mergmp from mergext won't play videos from iTunes store - ios

My app uses mergMP to list and play videos from the iPad library. This works fine for all videos except those downloaded from the iTunes store, which can be listed and selected but only generate a blank screen. (They play OK from the iPad's own Video app.)
Is there any workaround for this?

I have had issues with (song/video) files being listed as playable but that were not actually downloaded onto the device yet. Apples software will download them first and then play them if they are not already downloaded. To test out whether you are trying to play un-downloaded videos on the device: Go to "iTunes & App Stores" Settings in the Settings App on your iPad and then turn off "Show All Music" so that "Only music that has been downloaded to this device will be shown". Then try your app again. If it works then this is why they are not playing. If not then the problem must be elsewhere.


where does YouTube downloads for offline use get saved to?

After I download them, they suddenly disappear and I have to download them again. When they disappear, the "downloads" menu in the side bar disappears.
Where does YouTube those videos for offline use in local device? I am on Mac.
From this site, it seems as if there is no possible way to download YouTube videos via YouTube Premium on Mac computers.
From what I can see from these users, it seems like the video does not download locally regardless, sadly.
"YouTube Premium video downloads are only available on mobile devices such as iPhone and/or iPad. They apparently will not download on a Mac."
"Strange, there was a progress circle showing a download process, though it was on the website itself and not in the usual downloads progress area at bottom of Chrome."
"That progress circle means that it will be downloaded in your devices. It will not download like a file, its only for offline watch into the YouTube app."

IOS - Storing Audio and Videos outside App Sandbox

I am fairly new to IOS App Development. I have an app which plays audio and videos that are present in the App Package. Now I want my app to play audios and videos that are outside the App Package altogether i.e. if I uninstall my app the media files should not be deleted.
I have heard that all the apps can access media files that are added through ITunes. So I want to know the path of this folder(Kindly excuse me if you find my terminology vague. As I said I am fairly new to IOS App Development).
You cannot store the files outside app sandbox. Where as we can save image/video files to photos app
using, UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum/UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum
Please check developer documentation

Continue Playing Music Whilst Inactive in Titanium Mobile iOS

I have a Titanium Mobile project for iOS devices and would like to make the music continue playing whilst the application is inactive, and if possible whilst the device is locked.
The audio files are within the application only, not in the iTunes library.
You'll have to set the background modes in the .plist file that is generated as part of the XCode project.
See this link
and look for the section called Adding the Background Modes Key
Background audio playing must be a fundamentally important part of your app's functionality to use this, otherwise it will be rejected when you apply to submit it to the app store.

How to restore the file type association in iOS

Some of you may have tried an App named Phone Drive, it took over the file type like mp3, pdf etc.
But what if I want to restore the association to the default app?
For example, previously when I opened a link to mp3 in Safari, Safari plays it. But when I am using Phone Drive, I need to download it in that App and play it later.
Any suggestion?
Please ignore the below one. iOS doesn't support wma....
Some of you may have tried an App named Phone Drive, it took over the file type like wma, pdf etc.
Originally, when I clicked a link to wma file in Safari, it is opened in a player embed in the web page.
However, after I installed and removed that App, when I tap on the same link, Safari pops out an alert says it can not download the link.
Any solution? Thank you.

Loading iOS app resources from a website

I'm currently working on an universal iOS application which has reached more than 100mb in size due to the heavy usage of video and sound files. I've implemented a solution for loading these assets at runtime (from a website) but I'd like to know if Apple approves of such actions.
The way it works now is this:
A bundle (with all the video and sound files) is created for each iOS device type: iPhone, iPhone Retina and iPad.
Then this bundle is zipped and uploaded to the server.
Depending on what device the app is installed on, the corresponding zip file is downloaded, saved to the Documents directory and then unzipped.
Finally the bundle is loaded with [NSBundle bundleWithPath: ]
This method works fine but I couldn't figure out by reading the docs if Apple may reject the app because of it? Thanks!
As long you are just moving around audio and video files, Apple won't have a problem.
But I would suggest (for the user's sake) breaking up the package a bit further so that the user doesn't have to suffer a 100MB download.
Perhaps include a few files so that users w/o internet can do something with your app.
