Using SLRequest to post to a Facebook Page - ios

I can use SLRequest to publish to me/feed, but I am having issues trying to publish to [pageid]/feed.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do this?
I have #"publish_stream" permissions requested.

So it turns out that the permissions have to be granted in two different steps. I was under the impression that basic permission was already included. In case someone needs help with Facebook publishing in general, this helped me:


Submitting Instagram to iOS app

I'm new to the site and new to developing so I'm looking for some general advice here.
I'm looking to build and app which works along side Instagram. So this is what I want to be able to do to start with.
User opens app and can submit an already posted (and held on Instagram) photo to the app. The user at this point will need to be asked to log into their Instagram account. So for example they would select submit and it will open a window asking them to log into Instagram and then it will display all their available photos which they have posted.
User selects the post they wish to submit to the app.
Image displays on app in a gallery of submitted posts by all the other users for people to see.
Thats the basic premise. It's actually a lot more involved than that but I am learning and trying to keep it simple at the moment.
What I would like to know is. Is this possible, are there any guides which exist on how to do this.
What sort of process will I be looking at here. I've tried looking for posts on Instagram integration etc but I can't find anything similar to this.
Thanks in advance any help or pointers on where to even start will be helpful.
error instagramdemo
Stpes to integrate instagram:
You would have to create an application on the instagram developer portal, get a client ID for performing OAuth flow.
2)Ask your users to login to the instagram app and get the auth_token from instagram API.
3) Use the auth_token in all your requests basically.
4) Download code from here:
and replace your clientid in my code. you will get response in code.
These libraries should help you get started,
You would have to create an application on the instagram developer
portal, get a client ID for performing OAuth flow.
Ask your users to login to the instagram app and get the auth_token
from instagram API.
Use the auth_token in all your requests basically.
The whole flow would have been implemented for you in the libraries I mentioned.
Say for example if you are using InstagramKit and after integrating/authorisation by the user getting images from the users feed would be as simple as below,
InstagramEngine *engine = [InstagramEngine sharedEngine];
[engine getSelfFeedWithSuccess:^(NSArray *media, InstagramPaginationInfo *paginationInfo) {
// media is an array of InstagramMedia objects
} failure:^(NSError *error, NSInteger statusCode) {
Steps to get InstagramKit up an running,
Download the InstagramKit from github.
Make sure you have cocoapods installed on your mac, refer for help.
Open the InstagramKit-Example on terminal and run the following
pod install
Wait for the pod to finish its magic.
Now you should have InstagramKit-Example.xcworkspace created in the InstagramKit-Example, open it and run.
I just did it now,

How to transfer credentials to Glass from Web

Since the "preview" of the GDK is out, I was wondering how we could transfer the credentials of OAuth (say from Twitter) from an AppEngine project (or anything else, open to suggestions) to the APK on Glass. I haven't seen anything on this, and since authentication on Glass would be very hard, how would we do this? I know that I could create a database, but I'm not sure how to make a lightweight version of that. Any other ideas besides a database would be welcome. Thank you for your help.
The easiest way is to have user login on a website, then save OAuth token into a QR code and let the user scan the QR code with Glass.
I have used it in my app Glasquare (Foursquare for Glass), it's all open-sourced:
EDIT: There is official way now:
Maybe you could login from the smartphone version of your app, and transfer those credentials to your glass generating a QR code and reading that QR first time you enter to your Glass app
The video that was published implied there was a authentication step during install but he also said that 'it was still beign worked out'
The bike app (Streva? May have the spelling wrong) does request some kind of authentication
I should add I'm pretty interested in how to deal with oauth in glass also

Twitter and Facebook for Socialize

I'm trying to get Twitter and Facebook to work on Socialize for my iOS app. I've followed the steps on Socialize's website up until the "Linking to existing credentials" area (Twitter:, Facebook: When I run the app, it successfully builds but Facebook and Twitter still do not show up as options for sharing. I have a feeling there's some small part I'm missing but can't figure it out. Does anyone know if maybe there is something that Socialize does not mention in the guide that may need to be done or some other possible answer?
you have to put the following in the app delegate, or another place, follow the documentation:
[SZFacebookUtils setAppId:#"YOUR FB APP ID"];
[SZTwitterUtils setConsumerKey:#"YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY" consumerSecret:#"YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET"];

Workaround for Mobile Web App Credits Bug?

Two related questions. First: does this repro for you or is it something local on my iPhone?
Second, anyone have workaround for that bug? Now that FB Credits are required for mobile web apps on the platform this is an absolutely critical thing for us to find a workaround for.
Facebook posted a reply in the bug report stating that this is a known issue.
This is a known issue, and we have a workaround for it:
Instead of calling FB.login, please set document.location to redirect
directly to the /dialog/oauth endpoint with your own page as the
redirect_uri, and that will redirect back to the page the user came

Twiiter PHP API Application access Direct Messages Permission?

I have set my application permissions as "read, Write, Direct Messages" as shown in the figure
I have saved these settings.
But when i authenticate my app. it shows that my application will not be able to access direct messages.As shown in the figure
Please help me, i am stuck with this problem from many days.
I am using abraham oauthtwitter api
from here
You need to call Authorize Url. This issue can apear if you call "Authenticate Url".
if you have changed your settings you'll need to regenerate the keys
