Get Bitnami app to run in the root? - bitnami

Apologies in advance for the newbie question. I've deployed a small instance running Discourse within the Bitnami console. I can now reach Discourse on the following domain:
I've also got a CNAME pointing to this server instance. But how can I make the Discourse app run within the root? So it can be accessed directly on:
Do I need to use Putty to get a terminal window and modify the host headers? Linux is foreign territory for me so any guides to help me achieve this would be much appreciated.

Recent versions of BitNami Discourse are configured to run in
For old versions you can find the documentation here:


How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app to AWS-EC2 Ubuntu Linux using Apache 2?

We want to configure Apache to work with a Rails app. We want Apache to do load control. We cannot get them to work together. We are using MySQL for the database. If we could please have some type of instruction or tutorial to follow to be able to deploy our application in AWS-EC2, it will be greatly appreciated.
We have a domain and we want to have multiple Rails app running in the same domain. Each rails app seems to want to run in a different port. We do not want to expose port 80/443. Apache is managing the inbound request. My attempts to use the host file has not been successful.

What the solution for: I can't access an application made in rails in the local network

I use openSUSE and I'm programing in Rails, but even with a "rails s -b" I never can access the application in another device in the local network, I've tried different servers 'WebRick", 'Thin', I also tried config my router, and I followed a lot of other guides I found here. But nothing make it works. I've tried at my Home and Work, and different applications I made just for test this issue.
You have two solutions to resolve your problem.
Option 1, you must install webserver such as apache or nginx and install serverapp such as passenger or unicorn. And you must setup Virtual Host to run on your app.
Refer document how to install apache + passenger at: document
Option 2, you can use service which called with name as secure tunnel services online such as ngrok,,...
You can refer document how to use it at: document

How to make Rails 4 work with Apache

I have a rails application that I would like to deploy on a Linux-based cloud hosting running on Apache server.
I have been searching for information online, it seems to me like using Phusion Passenger is an option.
However I have no idea how to set it all up locally and in production. The Linux-based cloud hosting has a cpanel interface. Do I ftp the whole rails folder into the file manager?
Could someone please guide me or point me to a useful guide with step 1, 2, etc. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
In order to install Passenger on a hosting service you will need SSH access.
If it's shared hosting you will most likely not get SSH, I would recommend they give you full access to your private server.
Here is a guide once you have SSH access:

Deploy Ruby on Rails - Development Environment

I'm developing an small application on RoR and OSX 10.6.4 workstation, and I'm looking for guidance on two things: -
How to share my application locally with others so others in my team can get access to my local webserver (Mongrel?) to view/play with my system before I release it into production. From my default installation I can play with it both others can't seem to access it - not even from say http://:3000, which works from local - so I'm a bit confused.
Advice on how best to deploy it onto a production webserver assuming I deploy onto Linux. What webserver should I use and are there instructions?
Thanks in advance. Networking and webservers are NOT a strong suite :-)
The development Mongrel is by default only accessible through localhost. In order to be visible from the outside you need to ask it to bind to your external IP address. Assuming your IP address is, you need to do this:
script/server -b
For deployment on Linux, the easiest way is perhaps using Passenger, and either Apache or nginx for a web server, whichever you're most comfortable with (if you have no preference, go with Apache). Documentation can be found here.
Why can't others access it via http://your.ip:3000/? ./script/server mongrel listens on by default. stands for listening on every interface in Linux.

BlueHost Rails Hosting

I just finished a rails app that I want to host on BlueHost. Its given me issues. I am told I ve to apply for SSH Access but I am in Ghana. So I don't know! can anybody help me
I think you should consider SSH access and getting it to work. think also about the fcgi files
You can CHAT directly via Bluehost website to ask them for SSH. You will need extra money for SSH service.
