Is it possible to show JMX Bean output in a graph?
I am currently using Javamelody but it doesn't show JMX Bean output in graph. Tried using Splunk but I have no idea, how does it gets integrated with tomcat server?
Why not use VisualVM ? That will chart JMX variables.
Integration is offered by Splunk Add-on for Java Management Extensions
I'm trying to enable JMX for my wildfly swarm component. I'm used to seeing several mbeans for a variety of wildfly subsystems, I'm specifically interested in the data source mbeans.
I've pasted a snippet below, I've got the jmx fraction and I have statistics-enabled set to true. When thorntail is running I can connect to the JVM via JMX, but I am cannot see any datasource mbeans. Is there something else that needs to be enabled for them to show up?
The app is currently on swarm 2018.2.0.Final
expression-expose-model.domain-name: RemoteJMX
use-management-endpoint: true
resolved-expose-model.domain-name: RemoteJMX
show-model: true
connection-url: jdbc:xyz
statistics-enabled: true
First of all, WildFly Swarm 2018.2.0.Final is very old. In the meantime, WildFly Swarm got renamed to Thorntail; you can automatically migrate by running mvn io.thorntail:thorntail-maven-plugin:2.5.0.Final:migrate-from-wildfly-swarm.
And then: if you connect to JMX, do you see any WildFly MBeans at all? I mean, is the problem with datasources only, or is it more general?
During boot, you should see JMX-related log messages, such as JMX not configured for remote access or JMX configured for remote connector: implicitly using ... interface. Do you see any of them?
Finally, it seems you want JMX exposed on the management port. Do you have a dependency on the management fraction?
I'm using Keycloak 3.4.3.Final version in domain mode.
And I can obtain DataSources statistics (like ActiveCount,AviableCount,..)
from WildFly management console.
But when I connect remotely via JMX to some cluster node using JConsole,
MBeans tab of JConsole doesn't contain information about pool statistics-
only some static information about configuration is shown
in item
Is it possible to get this statstics via JMX?
Is there any way to enable a grafana plugin within its configuration files?
I am using grafana v5 or v4
It looks like you have to login and then click then enable button
I found a workaround for my problem running docker with a volume that would map the default sqlite db for grafana in /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
this would keep any configuration, dashboard, datasource firstly set up in the web interface
You can use the Zabbix Plugin for Grafana.
You need to install and enable the plugin, then configure the Zabbix datasource:
URL: http://yourserver/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php
access: proxy or direct, depends on the reachability of Zabbix and grafana servers
username: use a dedicated one, with the required read permissions
And you're ready to create dashboards by referencing groups, applications, hosts and items.
Here you can find the getting starded guide, it's quite complete.
The regexp & templating features are really powerful, I advise to read it carefully.
For my upcoming bachelor's thesis I want to develop a tool that collects system and application data from Apache Flink and sends this data in some kind of "events" to another system. This tool will be installed on Flink job- and taskmanager nodes. Beside data from linux system utilities like dstat I would like to collect JMX data.
My problem is, that I couldn't figure out how to connect via remote JMX connection by using a port to Flinks jobmanager. Although the collector will be on the same machine, I really try to avoid using a --javaagent to access JMX data of Flink's JVM.
Another problem is, I have a local docker setup based on and updated to flink-1.0.2, that I cannot connect via jconsole because I don't know how to "open" a JMX remote port for the job- and taskmanager.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance, any ideas very appreciated.
I needed to add
in flink-conf.yaml.
No it's possible to connect the jobmanager via jconsole.
Is it possible to monitor TITAN cassandra server with rexster remotely via JMX using something like VisualVM?
I have titan installed on the cloud and want to monitor it from my dev box. Is this possible.
I have read this
but it seems that JMX MBeans are only available locally however I could be wrong
You can monitor Rexster JMX remotely with VisualVM, but it takes a bit of configuration and changes to as you need to include these environment variables:
You can read some more about how to do remote setup on the VisualVM site.
You mentioned that you are trying to monitor an instance in the cloud. You didn't mention the cloud provider, but I've had trouble doing this with EC2 in the past. Perhaps this post will help you out. While I've had issues with VisualVM remoting to EC2, I have successfully connected to Rexster via VisualVM from another EC2 instance without trouble so if all else fails that could be your workaround.