Corona SDK and IBOutlets - coronasdk

Somebody correct me if im wrong.
There is no way (at least no supported way) to create a View/Windows based iPhone app using the Corona SDK?
I say this mainly because i see no way to work with IBOutlets (anything related to the interface builder). Which makes me believe Corona is not converting anything to Objective C, but rather converts the Lua script to C/C++.

The latest new feature in Corona (currently available only to subscribers) is Corona UI, which emulates most of the native UI components:
Note that I say "emulated." It's still not connecting to IBOutlets but it may accomplish what you want.

Corona UI supports most of the native UI components, you can also include widget_iOS for other native components of iOS otherwise you can create your own custom objects.

We can achieve it using Corona Enterprise edition. It has all the option to bridging between LUA and C/C++, lua and objective-C or LUA AND JAVA.
Corona Enterprise provides feature to work in Xcode- objective-C environment to execute same functionalities in corona apps.
Hope this helps for your question.


Can I use apple libraries like CoreML and PencilKit with react-native apps?

I really want to make use of the pencil kit in my react-native application. I just want to know whether I can do it. If yes, then how?
TLDR: Doesn't exist as of 2/6/2021 and you will need to write bridge code between react native (js) and native (swift/ObjC). There are big performance limitations with this approach. I recommend you create a native Swift based app for your project.
I was also curious if this is available.
For those willing to use Swift, here's the sample shown during the demo.
For those that want to use PencilKit / CoreML native libraries from React native you need need to write bridge code between Javascript (please use typescript) and the native code.
Here's more information on bridging and a guide.
For me, I will be building a note taking app and it needs to be performant. Despite being a react / react native developer I will be choosing Swift to build this project due to performance concerns.
Last point to make is that you can use react native and native together. But this is more of a headache than an enabler. AirBnB used this for some time but moved away from this approach.
For anyone new to React Native, it's a great platform. I personally like to use it for simple applications (not graphically intensive). You can also use it with the Expo tooling which speeds up prototyping but be warned some functionalities are not available bluetooth is one example.
Yes I Did it.
I created a native view for iOS Pencil Kit in React Native with Swift.
You can check basic examples for native module in my Repo

Is Possible to integrate small cocos2d-x 3.2 game inside existing IOS application using swift 3?

Hello friends is it possible to create a game using cocos2dx 3.x , Swift.If this is possible than how can i integrate my game inside my native IOS application using swift3.Please Guide me.
Sure, that's quite possible since cocos2d-x will work on a OpenGLES view. And also xCode understands C++.
But it will be a bit tricky to add ; you need to handle all of build configurations with large cocos2d-x library etc.

iOS Widevine with Xamarin

I am needing to use the widevine api in an ios app written in xamarin. From what I understand I need to make a wrapper for the library and such, but I have no idea where to start. Can anyone either explain in more detail what to do, or point me somewhere that explains it well?
Thanks, I am quite new to Xamarin, and rusty on C#
You definitely want to follow Jason's comment. In short, you need the .a (fat library) and the header files and then create a Xamarin.iOS binding project that exposes the native interface to C#. Access to the source code is not necessary.

Creating an iOS library or framework using libgdx (roboVM)

Is it possible to create an iOS library or framework using libgdx (RoboVM) that can be imported into Xcode?
One of my colleagues has created a 3D visualisation app as a libgdx project for android and windows desktop. It can be compiled to run on iOS using RoboVM. However, I would like to wrap extra native user interface elements around it using Xcode. I know its possible to build the user interface programmatically via RoboVM but I would be keen to investigate if its possible to bring the existing work into Xcode. I don't need to edit the 3D visualisation component but add extra GUI elements around the 3D Vis window. I thought compiling the libgdx (RoboVM) code to a framework or library might be a solution that could be imported?!
Yes you can do it.
All you need to create a method, say initRoboVM(), This will be called by your code when you want to initialize libgdx. You'll need to pass the app path in, which you can hardcode when you're testing.
initRoboVM() will need some modifications, namely it should not call your Java app's main method, well, at least, that's what well behaving libraries should not do IMO. It should also not call rvmShutdown.
You can get further information from here
Thanks :)
I asked the RoboVM team directly. Their answer: It's not a native function, but it certainly can be done.
The complete message...
Sorry for the late reply. This use case is not something we're going
to do now. It is possible though if you're prepared to do some
patching of RoboVM. Search the RoboVM Google Group and you should find
others who have managed to get this working.
We get this request every know and then so we will add support for
this eventually.
Regards, Niklas

combining flex UI with native objective c into single ios application

I am running out of time can anyone suggest me a good solution for my problem
I am working in a ios project in which they have a UI designed already in flex a year ago..Now I have done all the backend coding with objective-c using apple native (IDE) xcode ,Now i dont know how I am going to combine the flex UI with the backend Objective c coding to integrate into a single application.
With Adobe Native Extensions you can do it, but I warn you, it'll be a hard game to get it start.
