Measure width and height of Html element in Dart - dart

I would like to know the exact size of an element without margin, border and padding, just the width and height of the most inner box (see image below).
Currently i'm aware of the function "getBoundingClientRect" which gives the size including border and padding. There is also the "client" property which returns a Rect including the padding.
So the question is, how do i get the width and height without padding?

Unfortunately the DOM does not provide such functionality. That's why most libraries like jQuery, ExtJS, etc. provide helper methods. They essentially parse the style and figure it out.
Here's an example:
<div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #000"></div>
int getWidth(Element element) {
var paddingLeft ='px', ''); // You may want to deal with different units.
var paddingRight ='px', '');
return element.clientWidth - int.parse(paddingLeft) - int.parse(paddingRight);
And the usage:
You might consider dealing with different types of units (px, pt, em, ...).
The box-sizing property also has an effect you might want to check for.
If I or you happen to find the time, perhaps release a Pub package or something. :)

This pub package can predict the size of a text (without margin, border and padding) that does not yet exist in the DOM:

Try the relatively recently introduced Element.contentEdge, that seems to be exactly what you want.
This comment from a Google employee lists some more related methods that has also been added. Note that at least some of them are still marked as Experimental in the API docs, but they can be useful nonetheless.


SwiftUI - How to add padding outside border

In CSS there is padding and margin, the former adds empty spaces inside border, and the latter adds spaces outside. Currently I am learning SwiftUI, and I found the .padding modifier, which is equivalent to CSS's padding property, but cannot find margin's correspondence.
Does it exist or am I to create a wrapper view to achieve this goal?
SwiftUI's layout modifiers can be a bit confusing if you're coming from HTML and CSS.
Where CSS has a huge list of properties to choose from, SwiftUI tries to keep things simpler. To do that, it takes advantage of the ability to "chain" modifiers together.
For example, if you had a rectangle that needs internal padding of 8 pixels, a border of 1 pixel width and external margins of 10 pixels, you might express it in CSS like this:
.my-rectangle {
padding: 8px;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid red;
And in CSS it doesn't matter what order those properties occur within the double braces; each has a specific meaning and is applied in the same way, even if the border property is at the end or the beginning.
In SwiftUI, though, styling is done by applying a modifier to a View, giving you a new view with the modification applied. You can then apply another modifier to that, and another, and so on. And because each modifier is adapting what has gone before, the order is very important.
So if we have a view to which we need to add the same spacing as the example above, we'd structure it something like:
.padding(8) // <-- internal padding
.border(, width: 1) <<-- apply the border
.padding(10) // <-- apply more padding outside the border
Building views up gradually like this is what allows SwiftUI to keep the number of modifiers you need for most views reasonably small and focussed.
As you start building up more complicated views, you'll come across stacks and grids, which also have a concept of spacing between children. Depending on your design, it might be more useful to think about using spacing instead of external padding, especially if you start breaking your design up into reusable components.
But thinking about applying changes in a sequence, instead of all at once like CSS, is the key to constructing great SwiftUI views.

Vertical or horizontal rule in Vaadin Flow

I want to section off one area of a layout from another visually in my Vaadin Flow layout using the Java API.
I want something like the hr horizontal rule found in HTML. I would also want the equivalent, a vertical rule (which was never defined in HTML).
Is there some easy way to have a visual indicator of a thematic shift between parts of a layout?
Hr class
For an <hr> there is the Hr class.
verticalLayout.add(new Span("First"), new Hr(), new Span("Second"));
Another option is to create classes for the dividers, there are a few different ways of doing this, here's an example
public class Divider extends Span {
public Divider() {
getStyle().set("background-color", "blue");
getStyle().set("flex", "0 0 2px");
getStyle().set("align-self", "stretch");
And used as such
horizontalLayout.add(new Span("First"), new Divider(), new Span("Second"));
Using align-self and flex will only work in flex layouts, which includes HorizontalLayout and VerticalLayout. The beauty of this approach is that the same class will work in both. The flex: 0 0 2px tells it to be 2 pixels wide in the direction of the container, and not grow or shrink. The align-self: stretch will tell it to take the full size of the container in the perpendicular direction.
I write this answer as follow-up to my comment on Tazavoo's answer, which is great! I love their custom Divider class, and it has been asked whether this divider can be customized/styled further, something like it is done in this gradient borders page.
Of course this divider can be styled further! But the difference between the divider and the elements in the link is that in the link, the borders of an element is styled, while we need to style the actual element itself here.
CSS attribute in the linked page: border-image. CSS attribute for the Divider background-image.
(I am not familiar enough with CSS -webkit attrributes, so I don't know if you need more than just background-image for a good visualisation in all browsers)
The linked page makes the linear-gradient go in the direction to bottom. We could use that too, but then using the Divider horizontally would look different than using it vertically. That is why we need to set the direction to a diagonal, so both usages of the divider have a similar gradient. See proof of concept in w3schools' TryIt Editor
Here is how I set up the Divider class with a gradient:
public class Divider extends Span {
public Divider(){
getStyle().set("background-image", "linear-gradient(135deg, #777 , rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))");
getStyle().set("flex", "0 0 2px");
getStyle().set("align-self", "stretch");
To customize the linear gradient even more, please see the docs on w3schools
All the credits of the divider class go to #Tazavoo. Please go upvote their answer

How can I reduce the width of a form check box?

I have a form, ending with an "I agree to these terms and conditions line" with a checkbox.
The code that I have for the checkbox is currently:
Although all is functioning well, the width of the checkbox element is too much. This causes a very wide space between the "I agree..." statement, and the actual checkbox. Any tips on how I can left align the checkbox, or reduce the width of the checkbox's element.enter image description here
Standard checkboxes in Rails could be changed with CSS in the following way:
width: 10px //or however wide you desire
height: 10px
Although you should be detailed with your selector in case your checkbox is wrapped in some div with an ID, in which case the above will look slightly different:
#div input[type="checkbox"]
width: 10px //or however wide you desire
height: 10px

How to increase the caption area for vaadin timeline

If I add too many/too long captions to a vaadin7 timeline, they will only be displayed partially (i.e. the part we have space for is displayed and the remainder is truncated)
How can I increase this area in order to allocate enough space for all?
timeline.setGraphCaption(container, h.toString());
You need to add these rules in your scss file:
.v-timeline-widget .v-timeline-widget-modelegend{
background: inherit;
height: auto !important;
white-space: normal !important;
3 points:
While these rules may not met criteria of well-written CSS or good practice rules (I am looking at you !important), they do the trick. Still, better approach would be to get your hand dirty by editing Vaadin Timeline addon sources.
As you surely noticed text background has changed. That's because we override default background which was designed for only one line (you should provide your own background image)
Bottom of the widget is cut off by few pixels. Well, the only way to fix it is to jump into DOM and css and try fix it. Doable but I haven't tried.

how to change jquerymobile ui-blocks height and width

am using jquerymobile for representing a two column radiobuttons in my project, the problem am facing is the contents of the block-a is lengther than the contents of the block-b so am getting a difference of div size the output is at ( if u can lookat my out put the second question 6th option is small when compare to all the other ones the block size is based on the content how can i make same size for all the blocks without based on the content any help please needed
If you want all blocks to be the same height, you can set the height in CSS:
.ui-bar {
height: 100px !important;
