Does neo4j have all the proper apis and support for all the mentioned drivers? - neo4j

I used Node js for my webapp and I wanted to create a new user with unique email ID and hence that required me to look up the index table but then I realised that the Node Driver doesn't have the index() function as the one in Java( graphDb.index() ). Any work around for such an issue, like using REST or some Cypher connetor

Neo4j just so happens to have a wonderful REST API that should work for your application. The docs for the api are detailed here:
It even has an entire section devoted to indexing.


Is it possible to use the default graph from neo4j?

I'm using neo4j for a web-app I am creating. I have no problem getting data back from the REST API as I expect. However, I would prefer to not have to deal with lots of custom work in terms of graphing everything. I would love to just be able to embed/use the same graph that neo4j uses to show you query results at http://localhost:7474/browser/ on my page. I tried doing an iFrame to it but that had all sorts of problems.
Is this possible? I've been looking for an hour now trying to figure out how to do it or what libraries they use, but to no avail.
You can check out my demo project, which uses two visualizations (two branches) one which is very close to what Neo4j Server uses (all js client code talking to a Neo4j server):
branch master:
branch neo3d:

Using the Neo4j Server Web Interface for visualization on a Public website

I'm looking at visualization options for a graph database project that I have coming up. Part of the job is to provide an interactive visualization of the data for public website visitors.
The standard Neo4j Server Web Interface does all I would need it to and more. I was wandering if I could simply embed it in a webpage or provide a public url (that could be accessed without a login) that general users could use to view the visualization without being able to edit it or add nodes/relationships? If you know of any examples of how this can be done, I would be very grateful.
The Neo4j browser is an Angular.js application using d3.js as visualization. The code is all open source an on so you can check it out there.
In general is a good source for visualization blog posts as is
Check out Neo4j GraphGists. A GraphGist allows you to embed a Neo4j database, Cypher queries, and visualize the results in a web page. Lots of examples listed on the GraphGist wiki.
Also take a look at Mashed Datatoes, a bar chart, pie chart like visualization software for Neo4j.
It uses Movie database for demo. Try selecting "Person" as start label.

Create a salesforce user entry in iOS using REST API?

I was wondering if anyone could point out how to create new user / lead entries in salesforce?
I've tried looking at but I can't seem to find anything.
I think you can't do it out of the box with the Rest API, but, you can make your custom webservices with Apex REST (check out some code example: )
I found myself doing that for things I could not achieve using the regular Rest API, in your case, you could do just about the same thing.

Retriving child nodes in the Content tree from another Hive provider

Having read around it appears this should be possible. I have the following content tree:
Home Page
-- List Of Cars (From my Hive provider).
I assumed I would be able to do something like this in my provider Uri:
as described in an Umbraco blog post ( However it appears Umbraco does not accept this as an Uri. Also the blog post specified use of Type="Wildcard" on the mapping, however this is no longer in Umbraco??
Does anyone have an example on how to accomplish this?
Umbraco 5 does not yet support this.

Get watched issues in Redmine via REST API

We're looking to create a tool to help with time management in Redmine. The issue we are currently having is that we want to get a list of issues that are watched by a particular user but can't find an API for it. Does anyone know if this is possible or are we just going to have to try and modify Redmine directly?
SOLUTION: Similar to the solution provided below by dmf85, I found a solution to this problem that worked for me. The Issues API takes a query_id as one of its parameters. What I ended up doing was filtering my issues by Watcher (like dmf85 said) then saving the query. I then used the query_id from that saved custom query in my API call.
At least in Redmine 3.1, there’s an undocumented parameter for the Issues API that allows you to specify a watcher directly: watcher_id. It works just like assigned_to_id, you can pass either a user ID (i.e. watcher_id=23) or the special string me (i.e. watcher_id=me).
An example of URL could be like the following:
Under your issues tab in the interface, click:
add filter
select a watcher in the box
Then, click the atom, csv, or pdf link at the bottom for a link that you can write a program to consume at your discretion.
Does this help?
