What changes does Apple require for app submissions as of 1st of May? [duplicate] - ios

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What's the meaning of "App must be built for iOS devices with Retina display"
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Closed 9 years ago.
I've heard about and read some of the new regulations from Apple about submitting apps to app store.
Firstly, the new version of my app is nearly done and it supports the 4-inch screen now.
About the UDID regulation, I don't exactly know what it means and am not quite sure whether my app follows the rule, how should I check this?
And before I submit my app, what steps and setting should I do in my project? My last submitting was over 1 year ago with other's help, so I'm not confident in myself.
For example, how many icons do I need in my project? (currently I have icon.png, icon#2x.png, icon-small.png, appIcon-small#2x.png, icon-72.png, and icon-small-50.png).
I just want to be fully prepared to submit my app.
Thanks for any help!

Icon sizes are listed here:
The biggest shock for me, when submitting an app after a hiatus, was the 1024x1024 App Store icon. Who has artwork that big???
You will also need double-resolution screen shots for all device sizes (iPhone 4, iPhone 5, and iPad).
My book has a pretty good checklist of the things you'll need as part of your final preparations before submission:


Extend existing independent WatchOS app with iOS app and share data between them

First of all, I'm a newby and I'm sorry if this question is already answered. I searched and I didn't found any similar.
I already have and independent WachOS app and works fine by itself. At firs I thought that with it alone will be enough but now I realized that with an equivalent iOS app I could reach more people. So now I'm wondering if it's possible to modify my Xcode project in order to add an iOS app with the same content and functionality as I have in the WatchOS app and both of them sharing the same data, that is, if I change a value in one of them, later I will see this value updated in the other one.
Thx in advance
If you already uploaded the app to the AppStore then I'm afraid it's not possible. Source: Reverting from an Independent Watch app, to one that is dependent on an iPhone app

Adding iPad Pro screenshots to iTunesConnect for all localisations

I have several localisations in itunesConnect, primarily to describe the app in other languages, but essentially the graphics for screenshots are the same. As it stands, I need to upload the same iPad Pro screenshot for each localisation separately. Alot of duplication.
Is there anyone who's figured out a way to add a screenshot to make it go in for all localisations on 1 upload to make this process more efficient?
I recommend you look at fastlane. In particular snapshot which automates grabbing and localizing screenshots, and deliver which automates submission. It was updated to support iPad Pro a few weeks ago.

How to submit universal application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Recently, my first iPhone app is approved. I decided to convert it to a universal app, and since it is a basic application I did it easily. I'll resubmit the app today, but I have some concerns about the process.
Idea 1) Creating a new application on itunesconnect. However, current users of my app won't get update notification and there will be 2 different applications. So this idea sounds really stupid
Idea 2) Creating a new version of my current application, this looks good for iPhone side of the app. However, I don't have any iPad app. Defining a new version for a non-existing iPad app sounds weird.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. As I know, one have to debug app on a real device to submit .app file. In my case - universal application, do I have to test app on both iPhone and iPad ?
I really don't know what I should do about it. Please share your ideas. Thanks in advance.
Ideally you should test your universal on both an iPhone and an iPad. If you don't own an iPad but just an iPhone, then if it works well on the iPhone and on the iPad simulator, then you should be OK. But it is still possible for there to be hidden issues. One issue you can have by not testing on a real iPad is making sure all of you iPad specific images and xib files actually work on a real device due to filename case sensitivity. But you can only test on devices that you actually have.
There is no requirement that you test on any device before you can submit the app. Apple has no way to know whether you did or not. Of course it is a really bad idea to only use the simulator for testing since there are so many differences.
As for submitting the app, you must use idea 2. Create an update to your existing app in iTunes Connect. Submit the binary. It will be detected as a universal app. Then you can update the meta data with new iPhone screen shots and iPad screen shots.

What will happen if we update an existing iPhone app to support iPads? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
If we have an application that is currently live on the App Store, compatible with only iPhone devices, and we make an update compatible with both iPhone and iPad devices (Universal) what will happen?
I can think of two possibilities:
the app will not be updated - the updates will require app binaries only for iPhone devices;
there is no problem in adding the iPad support.
I did not see a clear answer in Apple's Guides. There were some discussions in the links below:
iOS Universal App question
iPhone/iPad - Breaking universal into iPhone app only
iOS: Universal App - Release as iPhone only
Does anyone have the answer, with references to Apple Guides? I need to be sure this is possible.
Second answer: it's absolutely not a problem. Those who downloaded your app on an iPad and run in "iPhone simulator" mode on their iPad, will be happily pleased to see they now have a full-fledged app. Users on an iPhone won't notice a difference.
Closest I can find in Apple's doc is https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/AdvancedAppTricks/AdvancedAppTricks.html
It states that "The following sections highlight the changes you must make to an existing app to ensure that it runs smoothly on any type of device": essentially, update the info.plist and rework your view and view controllers.
Nothing bad will happen if that's what you're asking. Your iPhone users will only notice a difference in the apps file size (if they notice anything at all). And iPad users will notice that your app now takes up their full screen.
There is nothing in the submission or approval process that will stop you from doing this. As long as you've configured everything correctly iPhone-only to universal will be a smooth transition.

Merging existing iPhone and iPad app ids into a single universal app id

I have an existing iPhone app and an iPad app, now I have created a Universal app, and I want to know if there is any way to kind of "merge" the existing app Ids, so I can upload my new app as an update for the previous ones.
No. I asked this question while at WWDC, of several Apple employees in the developer support group, and the answer is "not at this time, please file a bug report if this is a feature you'd like to see".
