Card.IO camera flash button for iOS - ios

I noticed on the website there is a flash button during the scanning process. How do I activate that? I looked at the header files and did not see a property for that.
This is for the iOS SDK.

#CLDev, thanks for asking!
Older versions of the SDK for iOS did indeed include that flash button in the interface. But in the current version, we have taken a new approach.
Now, in a low-light situation the flash will automatically come on, and its brightness will be automatically adjusted by the SDK. We have run lots of experiments, and we think that we've arrived at settings that produce the best results for most cards in most lighting situations.
(Some older devices don't support the APIs for adjusting flash brightness. On those older devices, the SDK will instead display the flash button, as in the past.)


How to approach iOS Activity app "Awards" Control

I am trying to find approaches on building an iOS Control that looks much similar to "Activity" app "Awards 3D Control" on iOS.
Is there anything available around which is similar to this? Or How Should I approach this control? I need to develop it on both iOS app and for apple watch.
The snapshot of the same is attached below. You can flip it 360".
I am planning to do it with Native XCode Programming (Objective-C and/or Swift). Please suggest on the same lines.

iOS Simulator Rendering issue for PDF Reader Core for iOS

I have searched around on here, but couldn't find anything to answer my question. I have developed a custom app for the iPad; it involves using a set of PDf documents that change pages based on a 1 second time frame. To achieve this is have used the 'PDF Reader Core for iOS' external library. Please find the link here:
The app works perfectly fine on the actual iPad, however I also wish to run the app on Mac Mini Machines, so the obvious thought I had was to boot the project in the iOS Simulator on the machines (saves me recoding it for OSX.). Now, here is my issue. The app works pretty smoothly in the simulator, the only issue I have is that there is a slight render lag between the page change on the Simulator. It isn't at full resolution, and appears blur whilst it renders, however the time frame to change is so quick that the simulator doesn't have enough time to render to full resolution. I have also emailed the developer of the library and he provided some suggestions however, these didn't seem to fix the issue.
I am aware that this could be to do with the actual PDF Reader itself, however I wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions if this could be fixed in regards to the iOS Simulator? Any way to speed up the simulator?
I am using OSX Yosemite, Xcode 6.4 and Objective-C.
It seems at this moment i may have to recode for OSX. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Capturing videos with Cordova (PhoneGap) in half screen.

I'm building a Cordova app with a video capturing feature. Focusing on iOS devices. I'm currently using the videoCapture plugin. I would like the ability to set the size of the capturing screen to just half the screen (to be able to show content on the phones screen at the same time as the video is captured).
I have been looking in to some Cordova plugins such as SnapsCamera and it seems to do sort of what I need but it lacks documentation and dosen't look well supported.
Any recommendations about other plugins or ways to go from here?
(My knowledge in objective C /Swift is very limited)

Is there any notification which can capture Reachability event on iPhone 6?

iPhone 6/6 Plus have new feature named "Reachability" (Touch twice on TouchID to interact on the larger screen). But I don't find any API in iOS8 SDK documentation.Perhaps I have to wait for the next version of iOS SDK.
I think my App can do something interesting or make some surprise when Reachability active. So anyone has idea for it?
From my reading of the iOS 8.x SDK changes, it's not possible for an app to detect that the user has activated Reachability. I think that Apple want (and expect) that this feature will simply allow access to the top half of the screen, and handles the relocate of the base view completely transparently to the app. I can't point you to any specific documentation on this, as it's a case of the absence of proof being itself proof.
Oh, and I don't think Apple wants any apps doing anything "surprising" when Reachability is activated! ;-)

Detecting iOS AirPlay screen mirroring capabilities

I've developed a user experience in my iOS app for displaying a different view on an external screen connected via AirPlay screen mirroring or HDMI out. I have a setting to enable/disable this feature, allowing the user to choose between this mode and true mirroring (i.e. same experience on both screens).
Since many iOS devices don't even support external displays (iPhone 3GS and earlier, iPod touches) and some only support HDMI out (iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPad 2 with iOS4), I'd like to tailor the settings UI for each category of device.
I know it's good practice to detect capabilities whenever possible and not to avoid checking the version of the device itself. However, I haven't found anything online about detecting AirPlay support, just how to code for it.
Is it possible to detect AirPlay/HDMI support in the SDK?
(Apple's documentation on developing for external screens:
No, not directly and in a summary fashion.
I think you would probably be best off detecting the device version and using that as the basis of your UI.
If you really believe that is bad practice, I suggest you explore Erica Sadun's UIDevice extensions - you might be able to find in there the code necessary to query enough specific capabilities to create an abstraction that would let you know if a device is AirPlay/HDMI capable. If you do that, I hope you share it!
As a side note, don't forget about the VGA adapter. I have tested my app with it at 1080p and it works/looks as good as the HDMI adapter, which was a big surprise to me.
