php has a function imagecopymerge() that can do this! Thanks Paulo Scardine, the accepted answer to the question you posted in your comment lead me to the answer.

Instagram like photo editing feature

I have seen apps like Instagram and many more, could take a photo and change the colour of the image, as in fade, brightness, gray-scale, and various image processing effects added to it.
I need to try this out, so can someone help me find a good tutorial, to begin with.
For now, my program could take the picture from the camera, but I am unable to process the image as shown on Instagram.
Here is an open source image filter library that might help:
