Highcharts format - highcharts

I am trying to work-out the format for Highcharts.
In one of the demos, there is the following call:
$.getJSON('http://www.highcharts.com/samples/data/jsonp.php?filename=range.json&callback=?', function(data) {code to build the chart
When the call is made, data similar to the following is returned:
/* 2009-01-01 */
[1230771600000, -5.8, 0.1],
[1230858000000, -4.1, 1.4],
[1230944400000, -0.5, 4.1],
[1231030800000, -8.9, -0.7],
[1231117200000, -9.7, -3.7],
[1231203600000, -3.4, 3.2],
[1231290000000, -3.9, -0.2],
[1231376400000, -2.4, 6.7],
[1231462800000, 3.8, 6.9],
[1231549200000, 3.1, 6.8]
The problem I am having is that I want to deliver the data through my own AJAX call that will have a result that will contain the graph data as well as some other things. However, I cannot seem to get the format correct so HC can read it. I read their pages about the formats, but with no luck.
I think the problem is the 'callback([]);' container needs to be removed, but when I do that, the data is not displayed in the chart.

i ran into the same problem once. your json has to be parsed before giving it into highcharts series
high charts series accepts an array in this format
whereas your unparsed json would try to give
after removing your 'callback([]);' container , you need to parse the individual '[x,y]' points before supplying it to the series object
one way of doing it(in js):
String[] jsonComponents= jsonWithoutContainer.split(",");
Iterate each of the jsonComponents array.
for each jsonComponent - String[] xyComps=jsonComponent.split(",");
x=parseFloat(xyComp[0]); y1=parseFloat(xyComp[1]); y2= parseFloat(xyXomp[2]);
put these in an array, using array1.push(x,y1) and the supply it to the chart.series(array1)

This callback is used for JSONP. You can simply use standard JSON to achieve that:
[[1230771600000, -5.8, 0.1], [1230858000000, -4.1, 1.4], [1230944400000, -0.5, 4.1] ... ]
Without any comments, function etc. If data would look this way, it should work.

Ok, I figured this out.
When jQuery loads all the data, it converts it into a string. Before it can be used by Highcharts, it needs to be converted back to an object using $.parseJSON(data).
Thanks Pawel and Austin for trying to help.


=importxml, Website to Google Sheets - getting #N/A every time

Website Link
xml options I have tried so far
<span aria-labelledby="amount">722</span>
None working
Trying to =importxml from here # a value of "722" this is value on 5/5/22 anyway.
Unfortunately, it seems that your expected value cannot be directly retrieved using the XPath. Because the value is put to the HTML using Javascript and IMPORTXML cannot analyze the result of Javascript. But, fortunately, it seems that your expected value is included in the HTML as the JSON data. So, in this answer, I would like to retrieve the value from the JSON data.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, IMPORTXML and REGEXEXTRACT are used.
The URL https://www.gazelle.com/iphone/iphone-13-pro-max/other/iphone-13-pro-max-1tb-other/498082-gpid is put in the cell "A1".
When this formula is used, the following result is obtained.
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, a custom function created by Google Apps Script is used. When the value is retrieved from JSON data, Google Apps Script is useful. When you use this script, please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Spreadsheet and save the script. And, please put a custom function of =SAMPLE("https://www.gazelle.com/iphone/iphone-13-pro-max/other/iphone-13-pro-max-1tb-other/498082-gpid") to a cell.
function SAMPLE(url) {
const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
const data = res.match(/<script.+data-component-name="GetOfferWrapper".+?>([\w\s\S]+?)<\/script>/);
if (!data || data.length == 0) return "No data";
const obj = JSON.parse(data[1]);
return obj.initState.defaultEstimatedValue;
The URL https://www.gazelle.com/iphone/iphone-13-pro-max/other/iphone-13-pro-max-1tb-other/498082-gpid is put in the cell "A1".
When this formula is used, the value of 722 is retrieved.
The formula and custom function can be used for the current HTML. So, when the specification of HTML is changed, those might not be able to be used. Please be careful about this.
Custom Functions in Google Sheets
you will need to find another site with intel you attempting to scrape. the #N/A error is the result of google sheets not supporting the import of JavaScript elements. you can always check for compatibility by disabling JS in site settings and only what's left can be usually scrapped. in this case its nothing:

format timezone using XSLT/xpath 2.0

I need to get one date in one format like this:
following this documentation page [1], I tried to do with this expression, but always get an error:
format-dateTime(current-dateTime(), "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]-[H01]:[m01]:[s][Z0000]")
I tried to put with this mask too:
format-dateTime(current-dateTime(), "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]-[H01]:[m01]:[s][Z0001]")
but the result is 2020-06-03-14:39:50+02:00
I need to delete the ":" on the offset, ¿Which mask may I use?
A workaround for your problem could be splitting the output of format-dateTime into two parts and remove the colon on the second expression:
concat(format-dateTime(current-dateTime(), "[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]-[H01]:[m01]:[s]"),translate(format-dateTime(current-dateTime(), "[Z0001]"),":",""))
Maybe this works for you.

Is there any limit for source in typeahead?

I am using JQuery typeahed from RunningCoder. Typeahead works well if I have few records in my source, but does not work if my source has around 500 records.
It is not related to the result count, which can be managed by maxItem parameter. Also, there is no issue in getting the JSON string from the server, as I can print it without any issue.
I know ideally, I should not have them in my page pre-loaded and search it based on the input, but in my case hitting the server for search is not an option and I want to perform the search from the static data I have in my view. Here is my code:
input: "#List .typeahead",
minLength: 3,
templateValue: "{{Text}}",
display: ["Text", "Subtext"],
emptyTemplate: 'No results for "{{query}}"',
template: '<span>' +
'<span class="result" id="{{Value}}">{{Text}}</span>' +
source: {
Issuer: {
data: #Html.Raw(Model.EveryThing)
In my code above if Model.Everything has 40-50 records then it works fine, but does not work for around 500 records.
After figuring out the issue, would like to explain it a bit as this may help someone. By using above code, you can search the list based on two fields i.e. Text and Subtext, but the user will see only Text in the result and then can select from matching options. This will be very useful if you want to perform the search on more than one field but show just one field.
Figured it out after creating sample data on my own, rather than relying on server response. The issue is not with the length of the result, but null entries in the result.
In my data, there are few objects with Subtext as NULL, and that causes the issue, I fixed it by replacing the NULL with an empty string, and this works as expected now.

JSON Parsing issue in Rails

I am seeing a strange issue in Rails.
Request Body (request.body):
JSON Parsed Params (params[:renewals]): https://gist.github.com/t2/5566652
Notice in the JSON that the driver_1 information is missing on the last record. Not sure why this is. The data is in the request. Any known bug I am missing? Let me know if you need more info.
Unfortunately this is just how Rails parses JSON like this (where your [] is massively nested). I've come up against this before - http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html#combining-them gave some explanation.
From what I remember, if you can put in numeric keys rather than just [] (i.e. [1] for the first one, [2] for the second etc.) then it will work as you want it to.
So I figured it out. I needed to set the requestSerializationMIMEType to RKMIMETypeJSON.

