iOS distribute a unique specialized personal app? [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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has somebody an idea how to distribute a specialized personal app?
AdHoc is possible only up to 100 devices. What to do when suddenly comes 1000 people?
In this time has nearly everybody his own website, what happened when tommorow wants everybody his own app ( and is not a company with business licence )?
Thank you for any answer, idea, opinion...

Based on your description, each of your 1000 people (clients) would need to have their own enterprise account.
Apps are different to websites though so your comparison isn't strictly accurate.


If my 20 apps use the same framework, but with different content (story) in each, will it violate any Apple Store rules? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a framework to create interactive stories.
I want to distribute my 20 stories as 20 independent apps.
I heard some rumors saying that Apple will reject Apps with very similar codes. I have all the same codes, just with different content in it. Since my framework is a bit heavy, the package would contain much more code than content.
Is that a "NO" for apple store?
Apple won't like a bunch of similar apps from one developer.
We submitted 15 or so learning apps with same base coding, but with different content. Some were similar subjects, which Apple eventually required to be in a single app. Combining very different content into a single app might be problematic for marketing reasons. I think you could get away with say 5 different apps, but 20?... I say very unlikely.

How to merge 5-6 Existing apps on itunes Apple store into a single framework [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My client have 5-6 ios apps already on App Store,they want us to create a central framework which should merge all existing apps ,and with the help of that framework new apps could be created,this question may sounds dumb ,as i am new to ios development ,i need to know is this really possible in iOS..PLease help.
Evaluate what all the apps have in common. Then try to develop classes, that are used in all of them.

Activation Time iOS Developer Program [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How long does the activation of the iOS Developer Program? So, how long does it take after you have purchased until you have access to iTunes Connect and your apps can upload?
It usually takes about between 24 hours and a few business days. I'm in the United States, I suspect it might take a little longer if you have to fax in international paperwork and the like.
Once your account is activated, be sure to take care of your contracts in iTunes Connect.
Patience is a virtue. If you're always rushing to push out apps, you're going to end up releasing buggy software. Take a deep breath and have a coffee or a beer. The folks at Apple will activate your account soon.
It will take a maximum of 24 hours. It depends a lot. Do a search and you will find many other questions similar to this.

Is Apple charging publishers of free applications? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Let’s start with this statement: “We have published couple of free applications on the App Store and everything goes fine”. Now when approaching one customer, he told us that he heard that even we publish a free application, Apple can charge you as publisher. Well, we said, we never heard about that and it is not true and it never happens to us - but he insisted on this – therefore the questions is: “Is it possible that Apple is charging publishers of free applications under some circumstances (except of the annual fee for ”
I dont know where your client did read it, but apart from the anual fee, there's no other tax or price.
Maybe your client is confused with the developer fee?

Private Demos and Betas in Apple App Store [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How is it possible to submit an app to the AppStore which is not for general use? For instance I might want to do an invite-only free trial before making the app generally available for a fee.
Or I might want to be able to give free copies to specific people for promotion. Are these kind of things possible?
Create an ad-hoc distribution.
It's all detailed very well in the iOS developer center, it's what you need to use for beta testing, etc.
Kevin's answered your first question: with regards to your second (giving free copies for promotion) - you can generate promotional codes once you've uploaded your app through iTunes Connect. You're allowed (I believe) to generate up to one hundred codes - this counter is reset every time you update your app.
