How to show library selection option in UIImagePickerController - ios

I am using simple default UIImagePickerController but I want the photo library option to be shown in UIImagePickerController as like normal camera in iphone/ipod.
I want to user default imagepicker with out any overlayView.
How can I enable it?
Thank you.

To implement this functionality you will have to use a camera overlay. There are a lot of resources to learn about camera overlay one being
If you really want the default apple UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera 'look'
1.Set the your uiimagepicker's showCameraControls property to YES.
2.In your customoverlay file(.xib) have nothing but the album button and do what you intend to.
Hope this helps :)


need custom LibraryPicker with initial image on custom cameraOverlay UIImagePickerController iOS8

I'm wondering how I can add the default Library picker button that can be found on an iPhone's default Camera app(can also be accessed via dashboard). The button looks like this, though this is an app custom implementation:
So I know that it can be done, but how? It's the library image picker that you can see the taxi car in. I'm using a completely customized UIImagePickerController through the use of the imagePickerController's property customOverlay view and I need to add this very same button to my overlayView. If someone could guide me towards a solution that'd be of great help, thanks!
I can imagine using UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary for the button and simply setting the button's imageView property to the first picture in the camera roll, but how would I go about doing this?
Also, is this somehow controllable by iOS default UIImagePickerController

How do I place a sort of guideline mask when the user takes a picture in iOS?

How do I add to my iOS app some sort of guideline to tell the user something they should take a photo at, like a face?
It's not Swift, but perhaps it may help you:
Ios creating simple camera overlay in Xcode how?
As dreamzor says here, there is a property of UIImagePickerController called cameraOverlayView. It's an UIView, so you need to create one and put your PNG to the background of it, then assign it to this property of your picker.

iOS: UIImagePicker or AVCam for this functionality

I am looking for a way to add a custom button on camera preview and don't know where to go. Just like the iOS native camera, on the left of the capture button, you can click on it and access photo library. How can we add a button to the camera preview view? Would anyone be kind enough to give some directions? Thanks in advance.
Take a look at UIImagePickerController's cameraOverlayView. This lets you lay your own interface on top of the default camera interface.
Check out this sample project. It shows the preview of the camera in a custom UIView and uses AVCaptureSession for the management of the video preview. You can add whatever you want in the custom UIView as you like.

Creating my own Image Picker

I'd like to create a custom image browser in my app that uses the images from the camera roll.
i.e. I'd like to completely replace UIImagePickerController and use my own control.
Is there a way of accessing the camera roll photos in this way?
Cluster App does this but I can't find a picture of it.
You need to use ALAssetsLibrary to access the images.
Have a look at the QBImagePickerController on the GitHub. They implemented custom image picker controller very similar to UIImagePickerController with added multiple selection feature. It will help you. Atleast look at this file
Check out RengarViewController
a custom image picker controller which make use of Photo Framework (introduced in iOS 8).
It has nice UI, can be scrolled and panned.

CameraRoll Button using UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera?

I want my camera ui will have the regular Camera Roll button. The one that you have when you open the camera app. Is there a simple way doing that or I'll have to use a custom layer? Tried searching in the documentation without success.
There is not an easy way to do it. You should implement your own custom toolbar to replicate the camera app behavior. You should use the overlay view property of the imagePicker. Have a look at this link for a possible implementation