Send params{} hash to another method in same controller

I am working on very complex and dynamic form where I do lot of calls to various methods to render partials depending upon values chosen for drop downs using jQuery. Problem is that after filling the form if it fails validation the form loses all the filled in values upon re-load. I got around this by sending some specific values from params{} hash to methods for my partials on re-load. But it is very cumbersome and I have large number of elements in params hash. How can send the whole params{} to another method in the same controller using jQuery?
Ok I tried this in my form:
$.post("/collections/show_selected_media_fields",{media_type: $("#collections_controller_ev0_media_id option:selected").text(), parent_form_action: "<%=params[:action]%>",ev0_manufacturer_id:"<%=params[:collections_controller_ev0].inspect%>", }, function(data) {$("#show_selected_media_fields").html(data);});
It produces following string sent as parameter:
Parameters: {"ev0_manufacturer_id"=>"{"client_asset_id"=>"", "status_id"=>"6", "server_
name"=>"", "media_id"=>"11", "serial_number"=>"", "evidence_number&quot
;=>"qwe", "notes"=>"", "model"=>"", "manufacturer_id"=>"69&quot
;, "interface"=>"SATA", "obtained_from"=>"wr", "evidence_type_id"=>"1"}
", "media_type"=>"Server", "parent_form_action"=>"quick_save"}
how can I convert this raw string to a hash in controller?
needs to be converted to
{"client_asset_id"=>"",... etc}
ok I tried Tom's method. That produces the params as a string in the following shape. I tried to convert it into hash by doing an eval on it. But it errors out.
{commit=>Save, ev1_current_location_id=>, collections_controller_ev1=>{file_system=>NTFS, obtained_from=>, evidence_number=>, interface=>SAT
A, size_unit=>GB, manufacturer_id=>, encryption_version=>, media_id=>3, size=>, evidence_type_id=>3, other_encryption=>, encryption_method=>
N/A, serial_number=>, model=>, encryption_key=>}, ev0_from_location_category=>, ev0_obtained_from_email_id=>, collections_controller_ev0=>{o
btained_from=>, evidence_number=>, media_id=>1, evidence_type_id=>1, status_id=>6}, custody_action=>Create, collection=>{acquired_by=>Amande
ep Singh, custodian_id=>12, matter_id=>58, location=>sa Nose, client_id=>11, software_version=>, collection_date_time=>Fri Nov 30 14:28:06 -
0800 2012, acquisition_method=>Direct Collection, notes=>, software_id=>1}, _method=>put, utf8=>Γ£ô, ev1_current_location_category=>, ev0_cu
rrent_location_category=>, add_working_copy=>No, ev1_obtained_from_email_id=>, authenticity_token=>3vyn6057DDIyfgTnbckeh5heRTIgcVBfxtY89Krfr
/c=, ev1_existing_artifact_type=>, ev0_from_location_id=>, action=>quick_save, ev1_from_location_id=>, ev1_from_location_category=>, ev0_cur
rent_location_id=>, controller=>collections}
using .to_json and HTMLEntities gem I have gotten to a point where I have the following string. I need to convert it back to params hash. How to?
{"utf8"=>"Γ£ô","collection"=>{"acquired_by"=>"Amandeep Singh","notes"=>"","matter_id"=>"58","software_id"=>"1","acquisition_method"=>"Direct
Collection","client_id"=>"11","custodian_id"=>"0","collection_date_time"=>"Fri Nov 30 15=>52=>12 -0800 2012","software_version"=>"","locati
on"=>"sa Nose"},"ev0_current_location_id"=>"","ev1_existing_artifact_type"=>"","ev1_obtained_from_email_id"=>"","custody_action"=>"Create","
========== edit==========
I am using the following in my view.
JSON( params[:collections_controller_ev0])
It sends following quoted string to my controller.
I convert it into valid JSON string as below using gsub('"','"'). The output is a VALID JSON string as validated by http://jsonlint.com/ shown below.
JSON.parse works without error on this string but does not produce a properly formed hash. It produces following:
Can someone please tell me how to correct this?
Try <%=raw params[:action]%> and <%=raw params[:collections_controller_ev0]%> instead
I think it will work fine.
$.post("/collections/show_selected_media_fields",{media_type: $("#collections_controller_ev0_media_id option:selected").text(), parent_form_action: <%=raw params[:action]%>,ev0_manufacturer_id:<%=raw params[:collections_controller_ev0].inspect%>, }, function(data) {$("#show_selected_media_fields").html(data);});
params is basically a hash. So you can use .to_json on it. Then in your controller you can convert it from JSON to a hash with JSON.parse().
It's generally a much better idea to use JSON if you're going to be dealing with it in Javascript or HTML at all.
The method showed in my last edit works! it produces correct hash.
