drag and drop with easeljs - jquery-ui

I apologize that is isn't strictly a coding question. Has anyone come across a good BASIC tutorial explaining how to drag things in Easeljs? I've been experimenting with jQuery Mobile and the 'touch punch' plugin in the DOM for an app I'm developing and it works great. All devices, all browsers. But i recently read that phonegap totally sucks so I'm trying to get the same effects in Canvas for Cocoonjs.
But I can't seem to get anything working in Canvas. I've scoured the web and it seems everyone just reuses Easeljs' daisy example.
Has anyone found a good, simple, clear example without all the extra BS?
Thanks in advance. And again I apologize this isn't a coding question.

If I'm getting this correctly, you are trying to use jQuery for Drag&Drop on canvas?
If that is the case, then the simple answer is: It's not possible. (at least not out of the box, and making this work would take way too much effort and would make no sense)
Other than that you have pretty much answered your question yourself, the EaselJS Daisy DragAndDrop Example from here: https://github.com/CreateJS/EaselJS/tree/master/examples already is like a perfect example - unfortunately it won't get much simpler than that.


how to add "webkit-playsinline" to Edge Animate/PhoneGap project?

This is a much covered subject, however, I am not a coder and have not seen a clear breakdown of how to implement the "webkit-playsinline" tag, particularly in the context of Edge Animate (v.CC 2014.1.1).
I am looking to understand what libraries I may need to import and where to do this, or if I need to initiate something to get the tag to work (some function maybe) - I see there's an additional 'controls' attribute mentioned here: use webkit-playsinline in javascript
If someone will be kind enough to break this down for an idiot it will be much appreciated.
Using PhoneGap everything is working on Android and iPad, just need to try and get video to work inline and not pop into full-screen on iPhone - and apologies for not just jumping on one of the many other threads, only when you try there's a big notice saying not to do this =]
Thank you.

iOS 7 embedded calendar api

I'm fairly new to iOS development, I've been asked to write an application that moves around days in a calendar. The graphics designers thought it would be a good idea to have an embedded scrollable calendar so the user could navigate easily through dates.
I'd love to post an image for what I want but I don't have the reputation yet to do so.
This calendar view looks just like the native calendar app on iOS 7 but it's just a sideways scrollable choosing date of the month you're in and it only take a small portion of the screen. Would anybody know if there's a framework I could use to achieve similar results?
Thanks in advance!
I know it's a little late, but I'll just post it here in case other people has the same problem.
A few months back, I had the exact same problem.
I couldn't find exactly what I need, so I had to implement it myself with UICollectionView
Anyway, after finishing my project, I've decided to make a library based on it.
This should be easier to use than any other calendar library.
Hope it helps :)
There will most likely not be a component that does exactly what you want. A good thing to do in a situation like this is search on Github and filter by language, then sort by popularity.
Here is an example search to get you started, for "calendar":
A few promising candidates from that search:
There are tons of these, all slightly different, so you'll need to do some digging to find one that is most similar to what you want to accomplish.
In general, any implementation you find or create yourself should probably use a UICollectionView to accomplish this.

Phonegap iOS app: change keyboard appearance to UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert (again)

A couple of months ago, I posted a question asking if and how phonegap users can alter the keyboard appearance to the dark alert ui keyboard (UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert) without targeting individual textfields. I did some extnsive reaearch myself and offered a bounty but yet the question remained unsolved.
Alter keyboard appearance in native, phonegap/Cordova built iOS App
As of today, I'm still struggling to get this resolved and simply over with. I do realize much probably hasen't happened since last time I bothered you with this question, however, two things have in fact changed which somewhat justifies this seemingly double post:
Phonegap has released version 2.1 which does some new stuff, perhaps this is possible now?
As my client expects me to solve this in any way possible, this time I would also like to ask you for an alternative approach. If it still can't be done, would it be possible to custom make a "keyboard" of my own? I know this of course is technically doable, but is it in any way a recommended approach that would be considered in at least some way smart and justified? As I said, my client pushes hard for this and is not in favor of rebuilding the app completely natively.
Conclusively, as of today is there any way to do this with phonegap / Cordova? If not, would you recommend me to custom make a keyboard using HTML CSS and JavaScript, bearing in mind this is a major comsern for my client? If so, are there any good plugins that I can use as a start? Please check out my old post (linked above) to see what has already been tested.
Thanks in advance,
I know this is quite old but I came accross it looking for the same thing. Anyway, I have found a possible solution which would be to create a plugin for Cordova http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/2.6.0/guide_plugin-development_index.md.html#Plugin%20Development%20Guide
It does require some native coding but would atleast avoid starting an app from scratch which has already been built in Cordova.

Arabic / Hebrew and jQuery Mobile

This is a question and an answer :-)
For a long time now I tried using JQM with Hebrew. Getting the Hebrew letter is easy (utf-8 encoding...) , but the thing that didn't work was the alignment..
I mean switching the direction of the elements, the text alignment, positioning etc.
I found many questions about this, but few answers (and the ones I found didn't do a complete job).
Then I found this excellent article:
And I implemented it on the css file (more precisely on the one here: http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0/jquery.mobile-1.0.css ).
That worked :-)
And if I'll figure out how to upload a file, I'll share :-)
I hope this will be useful.
You have to make changes to the JavaScript file as well to make sliders and flip switches work properly. Here is the full version of jQuery Mobile RTL I made.
I've recently tried to use jQuery mobile to develop an Arabic iOS application with RTL layout, and while jQuery Mobile doesn't support RTL yet, it wasn't too hard to hack the CSS to make it look and act like a proper RTL application.
But I ended up abandoning jQM altogether because, at least as of 1.0.1, the performance was simply unacceptable.
I tried a few hacks like removing all gradients (which helped a little) and disabling animation (which didn't), but it still took a good half a second for the UI to respond to user input.
I'm sure things will improve with the time, but for now at least jQuery Mobile is not an option for me. Its a shame too because it's declarative programming model is so deliciously easy to use.

Graphing/Crystal Reports with ASP.Net MVC

I would like to add graphing to my User Controls in ASP.NET MVC. I am hoping for some ideas or a guide on how to approach this issue. I have searched around and found no helpful answers to resolve this issue. I was thinking of doing crystal reports but they don't boat over well in ASP.NET from my previous experience. I would just like to know some ways to go about tackling this problem. So again what I'm trying to do is add graphing to MVC User Controls from a ViewDataDictionary that's passed to my User Control.
You could go with google charts for free, or something like Dundas (which is EXCELLENT) if you are willing to pay.
I hope I've understood your question.
I have been happy using the JFreeChart.net graphing system. It is a port / semi-port of javas famous JFreechart. It has alot of capabilities, and the output looks very good.
It took me 30 minutes to do my first graph, but that was mostly because you have to pay for the documentation (not the code), so i was working off the samples, which I later found to be very adequate.
Screenshots and examples are shown here
alt text http://www.ujihara.jp/jbyjsharp/jfreechart/results/PieChartDemo1.png
alt text http://www.ujihara.jp/jbyjsharp/jfreechart/results/RingChartDemo1.png
Flex Charting, ChartDirector and Yahoo's Charts are decent. Chart Director has a good support net, and the guy is very responsive to questions and feature requests.
You could also check out .dot net charting. We've been using it for a few years at my job and it's worked fairly good for us. We build reports internally through various systems and it has served us well so far.
