How to convert URL file 'Smooth streaming' to Apple HLs format? - ios

iOS App
for Live streaming
I am getting the response from server
like this, (You can check)
Which is Smooth Streaming file.
How to play this file in my ios app.
Is there any run time converter to convert this file to Apple HLS ?
Any player*(Smooth Streaming)* like
OSMF plugin for iOS
HTML5 player
Silverlight plugin for iOS
Actually :
Actually we have not tried much with Azure Framework. We setted up
the IIS server and got the live streaming.
Played stream by HTML5 video tag in web view.
By following this link
We can able to play live streaming in our iOS devices.
Still I am happy if I can configure the windows AZure framework to do the same.

You can use the Windows Azure Media Services for converting SmoothStreaming media content into Apple HLS content. Either you use the Management Portal to upload your media assets and then encode it with the preset "Playback on iOS devices and PC/MAC" or you use the REST Api for the Windows Azure Media Services at runtime.
With the REST API you can utilize the Windows Media Packager to encode Smooth Streaming content for HLS. Find a sample configuration for that task here.


live video streaming formats supported in iOS programming

I am working live video streaming in iPad app. I have done it previously using MPMediaPlayer with HTTP servers.
From link here I understand that "iOS devices support HTTP progressive download for .mp4 files, the server could be simply Apache or Nginx. The user experience is quite similar to HTTP live streaming , RTSP is also possible. You can migrate live555 to iOS platform as the RTSP client, as use DarwinStreamingServer as the RTSP server.
But my client has provided video streaming URLs in UDP (eg. udp://225.X.X.X:XXXXX ) format and also suggested to refer links link1 and link2 as support to his statement that this will work in iOS for live video streaming.
But I am unable to relate provided links by him with requirement.
My doubts are -
what all formats does iOS supports for live video streaming ?
Does this udp link is of use for me in iOS for video streaming ?
On wifi, iOS supportS everything, because you have access to raw sockets, and the h.264 decode via VideoToolbox. So any protocol can be developed even If there is no out of box support. If you want the video to work over a cellular network, it MUST use HLS. no other options. (Unless you are Facebook, then apple will grant exceptions to this policy)

Wowza Publish the live Stream on Apple HLS demand

The problem is simple. In Wowza when I use a stream file in live mode (so the streaming are published only when requested through RTMP), I'm not able to publish the streaming and get the video streaming when I use the JWPlayer on IOS (so through Apple HLS) so i'm looking for a method for streaming the cams-live on iOS on demand!
I've just started in Wowza so I cannot write Java code to expand the functionality for the moment so be patient.
I've seen this post on stackoverflow, but i can't see the solution, Wowza: Need to stream rtp-live to iphone !

Objective C: iOS: Audio Streaming and Audio Uploading using RTMP

I have to record the high volume sound. It can be upto 60 seconds. The application is already made on flash and the current flash application uses rtmp (red5 server) and streams the recording to the server in real time as FLV. I have uploaded the audio file on server as mp3 from iOS application but this approach is not useful as the volume is very high as mentioned above. So I want to use rtmp (red5 server) for iOS application. I want to ask is it possible that I can record the audio and upload on this server and also can steam from there?
Edit-1: I want to ask that whether Apple can reject the application if we use the RTMP iOS library in our application?
Edit-2: I did some research and found some 3rd party libraries like:
I want to know, whether it is possible to directly connect from iOS to RTMP server?
Or these libraries use the middle layer approach with HTTP to connect to RTMP?
Example: iOS -> HTTP Server -> RTMP Server (red5)
I will appreciate the help.

Streaming HLS to iOS devices using Windows Azure Media Services

I have been doing some exploring of Azure Media Services, specifically with media converted to HLS. I walked through the process of creating HLS content using a process similar to the one outlined in this HLS Walkthrough
Now that I have my HLS content in Azure, I am hoping to stream it just as you would any m3u8 stream. I have tried the following:
WebView in iPad – works OK, it's jumping and not very smooth
Safari on OS X – does not work at all
VLC Player – does not work at all.
Granted this i not exhaustive nor thorough (yet) but before I continue I wanted to get feedback if anyone has any. I stumbled along WAMS Media Player for iOS regarding the Smooth Player for iOS. Is the expectation here that the Smooth Player developed for iOS is the best way to consume HLS generated media from WAMS?
As I understand it, Safari's support (or lack thereof) for HLS depends on QuickTime -- there are versions of QuickTime that do support HLS (QuickTime Pro), but by default, the support is not there.
I suggest you transcode to both Smooth Streaming and HLS. Serve Smooth Streaming via Flash or Silverlight to Windows/Mac clients and HLS via HTML5 to iOS clients.

Live streaming Azure framework,is url issue?

Working on ios app.
For live streaming.
Using Azure framework.
I am receiving the bytes at run time.
But could not play them in Azure Media Player.
In Demo app we are able to play the static url from the server.
But when we are streaming live we have to create the url like from server.
Should I convert the Manifest file to .m3u8 format ?
Any body knows how to convert that manifest file to m3u8 file format ?
Please. is a Smooth Streaming Manifest that can't be played back using Azure framework. You will need to create HLS live stream.
**For live streaming using Azure framework I was getting 'SmoothStreaming' url.
Which I could not play on iOS device directly.As told by Mingfei Yan in above answer**
So, We searched another way then Azure
We followed this link to set up the IIS server.
And we got the Apple HLS stream to play in Safari or
Still I am waiting to use Azure Frameork If I configure it properly.
