<li> doesn't work. MVC - asp.net-mvc

I have a view in which I am trying to display text as bulleted items (<ul> <li>) but it doesn't seem work. I tried <ul><li> without enclosing them in <div> still no luck. What is preventing it display the bullets in front of the text.
#model UDP.Models.MCVM
ViewBag.Title = "MCReport";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_reportsLayout.cshtml";
<div class="span-24 last" >
#* code for filling a grid goes here*#
<div class="prepend-1 span-22">
<strong> Notes : </strong>
<ul type="circle" >
<li> All listings are sorted according to the user defined sort, and may not display in the order used to determine the median values.</li>
<li> Time ranges are based on a 360-day year commonly called the 'banking year'.</li>
<li> Listings are 'disqualified' from the median value calculations when their Selling, Expiration, or Inactive Date is more than 360 days from the current date.</li>
<li> The Sales Price/List Price calculations will be calculated using the original list price.</li>
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadAndInit() {
if ($.browser.mozilla) {
if (location.pathname == "/udp/Reports") { // This is for local env.
$("#prntCss").attr("href", "../../../Content/SitePrint_FF.css");
else { // This is for DEV/QA/STAGE/PROD env.
$("#prntCss").attr("href", "../../Content/SitePrint_FF.css");


Vue js trucate property on array

I am trying use Vuejs's vue-truncate-collapsed property to add the read more and read less button. A Worker can have multiple services. Something like this. Services are stored as array.
<li v-for="item in worker.service_names">
{{ item}}
this works perfectly fine. But now what I want to do is display default 5 values(not sure how to add the length of 5) and if a worker has more than 5 services then read more button appear. I am not able to implement this on an array. Please help me figure out the issue. I am new to Vuejs.
less="read less"
You could iterate over a computed list. If it is a short list the computed value will return a shortened list otherwise the full list.
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
workers: ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'],
showNum: 4,
short: true
computed: {
return this.workers.slice(0,this.showNum)
return this.workers
methods: {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.6.11/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="item in visibleWorkers">
<button #click="showMore">{{short?'show more':'hide'}}</button>

How to get descendants from current page in Umbraco 7?

I have a document type with alias dArticlesMain, and for this page I have the following structure.
I'm on dArticlesMain and i want to display all the descendants (Articles) and skip it's childrens (dArticlesCategory)
I have this code which display all the childrens (dArticlesCategory) and the descendants (Articles) also when i use the Article properties it's through an error.
#foreach(var page in Model.Content.Descendants())
I have got this code but i can't display by Article properties like articleText or articleImage.
#foreach(var page in Model.Content.DescendantsOrSelf().OfTypes("Article"))
I have figured it out, and here's my code...
var rootNode = CurrentPage.AncestorOrSelf(1);
var articlesParent = rootNode.Children("dArticlesMain").FirstOrDefault();
<div class="row">
#foreach (var article in articlesParent.Descendants("article").Where("Visible").RandomOrder())
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3">
<div class="thumbnail">
<a href="#article.Url">
<img src="#article.articlePhoto" alt="#article.articleName" />
<div class="caption">
<a class="h4" href="#article.Url">#article.articleName</a>
#Umbraco.Truncate(article.articleFullText, 100)

Multy Media picker, razor syntax newbie

i have used stackoverflow for a long time to do research bit this time i have a question of my own.
I am using umbraco and the razor syntax for the first time.
The idea is that i have a Repeatable text string property and a Multi Media picker and i am trying to display them in 3 columns with the first item from each multiple and repeatable in the 1st column etc...
Here is what i have so far:
<section class="main">
<div class="wrap row small-up-1 medium-up-3 large-up-3">
var something = new object();
var dynamicMediaItem= Umbraco.Media(something);
#if (CurrentPage.HasValue("icons"))
foreach (var icon in CurrentPage.icons.Split(','))
dynamicMediaItem = Umbraco.Media(icon);
#if (CurrentPage.repeatableText.Length > 0)
foreach (var line in CurrentPage.repeatableText)
<div class="columns column-block">
<img src="#dynamicMediaItem.umbracoFile" />
<h2>About Me</h2>
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Sitefinity Custom Fields for list widgets and how to use them in MVC view templates

