How to get the latest tweets in the default octopress theme? - twitter

this might be a stupid question but why am I unable to let my tweets show up on my octopress blog? I just switched to octopress and as I read in the documentation, you just have to type in your twitter name in the _config.yml file. Github works fine for me however?
What am I missing?

The issue is that Twitter recently updated their API, ending support unauthenticated JSON. The old API exists, but it's subject to rolling blackouts of the API. You can see the discussion on it on github: Octopress issue 1099. As you've noted, you can get a Twitter widget to do the trick.


how to get twitter feeds in shopify

I am trying to get twitter feeds in to my shopify site. I want to get the feeds and style them as I want and thus cant use a app.
I know how to do it using PHP but can not use that code in shopify and looking for a way I can use OAuth in shopify and get the feeds. I tried the shopify docs but without an example its kinda hard to actually get my head around it.
Thats the link I am using as a guide. If anyone can direct me to an example which might be similar that would be awesome. (google didnt seem to be that helpful this time either)
I know you said you didn't want to use an app, but can I suggest taking a look at Twitify? You can use custom CSS to style your tweets. Also see discussions about Twitify here and here.
Twitter changed their display guidelines and policies on embedding of tweets on websites in June 2013. One of the themes I used for a client earlier in the year had custom styling of tweets, and they have now changed it to use the official Twitter widget to meet the new guidelines. In fact, the images on the Shopify theme store show how it used to look before Twitter changed things:
And after:
I think using an app like Twitify would be the easiest way to deal with these changes to embedding tweets.
Thanx for the suggestion. I did take a look at that before I posted this question. This is a project for a client and I dont think getting a plug in is a viable option. Anyways I found a work around.
Hosted the file on a server and then accessed it. So that resolved the problem. :)
I used node.js to write the script and get the posts as required.
you can use the app for that Twitify or you can Embed a Twitter feed in your online store
Go to your Twitter settings.
Click Widgets to open the widgets menu.
Create a new widget, following Twitter's instructions.
Copy the embed code.

Get RSS feed of a Twitter hashtag

A client of mine wants to get an RSS feed for a twitter hashtag and include it in a list of other feeds from a variety of other sites.
I've Googled it all morning and I get a mix of answers. Some say it's possible, others say not anymore.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
Unfortunately, as of the API v1.1 upgrade on June 11th 2013, twitter now only gives responses in JSON. You can view the official announcement here.
That being said, I think you may need to think broader with your google searching ;)
Within 30 seconds, I found this, and it looks like exactly what you're looking for:
RSS readers cannot subscribe to JSON feeds. twitter-json-to-rss is a set of PHP scripts that you install on your public facing server that allows you to get around this problem.
Heres the library. Note this is entirely untested by myself, so you'll have to check it out.
Basically, you need to send an authenticated request to the twitter 1.1 API, get your data, then convert the returned json to RSS for your client.
If you're using PHP, this is the fastest post to help you get up to speed with requests to the 1.1 API in PHP.
It's not possible anymore. Twitter removed RSS feeds from their data formats and will require you to use their API to achieve that.

Ruby on Rails with twitter APIs

Is this possible in Ruby on Rails to update your blog posts on your twitter account using twitter APIs and omniauth. Please suggest me.
More: I have a blog, where i create a new post on blog, this update should go to my twitter account as well as I tweet , this tweet should be shown to my home of blog.
Please suggest me. how it is possible.
Vieenay Siingh
When you post to this website, we are expecting you to have done a background search before.
Anyway, you should find what you need On the rubygems website

Has Twitter removed the unauthenticated user RSS timeline feeds?

I have previously used the following URL to access my tweets and embed them on a website:
It seems that just this morning though, I'm getting the following error:
Sorry, that page does not exist
Does anyone know what might have happened to this service, and what an alternative might be?
It appears that this is a permanent change made by Twitter (see Twitter API's tweet)
Instead they're moving to a versioning system like below:
By changing the user_timeline file extention you're able to receive the feed in different formats, IE:

Github Authentication API in Rails

I've been frustrated in my efforts to find information about this because a lot of the links posted on StackOverflow and elsewhere to related topics are 404'd. The Github API only says how to do things from the command line, and none of the gems I've found have given this kind of support. I know, however, that it is possible, because I've seen it done before.
How would I go about getting a user's current Github login information? That is, if a user is logged into Github, I want to find that out and use some of their user information in my website. If they are not logged in, I want to connect to Github to log them in.
Is there a gem for this, and if so, what is it and how does it work (if there isn't sufficient documentation)? If there isn't, then how do I go about using the Github API to do this in Ruby?
For authenticating with github, use the excellent omniauth gem with the (offcial) omniauth-github strategy.
You can see what basic information about the user you will get when the user authenticates with github here.
And here is a list of omniauth strategies that people have posted. For a good getting-started example, see the facebook strategy.
I found this blog post on using the Omniauth-Github gem. Provides a great tutorial top to bottom.
I used it today with no issues. Blog Post: Omniauth-Github Tutorial
