combining flex UI with native objective c into single ios application - ios

I am running out of time can anyone suggest me a good solution for my problem
I am working in a ios project in which they have a UI designed already in flex a year ago..Now I have done all the backend coding with objective-c using apple native (IDE) xcode ,Now i dont know how I am going to combine the flex UI with the backend Objective c coding to integrate into a single application.

With Adobe Native Extensions you can do it, but I warn you, it'll be a hard game to get it start.


Can I use apple libraries like CoreML and PencilKit with react-native apps?

I really want to make use of the pencil kit in my react-native application. I just want to know whether I can do it. If yes, then how?
TLDR: Doesn't exist as of 2/6/2021 and you will need to write bridge code between react native (js) and native (swift/ObjC). There are big performance limitations with this approach. I recommend you create a native Swift based app for your project.
I was also curious if this is available.
For those willing to use Swift, here's the sample shown during the demo.
For those that want to use PencilKit / CoreML native libraries from React native you need need to write bridge code between Javascript (please use typescript) and the native code.
Here's more information on bridging and a guide.
For me, I will be building a note taking app and it needs to be performant. Despite being a react / react native developer I will be choosing Swift to build this project due to performance concerns.
Last point to make is that you can use react native and native together. But this is more of a headache than an enabler. AirBnB used this for some time but moved away from this approach.
For anyone new to React Native, it's a great platform. I personally like to use it for simple applications (not graphically intensive). You can also use it with the Expo tooling which speeds up prototyping but be warned some functionalities are not available bluetooth is one example.
Yes I Did it.
I created a native view for iOS Pencil Kit in React Native with Swift.
You can check basic examples for native module in my Repo

Started React Native With Swift Instead Of Objective C

So I started a react native app using create-react-native-app and it created a lot of boilerplate code. Android is in JAVA which I am fine with. But the iOS is in Objective-C and I am more familiar with Swift. Is there anything I can do about that? I know most of my code is going to be in JavaScript anyways, but just wondering anyways.
Unfortunately, there is not a simple or one command way to convert your iOS code in your React Native project from Objective-C to Swift. However if you want to write a Native Module, which you'll need to eject from CRN or start a new project with react-native init, you can write new code in Swift.
You might also be interested in this post on how to bridge Swift and Objective-C code. Basically when you create a new swift file you need to make sure to select “Create Bridging Header” when prompted.
You're problem is not that clear. But lemme say this if you wanted to work on cross platform then react native is a good choice to that if you wanted to use javscript. Regarding on your question which is , lemme quote "But the IOS is in Objective C" which is you're wrong you can write an iOS native using both objective c , even c and c++ , ..and swift which you say your familiar with and if you're avoiding objective c then you can write iOS app purely in swift. Hope that helps.
1 for cross platform - and you want js (react native)
2. cross platform and you wanted to use c# (Xamarine)
3. iOS app which is native (Swift or objective c) or both
4. hybrid , you can try framework like ionic, cordova etc.
5. let us include android , you can use java(kotlin
You can convert swift to objective c or objective c to swift.
There are bunch of options for that, If you want to use javascript for converting than use obj2swift.js:
If you want to convert your code online than you can use online language converter like swiftify:

iOS 9, Swift 2.0 , Xcode and testing

I am planning to learn to develop iOS apps. I'll most probably be learning Objective-C only for now and would like to develop some actual apps for iOS.
Now, with the launch of Swift 2.0, will Objective-C apps still run on iOS9 ? Also, is it possible to test run an Objective-C app on your phone like mentioned here ?
Or is this facility available only for apps written in Swift?
Does Swift allow me to do everything that Objective-C does?
Any further advide or guidance for what should I know before enrolling for the course will be appreciated to help me judge things better.
Swift is still just the second language. All Cocoa frameworks are written in C or Obj-C (maybe the new ones in iOS 9 are written in Swift).
The language in which an application is written doesn't matter, the code is compiled into the same machine code, so yes, Obj-C apps will continue to run and many developers won't bother with Swift. Apps that have been already written will not have to be rewritten to Swift (with some exceptions).
Swift won't allow you to do absolutely everything that Obj-C does but it will allow you to do almost everything and the code will be probably more robust, considering that Swift is more modern language with stronger typing than Obj-C. If you are a beginner, you won't probably find any problematic use case.

Can someone please explain the differences between Cocos2d-Swift, SpriteBuilder, Xcode and CocoaPods?

I'm completely confused and I don't know where to start asking questions. I tried googling, but the terminology is confusing and I'm not sure what either of these things do (except for Xcode). Can someone explain like I'm 5?
I'm on the cocos2d-swift website and after reading the getting started section it says "From this point onwards, using SpriteBuilder is optional.". I don't know what they mean by that.
How do each of these correlate with each other?
Also, how is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager useful to an everyday iOS Developer?
cocos2d-swift is a framework that enables you to build things like sprite-based games quickly.
SpriteBuilder is a tool that helps you build your own multilayered sprites (images and animations grouped into a single package -- i.e. Mario, a Goomba, a Fireflower fireball, etc.).
Xcode is a developer environment in which you write your source code, compile, distribute, and test.
CocoaPods is a tool that fetches and manages framework/SDK dependancies.
You would use CocoaPods to fetch the cocos2d-swift framework so that you could build a sprite-based game in Xcode using sprites you generated in SpriteBuilder.
Not sure what Cocos2d is, but swift is the latest programming language by Apple for both OS X and iOS development.
SpriteBuilder is a framework used to create games for iOS very quick. Think of it as a game engine.
Xcode is the IDE (integrated development environment) that you use when writing native OS X and iOS applications. It's awesome!
CocoaPods is a way to load in third-party libraries and frameworks without having to manually install them on your own. It also makes it very easy to keep the frameworks up-to-date. Pods also allows your project to be more portable as it's much easier to install an application with multiple dependancies via Pods.
A documentation browser is good if you want to have access to documentation while offline. However, I almost always use Google to find what I'm looking for regardless of what technology I'm working on. Google is just the best way to search.
Finally, I'd start off with this book. I read the first edition years ago, and made things very easy for me to understand.
Hope this helps!
Here are some basics:
XCode (A Program)- Most of your iOS development will happen here. Coding, creating the app etc.
Think of an SDK as a suite of commands or tools you can use-API's (API - Application programming interface)
Cocoas2d (An SDK) - Game engine. A software development kit for creating games. you would pull this library of code and tools into xcode to use it.
SpriteBuilder (An SDK) - Suite of tools for building games. Just like Cocoas, you would pull this into xCode to make use of it as you code.
CocoaPods - A tool for linking/loading SDK's into XCode and easily updating them.
Moral of the story: XCode is the software you will use for everything. Everything else are just additional libraries of code you can pull in.

Corona SDK and IBOutlets

Somebody correct me if im wrong.
There is no way (at least no supported way) to create a View/Windows based iPhone app using the Corona SDK?
I say this mainly because i see no way to work with IBOutlets (anything related to the interface builder). Which makes me believe Corona is not converting anything to Objective C, but rather converts the Lua script to C/C++.
The latest new feature in Corona (currently available only to subscribers) is Corona UI, which emulates most of the native UI components:
Note that I say "emulated." It's still not connecting to IBOutlets but it may accomplish what you want.
Corona UI supports most of the native UI components, you can also include widget_iOS for other native components of iOS otherwise you can create your own custom objects.
We can achieve it using Corona Enterprise edition. It has all the option to bridging between LUA and C/C++, lua and objective-C or LUA AND JAVA.
Corona Enterprise provides feature to work in Xcode- objective-C environment to execute same functionalities in corona apps.
Hope this helps for your question.