I've added a Custom Field to the List Widget in Sitefinity 8.1, it's Type is Related data and it's Data type is Pages. The field name is LinkedPageUrl.
Works perfectly in the back end allowing me to select a page from system and store it against that particular List Item.
I can't find any place in Sitefinity's documentation that explains how I would programmatically use this field in a MVC based List.SimpleList.cshtml view template that I'm customizing.
I've seen this being used in the News widget where there is an associated Image for each News Article:
<img src="#Html.Raw(item.Fields.RelatedImg.Fields.MediaUrl)" class="img-responsive" />
But I don't get close to this because I don't have the slightest idea where to begin... What's the model structure, syntax, etc.
My objective is to change each list item rendered out into an anchor and the anchor should make use of this Related Data field's URL for it's Href property.
You can do something like this in the widget template:
#foreach (var item in Model.Items)
<h3 #Html.InlineEditingAttributes(Model.ProviderName, Model.ContentType.FullName, (Guid)item.Fields.Id)
#Html.InlineEditingFieldAttributes("Title", "ShortText")>
#foreach (var listItem in ((ListViewModel)item).ListItemViewModel.Items)
<li #Html.InlineEditingAttributes(Model.ProviderName, ((ListViewModel)item).ListItemViewModel.ContentType.FullName, (Guid)listItem.Fields.Id)>
<div #Html.InlineEditingFieldAttributes("Title", "ShortText")>
<div class="sfMultiRelatedItmsWrp">
<h2 class="sfrelatedItmTitle">Related pages</h2>
#foreach (var link in listItem.Fields.LinkedPageUrl)
var node = PageManager.GetManager().GetPageNode(link.Fields.Id);
var url = PageExtesnsions.GetFullUrl(node);
<div>#link.Fields.Title - #url</div>
This is given that you selected that multiple pages can be selected per list item.
EDIT: Make sure to include the following namespaces
#model Telerik.Sitefinity.Frontend.Mvc.Models.ContentListViewModel
#using Telerik.Sitefinity.Frontend.Lists.Mvc.Models;
#using Telerik.Sitefinity.Frontend.Mvc.Helpers;
#using Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Pages;
EDIT2: If the custom field allows for only 1 page to be selected then it should look like this:
<div class="#Model.CssClass">
#foreach (var item in Model.Items)
<h3 #Html.InlineEditingAttributes(Model.ProviderName, Model.ContentType.FullName, (Guid)item.Fields.Id)
#Html.InlineEditingFieldAttributes("Title", "ShortText")>
#foreach (var listItem in ((ListViewModel)item).ListItemViewModel.Items)
<li #Html.InlineEditingAttributes(Model.ProviderName, ((ListViewModel)item).ListItemViewModel.ContentType.FullName, (Guid)listItem.Fields.Id)>
<div #Html.InlineEditingFieldAttributes("Title", "ShortText")>
<div class="sfMultiRelatedItmsWrp">
<h2 class="sfrelatedItmTitle">Related pages</h2>
var node = PageManager.GetManager().GetPageNode(listItem.Fields.LinkedPageUrl.Fields.Id);
var url = PageExtesnsions.GetFullUrl(node);
<div>#listItem.Fields.Title - #url</div>
A good starting point is this article

C# foreach within foreach, display 3 item in each item. carousel

I am using asp.net MVC 4 for my project, and I have a Model.
and I am using Bootstrap Carousel to show products for my Index Page (see the image below)
Now my question is: I want to show 3 Products in each slide item.
should I write a ViewModel for this?
<div class="carousel slide>
#for (int i = 0; i <= Model.Count()/3; i++ ) <!-- this works well, paging -->
<div class="item #if(i==0){<text>active</text>}">
#foreach(var well in Model)
<div class="span4">
<!-- some html here -->
Your inner foreach is iterating over the entire Model collection - you'll need to restrict it to just the relevant three items.
I'm guessing you want something like:
<div class="carousel slide>
#for (int i = 0; i <= Model.Count()/3; i++ ) <!-- this works well, paging -->
<div class="item #if(i==0){<text>active</text>}">
#foreach(var well in Model.Skip(i*3).Take(3))
<div class="span4">
<!-- some html here -->
One way to think about this problem is to split the original collection into groups for each 3 sequential elements. Fortunately, you can use the GroupBy LINQ method using the "element index divided by 3" as key. IMO, the advantage of this solution is that it expresses more clearly your intent and has better performance than reiterating the collection with Skip(x * 3).Take(3) in the inner loop.
<div class="carousel slide>
#foreach (var group in Model.Select((x, index) => new { element = x, index }).GroupBy(x => x.index / 3, x => x.element))
<div class="item #if( group.Key == 0) {<text>active</text>}">
#foreach(var well in group)
<div class="span4">
<!-- some html here -->
I would even change the model type to ILookup<int, TElement> and perform the grouping in the controller.
